Show PAYING lis AS WE GO BO with a all due T respect to the rights in danger of of posterity we are of paying 8 as overdoing the matter we roll in this war under ordinary circumstances this is a most praiseworthy policy but this is an extraordinary occasion in a the life of the that portion of it world or at least represented by the demorales demo dem of the world the present go generation ne raton is 11 tailed called upon towage to wage a war that has no parellee par ellel cl in n history to this struggle of th the e must be brought every ounce nations energy and be sure it will the limit unless all 11 be taxed to very signs fall fail we must raise prodigious armies of men for fighting and we must mobilize equally prodigious arm armies es for production each of these armies has a stupendous task tali before it and if that task is to be dished the armies must be permitted the free use of every resource a val lable if we were engaged in a for a mere temporary the pay as we go policy would b fair but we are aiming at results result that will benefit future generations generation even more than the present thi the fate of democracy is 13 in the balance we are called upon to fight for its iti perm permanent nent establishment h a h ment in thi the earth for what purposed purpose 7 for foi that of rendering this earth a bertei habitation for our children than i has been for their fathers should we then be called upon to do ALL ALI of the work and ALL of the pai paving to be specific in our pro provision for financing this war both no and in later periods we should d bi very careful that the ivi power of the country is not crippled great care should be exercised ir in the levying of taxes that the full ful efficiency of productive agencies bi not lowered by undue taxation every industry and every individual should he be permitted to exert then their ful fill power and only surplus alcum accum ions should be sacrificed billions of working capital can b raised on bonds bearing nominal I 1 in terest thy the governments credit i unlimited tamma thia is a fight for the future 0 mankind and future genera generation should bare their share of th burdens and at that they wi make no such sacrifices sacrifice a as th present generations gena rations will be called callec upon pon to make since we must tive give both of ou accumulations and our lives on our de acen crants danta give at least some som thing of their accumulations |