Show UTAH ANO mm scarcity of farm far labor too la I 1 can fine IN rorry borry among the M abr t armors A it flown at tell town club room an for ad alivira dbr ties been provided oled by AA of salt lake A gunnison Gunn lson auxiliary to ill the salt AAR lake red cros waa one craned ora ned d last wc w week C it james Mx maxwell isell and eddie madison it trustees at the stae prison made thir their escape sunday right night the amount at of if coal on hind la in city yards ari in I 1 salt left lake 11 Is A said at to be tons bals as com compared with 20 tons or more one year acco it I 1 is believed hog him calr cholera he tins III baoen out at in millar it C arl a numb ot of sus suspected case casca IA having no be been tined lined bud and being watched waid struck by a F P G train near ar thur gluseppi Gla capriel an italian tallow tailor of oai field died at the emer color ancy cy hospital lipit 1 at the agari mill plans tor for the of a coal company of it the business men of salt lake mere w ere made at a 1 meeting I 1 tt g of co coal I 1 consumers of salt I 1 lake a I 1 last t w week a L asna members b ers of tile the foreign born tie population P b don of the mining camps of utah uan t and esp in carbon curb county have b ile responded nobly tn in the purchase pui chase loc ot of liberty I 1 loin bonds the surface mra men of three of at the largest mines I 1 in palk paik city who h track june I 1 returned tair lied to mok amm monday and ad a complete compete shutdown of the for three plants has been averted alerted samull samuel brockbank who she had the ill dis tilt tie or of being the first white ali to male child born bar n en in spanish grain 1 all fork died at his home june jun 7 after t a lingering illness flow torn a of if diseases in addition to subscribing for far lib erty eft bonds tile the masonic organ batlin of f ogden hill have voted to contribute 80 a m month nth in ailing aiding the families of ogden men an who milt aie called to As barve aaning the a war in many any salt gait lake pit pulpits pbs on sun day references were me a made to if the a urgent necessity nece Asat of rell aithur the no isa atonal guard of utah to its full quota and ad appeals were made for far the men required 1 in the city commissioner walter M raw boaden 0 1 the state late dairy and food department has sort sent out idank blink printed forms forma to county agents in tor for the to food ad survey of utah which his deault an mint cat Is to conduct the week four new of bobs and ad girls gr club ab work war it in utah were mere ap all pointed during tile the month of may sc ac cording carding to a report just completed by plot JC J C ll hogenson genson of tile the extension division of the altah Agil cultural col AA lege As aa the outcome of a straggle over a rossi ross toss eslon i A of a revolver W L jones aged 36 a sheepherder Is 1 in a salt lake hospital in a serious condition slid lilly jones ged aged 40 a rooming rig house houe keeper Is under arrest with the shooting young mc men of tile the mormon Amon church m alire AS al g it to show preference tor far tile the at to a I 1 gud gu guard d of utah in selecting IA ting th their air set service 1 lee tor for the world war mar tn in a Pom powerful erful addles which wis bundic at silt lake by prcy at josiph jo ph F S a ill the 2 vear ear old child of mr and mis MA beorse G mi otToo aftel eIe was drowned I 1 in ill the tr I 1 im that runs th routh smith bk back lot ahe ill little tot ter a tiding to pull his coaster m wagon go lwe fiant a crack 1 in to the brid bridge go and ad be dime aw ov ciliate er balanced coil the b D delta elta commercial club and tile the delta B beet t sugar company have hala haded a lit call asking for men allen to corli lit tile naba beat beet liebb bh the it new a DO R tac f tore has hai ranted planted as ahme air uro adiole than lioio rose ot of sugar belts TAL nt it ir delta a an that need cultivating after baling obtained a reputation for regularity by matuling matui ing eaily in the of june iune the famous eail call june peas of and adjacent counties nie 1 1 in it danger get vt of iglar lobing their doai good mine tor for ti present reseat crop into cale to that tiry must armat be called eaily july uly peas this year borneo I 1 of salt lk gave go f faither b evidence of their desire to do th ir bit in conserving tile the food supply el when a announcement one aas made ad hot week that the salt lale lake fedi fed ratiba of fw wall mens leti s clubs bit has provided tor for demon demo I 1 a stint ious b br experts parts ot of diving and ad canning of 0 feats annta and vegetables i chomas III ran redwood secretary of the lit state livestock limits ant acu to to limit hunt and ad kill coyotes colma and timber if lee wall wolves so 1 and I sava a S that the will vila be paid ft aiom a taj to 0 o c 10 a month each cath for ill alig merl which 1 Is to be done don under the its joint du duet lion of 0 the livestock tim comenia mall siou a and a the he united SIUILA 1 staley cy it 1 la reported 1 in so salt it I 1 lake like that thea will tie be no a or hairo in tile business I 1 adart dd ARt 1 vacated upon the advent of bagnat august I 1 every bay saloon in I 1 ill leathal zone an will mill be immediate r reopened pen ai abher by the apera them bettes lies or by other tenants in hams a other hue of lund bus luesa german prisoners of war use to the number of muA uffing officers and men of tile the lanm erman fc L raidar told Co cormorant Cor moran blown oil up by the kaisers keisers orders order at guam at tile the time of declaration of a state of war by the united mates bal but been interned at fort eort it 1 has be been CAL announced al that 1 little national do dairl in tt ashington counts the etrace wener ner or of the state will mill be up opened cited J june aw 20 tile the new state road has been camp completed sted f from am lund on the suit salt lake falke houte lluis it to little litrio awo a detain r of t wiles it |