Show we suggest Bug Keat however that the tramps would aid pike make excellent dog meat this summer r and be quite in line with our a efforts far le at national economy cy c sick it smi em subscribe for ali the times and mail n 1 l to lo your friends 1 there is an insistent and growing demand all over the country for government regulation of the price of all foodstuffs that demand calls calla for guaranteed minimum price which will protect the fa farmer mor or producer and a maximum price a at which products may be retailed in this manner the producer will be encouraged to greater efforts effort the consumer will be protected against extortion and the price juggling middle men and speculating culm baby robbers v will be put out of business this act action um can not act come any Y too won soon to suit euit either th the producer the retailer or thedor the consumer down with the food bokor up w with th h him 11 would id b be better y man many a gay old bird tell tells the truth ru I 1 in his a and t then he lies libei ilk ayd sare the devil t to square himself next day subscribe for the timas and mail it to your friends it is 13 not the high cost of 0 living but the cost of high living that is 13 ailing this thia country james J hill now that we have a war with germany lets eliminate that of the clothesline variety A kind word a a cross the back fence is better than i a tilted now nose any day |