Show malice whistler ler ay brought a earell ot of to fun with still him says eye the late at lord Rod esdale in 11 hia memories and the incident ili that at fall follows ow appears 1 or to cou can him ili lila I 1 lordships lord N ships lar S acorda di there ane came a day he hen to mv all g f re great ft itina made up his mind to leave tile the old house in which he had bud 11 lived led for 14 senra can and to build the tha white duals in tue tite street mainly prompt td d so he told me bv the anis to show whit he could ildur achieve tn in it dp oration EL W godwin me was the architect and ad it was a not of lorig long before they ON over the file work ork 1 in v commemoration of mdell whistler caused stone to be inserted in the flut of file house with the cords 1 except ili the lord build the hou as flo libor to lo iaia 1 I that build it L IV godwin F 8 A built this house alums the stone face has long ang since disappeared godwin died in and ad 1 ID I 1 tt whistler distler married hla his widow a quaint ending to an a artistic feud |