Show TELEGRAPHIC TALES tersely TOLD A RESUME p OF THE WEEKS WEEK DO INGS IN AND OTHER COUNTRIES important events of the past leej Ys reported r by wire and pre ped listed fop a the I 1 S benefit of th bu y reader R rd natt r intermountain tile b he od 11 of M du ij aclus clus a tool boo y oil tle tofile entombed m aea to solely in the north butt c in 1 1 1 1 of bull h 1 d e no the faile P oneas been ou mg IL f the cut tire has 18 L aillard allardt principal of t the P 1 1 I na U utah tub hilia hah seh school shot hot to cut th 1 C i holmes one of his pop p luu nd f friend id of ears are who man filial d eai b I 1 leek ed his home Of officers livers hive a a III CA at III idaho lie rall rail idaho eddlo bom aiom the greys grey a take lake counte in bon C county ailta having ailing I 1 in cua a tod cods wiiiiam III Iam hackins Hav kins who is charged charge si etli ith the I 1 killing bilog of n man named rose lines hawkins ahins Is an englishman and ties rose mas a a geiman bah were I 1 in the ma em ploy id of of a named poll pelt end and then that became ma in involved alred in an a argument or er I 1 the 1 11 war r T the result was ms that at haw am kins kIS shot Auit and killed rose role alt all ue lie ind indians in 4 on the san ane ignio reser reservation Nation have bae registered according to a a ine I 1 age go fee from the hold headquarters quitters of their heir resen atlon A in colorado ute chiefs named polk and P py poey y m with th I 1 of foll followers recently reported report Pd as a towns in the A vicinity III ity of tile the apiou coati continue one to alf riffie to submit to inith authora au thorl oriLl tile go governor echor of idaho hilt has offered a runs reward d of 25 for the airest rest of each slacker r lu in the tha stilt state Is term atlist andt 19 the protest prote t of state officials ont uie U ceneus bale budeau es boost amate of G el eh libles lelea in the state of oc IN 1 a camp r it with h an actu ild il of ins ost siai ul beneral cl ow der he has sent seat met woid to 11 geneall lister a that wash ato quota buom of troops I 1 oops must mas be fui ut nihed on tho the co census 8 bu bureau r co beat basis DOMESTIC ITIC two too me men or are lead t two aie I 1 dilag fifteen nileen others are in hospitals iv wounded mounded and full folli othel are am I 1 asing as I 1 the a re result al t of a al hiie mil clelon IWIC build ing big used sea as a robill gennep by the american Amerl cati augur refining refilling company on tile the brook broad ln in enter floor T to american rauhman rauh mon held the for ford at 1 sleta issett irma I 1 exas ednes dav night a a band 0 twenty five fand mounted mexicans aho vho at tempted to raid the anne american iran settlement dicing chilling them bick bich into NI ila afeei ate I 1 a third had come to their as a aisle sla tance a I 1 aldemar von nosta 6 ohl doimer arner editor r of f the ila gachter 11 biter end nd A ncr a german daiev loll 1011 published at he has her been licese arrested sted III bv fell fed bial agents ou on tile the charke charge of being on ila nieu ad joe efiem and 1 aill I be interim fur f tile the rest of 1 the war or mrs bic be rena hrrman shed I 1 tears at he her minder bunde trial jet at so san pran rasco ie ivhon he one a of the maimed victims of the preparedness parade bomb ex cestla it beat about tile the ille circum ne stances attending her by the blast peter peler 29 ie years old was s the ahe ill heat ait victim of tile the 3 seir 31 1 in fida it he nas or overcome june 12 2 in a tool steel plant milli he be a was I 1 em proved delved A hith commissioner to tile the united ebah S matey lets will be appointed by air tile the atilian go eronie nt his task mai will be similar to unit A of the cinch high commie inner 4 andre dr Ti get gertman jangling lun guage I 1 instruction to student denla ot of chemistry ties hill beun been 1 I d led f tor tile the period of tile the war b bv ti alie fulty faculty of case care school of ap ali plied sit science at cl cleveland llad 0 arh french will mill be substituted tile the em isId 1 act will Pr provide lill ila n is may army 1 of 2 WO won tun ubo ho have bale of if fare tile themselves 11 without indicating an any C because beca of pha 1 do dib ali dependent relatives or occupy chent flaime anding inding to a bill statement bement made b provost marshal SIar bhul Getie ial cro rom it dt r sunday are a a alco necessity bit it was mas declared in court at anatall o iowa a who when a iol complaint 9 1 the its limes jim tribune for violating jointing the loll 1011 ioa blue alms wa me di decd Cd lord 1 ortheline 1 I 1 on so an ore errand to america A to he ge coordinate british abtil ties here as a CO risa Cl clan Cn a tic alve a of tile the brill british at 9 1 ermi cent arri verl in the united a june 11 on an I 1 nu steamer or jackson burnet reputed to be tile a balth lest italian indian in tile the ua united led states A has abed ato to liberty ann loan bonds ban As 11 ills his mardal call J U ot if ij hen on inta oki I 1 led ledges te of ivahn to the nation mm rema rem renewed a d by affiliate ofEl elala of if ill the raili oud im thelow 1 in nt at their that nn rate ilal I 1 sunday ut at PAd hide S nt t m ellch well theodore vaa tile the chief speaker william H aus his m wife if and id his do lighter all miss 14 allainer been a dered I 1 apar bar col murdered annalora tir tach t ir cr A c ere mui AI pleasant 3 11 lie farm alm buildings bull dinga mer vi en burned italian coal minor at Colli collierville erville it to re rei mirml appawoo Ap co counte I 1 I 1 la AS of tort fortl lire five ot of later ond and tile the arrest it them lie lias bee been ordered werner ham who declared fla of the german laud Behr was a found guilty in tile the federal I 1 court urt at new york on is a charge horg of no fully illy transporting Y