Show if you have a communication for publication hand it in not later than tuesday noon our best A le for satisfying our customers js is the very best advertisement we can have and we believe any one of our customers will frankly tell you that we have that name we realize that even one customer who is not satisfied may cause us considerable annoyance and a loss of profit from several sales this aside from any question of right is one reason why we gu guarantee a rantee every sale i we guarantee every article we sell to be as represented in every particular why run risks 0 buy guaranteed goods parowan carowan equitable s MAKE YOUR FINAL PROOFS and so do yount land bus business aness with W WARNER MITCHELL clerk ak of f th p court v t n tom litan anil set the baclic of hil four amr enca write him for any pe are c prepared to do you coin no mercial STE sig see window dis display I 1 just the thing for summer to get a littlehoe little hot water quickly EACH let us demonstrate to you 3 THERE THERiS IS A SHORTAGE OF FLY 1 I POWDER GET YOURS EARLY a parowan carowan drug store stoke the busy store ain 1 R Is an important factor that is not over I 1 looked by the shrewd shopper and our goods have this characteristic we have fresh clean reliable groceries at lowest possible prices our line of dry goods is such that we are able to guarantee added style quality and a new charm to your summer frocks if our material is used dont forget to look at our canvas footwear we have the brown anu shu 13 shoe and the white loungers for men wo bi men and children every effort of our entire organization is dir direct eced toward maintaining the quality and standard stan daid of our merchandise mm mercantile AND manufacturing CO 11 |