Show notice of delinquency and sale red creek reservoir and canal called company whose principal place of business is Paragon dh iron C co utah there are delinquent upon the follo ing described stock on account of assessments levied on the doyon day of april A D 1917 The Thea everal several mount amounts set art oP opp pOinte names of the respective stockholders as aa follows vune cernal all shir du do johns H lot too p albertt P 20 U 00 K DW doyl nion 7 il 11 at 20 MM n nid hm erobb R a in 6 76 75 in accordance with law and by 1 order of 0 the board made on the alth day of june A D 1917 so bo many shares of each parcel of such auch stock as aa may be necessary will wid be sold bold at auction to the highest e cash sit bidder at the office me of the secretary in anah iron co utah on the day of june 1917 time of isle 2 p in to pay delinquent assessments there on together with the cost of advert advertising nang and it expense of oriale ca JOHN JOHNB B JR secretary first june 13 last june 20 |