d dynamite I 1 in A inter state diate cam commerce him MIS I 1 orr arrested td in ro february beinar 1915 aft after no na attempt to blow up the lie international an birdge go ut at Vance vanceboro boro me life nick mck fumat eted 23 29 mid so nn I 1 av W 11 wag shot hot in a tile the back at virgin minn alton dmd hy Y Patio linan loarl pickle while lie u wa running 9 may away fee from treat arrest on u choice ot of hing ft a blacker adaist pr curt r I 1 ehnenn to forni erly german conion minister er to atam guatemala w lio was handed ill his when that fast amill 11 lie a ced diplomatic eash relations with germany german has arrived at new orleans orleana from C armal ameilla ce ea route ota to car fien e having ben been given file safe of con a duct through tile the united states state washington accepting the house compromise for acquisition or of tile the jamestown jame t 0 m a ekpo expo theT Vt tion site as a naval base e the senate finally enacted the bar or budget bill and ad sent at it to the ill p icat convinced that clen of a food fal f al administration tin will mill bring brine goleas in the t le ie failed down dome fully to RO per met cent anted imbor ib e a oil ill get cly hp be hind the food filed control bills pending la in congress col iress and inge aluir immediate ima en an U tin en t ron hear admiral bubett E F P told a sub hub committee rum mitta of tile the kemte s to military noli tr committee that tile the airplane WT ms tile the cheapest and quickest cia lacer answer to the ill submarine anh antrine and it that it 1000 airplanes api seer bout abroad they would amud do ore more to curb tile the subal menace I 1 than be anything else ele that could be done tile the nor department ties has called for gruns rr uns fa an order to till hit tile hie regular army to war mur boeme june SO 30 1 hearings on the application of the laili oads dic of tile the countin for a fiete fifteen per colit cent tat else in freight rates mas has closed by the interstate comme ac commission on an june 12 at to tei three weeks of testimony univ and a ar marat tile lie aasum hns has eighteen days auns in As ciuch to consider coil tile the cise e contil of exports aas w as giden agn eu tile the g government t when tile the senate finally aipa d tile esclon age bill m with lie ita clause 1 ahe I he ith measure to now w sint at to the in president deal for his signature puts into ill the a he hands As of ill the ce executive ae a weapon open 1 match it 11 Is 11 intended to stop supplies from on entering let I 1 dg german corneal through neutral I 1 countries ill FOREIGN major general pershing rilling Pe orfed 1 in imis pai is on june 13 the general to re ce ed a welcome as lie proceeded the thronged thron ged boule ards d llie ille auth sonth atlantic linor liner sequent alth 50 geia gris on oil board lias lie been torpedoed and sunk H I 1 ath aa a loas of men tile the beque seque a wis m zunli in 1 the in atlantic among along the lie passengers pa geis I 1 was a detachment ot of the ben elfiea tile the beckh lapping report issued As june 12 bi tile admiralty states abet that tu at 5 two met boncal of if mole moie ahn ill A bon too tons 8 mm sunk ten to merchantman merchantmen merchant men of less a than that ton t lacic aage I 1 a also 1 avra sunk timothee tofee ti lher with six fishing filling vessels his presidential mandate nian dite dissolving tile the chinese chime parliament has been ignec by chang chana chao b cluing chung as a act ing picador lie he having accepted the poc u which litch dr IN u ting I 1 ang former ambassador to tile united star artates r re ii ined I 1 egland is gl given on less than two more months montha of life bv here ro von heide laid in id native leadar in the retch reich stag mg in a swift ned anil deadly raid on the city of I 1 oin emdon on june julie id 13 german h p I 1 look no a heava be I 1 tall in li killed I 1 11 A and wounded mandell 97 being killed and wounded midd moice bomea and ad child children pro pre it mila it in the list tile the fell foicey in tile the Ikuss luns nt it the franc runt which are ki loval ul to tile pro vib ional goi ei nun nt hac ha e had their thal hist test of strength with dis loidl and ad h have won a notable vie lie icily the death by star starvation 0 o within line all of 50 belgian amt interned d I 1 in germany geramas 1 is iri in a semi of if ficiala statement stati ment III given out at I 1 havre haire fi r ace ahe fall of con tan line I A king of 1 tile the 11 11 Is hah I 1 1 come a in ill response use to tile demand of if tile the pi electing pow paw ors era I 1 ranee rae gibat buntain slid and russia the greek king abdicated on in june 12 in hi favor f r of hla his second bon prince ahe 1 be spanish torpedo boat beat no 6 ati ill covered the germun submarine U 52 d from gun gunshows gunshots shots rhill w bieh had bell til her engines tile the waa S lowed into a ladia and stripped of her mil elba apparatus british troops lae bale cil captured adoth or er mile data of a f trenches he of messines MeB sines together with several ahat field guns and primmer toneri mer accordine accord A lne to an it the u repair flat billion head quarters q caare I 1 bremler r borden has proposed con for Com canadians dias to in order to ilse 1 more men to assist tile the allies A swiss citizen who art arrived I 1 oil at zurich from jusay recently recen cou tl aport that them 19 t much misere in the pro pm R ance hut uhe tile eli alti s it from achl 1 a and tile eastern easier part dart or of mol jaala in i u copt capt allen alien tucker aucker master r ot of the remo nhip oilean the first american met to reach a ruch port aati ammi declaration of mim stilt li tel huschor alfare presented sib a silver liver medal by it the city cay of f bondaux Bordi Bord aux on ills his last A malt f it to I 1 h port part |