Show PARIS PROUD OF PERSHING ler frenchmen lorms eat hu 1 I antic in their welcome afcan of Am american can general paris the first day spent in paris by major go general pershing vaa nee a oni continuous firm us succession of dem do Tbt rations great thrones filled the I 1 ia iti de la concorde Cou corde early in tile the day hoping to catch a glimpse of the arms amer anns an of french soldiers die on I 1 leave ve from the front ming mingled d in the us ail thrones be lite end and gave bear hearty testing to the troop tra of fit tile seemie second cavalry who she accompanied general 1 rm A large american flag ma waed ed oer let ills generals hotel and 11 uh the frelih fr ili anil it aam american a in colors were more I 1 in bert |