Show P RK UD fr anc E of t the h PARSONAGE by ETHEL HUESTON choba be lial lia Mer l 1018 11 I 1 CHAPTER XII C continued ont aracid 15 ton are U J at ii inn father jerry to ea mil fayou right t aud and al wars was a I 1 am sure it Is nothing like alg that I 1 I 1 told him to va go and ad not to come came again sets that 1 is all but it if lie he auld rease bulk back now it m would 1 ld b be lut jut it the a same don dont t we aront try about it father ila a nu all right P prudence to dence lie be said more tenderly tend irly we a have bar bee been U the cla closest clat t ot of dimp nd ad you and I 1 from the very b gi alling am 1 have cleas to nip p alth your tr eables and worries corrica role I 1 tire emt filled you viha then do you yoa go back as me aie dow when read need me pro prudence coca putted patted his shoulder aff affect it tiona t tely 1 tot but liar her ties ees did not net meet tip ills 1 I do aa at milli need deed you now BOW filter it Is nil all settled aud and I 1 am quite as rifled tang A are all 11 right light with me fast a t as ill they y a ore ihde he took a 6 serious step without ter at kno knowledge he be went at to does dea ill as and ad had bad a visit with jerry J arry ile he aali found d him thinner his face dice sterner aia eyes darker when vi hen the office boy bay ts announced mr starr stair jerry to ran n loomed tau quickly ck y out to greet him Is she all tight he tried cried eagerly almost arf he was within ludin hulling hailing distance distan cp 9 starr far did not at mince ie matters jury jerry lie said mid abrupt iv did bov a and ad Prudenc ft tune hilie a quarrel she do de clines to tell me anything beat about it had and after the conversations you and I 1 have toad bad I 1 think I 1 have a right to on know what her be baa happened she miss me does she se seem M orry try that I 1 ma am away does a his voice w was so BO boyish and ad so BO eager there ill am was no mistaking hla his attitude toward prudence look here her jerry I 1 want to know why gre ara you a staying away wont wo t prudence tell ian no then flat I 1 cannot she else made roe me prom is iee a not to tell you a word but it Is acot at my Y fault mr air start starr I 1 me can tell you yen that it ts a nothing I 1 have done or a said it she else seat me may because he bhe thinks it was right for or her to do a so and androu you limme know P prudence dm e I 1 it Is 19 wrong I 1 know I 1 knew knelm it I 1 all the time but I 1 coulon couldn t emja her hep see it t and she he made me promise not at t to tell 11 to in the end and mr start went back bach to aitho J persons parsonage no 11 wiser will the turn Is be left save mare that 0 b he a now mma ku anew that jerry was really not net to Ms blame and that he held bold ready to return to her on oa a moment eat notice fit TD tiie ladies of the methodist church were puzzled and exasperated th they y went want to the parsonage determined to find out what what hot but when h they at t with Prudi prudence ewe and ad looked at th the troll pathetic little figure with alie lc mournful eyes they could only T sign sigh with her and go their ways way the twins continued to play in the grant maple ample even een when the leaves leave were fallen it a a do dandy it place piece I 1 till tell you P prudence docs cried ad co carol J jerry have time to put up the rope before connie pulled him down but we ve fixed filed it ou ourselves at and ad it it 14 alm ira kiy grand you can a go up and a swing any time you yen like lik unless your our joints are alre too stiff audit I 1 its it a a very serious metter matter getting up there tor fr stiff jolts joints of reame course I 1 me mean all lark and I 1 jet get u up P easy my em enough sh for far a moment Prude predence oce sat bat silent with juh quivering blis then she burst buret suit out with unusual passion dont you dare dam climb that tres tree stam as long as you live twins I 1 must what I 1 isaal may I 1 lark looked thoughtfully out cut of the u window suit ana carol swallowed wello ced hard bard ld it was she who said bratly why of call course prue pro a just ant as you saye say on buqo th day before christmas an insured package we was delivered at the parsonage for prudena letter was with it and ad she he read ad that first my dearest little sweetheart I 1 this gift tor for you long before I 1 J tied biad tho the right to do it I 1 waa sas keeping it anell i ill the proper moment L but the moment arkeat ream came and went again stil gall I 1 went want ya TOU to la have the gift fl plesse please wear it for or my sake make far or I 1 shelf shall be knowing tt it I 1 is where her it ought to be K even ma though them gh I 1 milf m ma am boul banished bcd I 1 I 1 love you 1001 Pro prudence derme whenever you send tor for me I 1 am ready to come came en do vc IY and it always eye e yours year jerry with trembling flags fingers he bhe opened th the a little package it contained a ring with a brilliant diamond flashing myriad colors before her eyes and prudence walsall it Pasma passionately tIlY many any 41 time two hours boom late she he went want quietly it downstairs cism to where her the rest met of oe the I 1 family fly w were re decorating a C christmas tree trl she sh showed the ring if be to the them ravely ave fi reff jerry sent I 1 it t to me she said do you think it Is all right tor far me a to wear it f fath crr A thrill thrill ot of hopeful h expectancy ran th through rang I 1 the little group grant yos yes indeed declared her father how b beautiful t lal la jerry coming 0 o bhend with ua why no father ins Is not coming sit at all any more I 1 thought you understood that an awkward r motors and carol caroi came a brightly to the rescue it certainly 1 te ft A b beauty tyl t ith I 1 thought it it vaa me a very kind do lle at 0 prod professor v decue to send a it lark an and d me afave a live pound box a ot of chocolates but ol of couise this ig 14 ever so bo much nicer jerry aa a a blid I 1 say A I 1 bird rd mocked marked fairy such inn ian mige larli lark came a to her twins twin defense yes res a bird that s jt J t what he is ie I 1 carol stalled we saw him use lise his bl vanga when connie jerked him out of the big maple t malark we larl then the dilyou rid you send him anything P Pruden drar cf li hesitated situated sita ted unit and answered without the slightest accession of eat col or lea its cared I 1 had bad my picture dikea ahr I 1 was use lo in burlington and sent at tt to him 11 your byear picture 1 oil prudence blence I 1 where are tueyl they arent you going to ap gie a us one no carol I 1 had only a one made ad formerly tor for jeny JerlY there Therea resit t 1 ani I more well sigid laife lack resignedly it its a pretty idea tor far my book anyhow fr froia that day on an Plin prudence fence always a 11 ore th iho flag sad and the file a worn am vit en of the church nearly had me mental till p paralysis a red yale man or cling ud leg over or ft man oho v ho 9 gave are a damn diamond ring ing on and never came a wooing and a gari who e incepted elitist and ad wore more 19 his offer lottering ottering ott ering with h nothing clothing to any y tor far th the meal and it was the consensus us of opinion in mount bat maik t that modern lovers were woolly crazy arall anyhow 1 1 alii and springtime e came again now the twins twin were always almy original I 1 in their amusements they antol neer famed blindly lindoll nelor the dictates dictate of custom and when other girls forte played catch 0 dainty rubber balls balla the imi twins com took o unto note themselves a big and ad hclay r croquet ro 1 I ball 1111 f found fd D d to fo alie it a A aveia m Y woodshed T to b be a sure I 1 it t stung and 0 C 9 and springtime came cam again bruised their hands what matter at any rate they continued endangering their lives aves and beauties cs by reckless diachin bitching Bit ching g of the ungainly pl athing one friday evening after school they were an amusing aling themselves on the parsonage lawn with this huge ball when their father turned in they ran up ip to him with a spotting sporting proposition bet you a nickel pipe pipa reed cried C arol 1 that t y yon q can t chiow this th I 1 bell ball bt ash as far as ae the h om woodshed ocha asti by the way will you lend me a nickel par capar ile he took the ball and a tt it lightly tn in his hand band 1 im I fal a an antl betting society be declared laughing but I 1 at ery Y strongly believe it will carr carry to y to the me schoolhouse h 01 hous mood woolshed wooi shed if it it does out not I 1 III if give you live cents worth of candy tomorrow and aad it if it does dess you halt put an extra nickel in the collection if nest sunday th then he be doback drew ill his or arm and ad cafall carefully sighted across the lawn III send it right beto between een the corner of the h be us use e and that little cedar he said an and d t then h co b bending W 9 I low im m it mcf whizzed d from ill Is used hand lark screamed gull and carol seek sank faint I 1 ig g to the stoned ground for an instant mr start himself f wait swaying then he be rushed across ill alie lawn iowa for far Pru prudene derce tied opened the front door and stopped stepped quickly out on the walk by the corner of ill the ban house th the h heavy y bull ball struck her on the forehead forehand and she fell heily heavily without A mood CHAPTER XIII fata fat takes take ch chaice ga for hours boom prudence lay unconscious with two doctors in close attendance fairy glut alert but mill calm was at bond to give the them service 1 it t I is a significant 19 thing that 1 in hitter bitter anguish and grief lin stams find comfort and pen peace 1 in prayer Out bler US as well wall as christians christian pray in times of danger and mental stress pray and pricy pray and it pray again and ad if still atall in bi tho the sony agony and passion of eli artt t and d tear fact and yet they pray but L christians pray and ad find end kotbin mot confidence bin and ad a serenity reality so may mi remain but anguish gals 1 1 Is stilled mount mink maik considered this a 4 unique parsonage pai sonnee nage family their Illel liveliness fm their go gaiety ty love of fun fall seemed a little Ins propos in the setting of a methodist odist they star aan t sanctimonious enough by hall half declared old harvey reel the I 1 bus driver be but 4 by I 1 tell tal I 1 you chev tire dumbest but as a matter or of fact eiery a one of f the finally from connie up had a heart they were whirled or brights frights or grieved they feared fully passing up the star stairs with hot water for tue the doctors wha whispered Vered to her father a as tie he turned 1 to to his him own we me room irp on an pra prating illig father I 1 cant stop now bemuse they need ardium me but im prating every minute between arm errands and ur mr start starr kneeling beside ill bia be bed d did aprily med and the stony it despair as pair in his him yes eyes dlud out and he be come came from the little room quiet and condu confident lecat and calm ml count seeking ng a idd emiler corner to airov for prudence Pm doce had bad passed the door of the dungeon and paced paused A fitting placed loo she turned in at once and in the farthest and darkest corner rose all she knelt a on the hard floor and prayed and sobbed ebbed herself to sleep loop lark ark loyalty loyally with carol until consciousness returned to her As soon as she vat vas able to walk the two went silently to the dam barn and climbed into the much loved haymow haymo there they lay flat on the hay faces downward each with an arm across acroca the others other s chr r praying lug fervently atter after a it time they rose mes and i of c crept pt 1 into the house base where they mal waited it patiently anc until fairy come came down doma on one of her nomer numerous errands armed Is she better bet terl they whispered and fairy answered gently I 1 think she be Is ia little better a then the the twins 1 in no an way deceived went back to the h haymow ay a again 91 fairy prepared a hasty supper and arranged egged it on the kitchen table she drank a cup of hot coffee caffes and went in search it of her father go and ad ent 4 chism she urged but he be shook his bis head bead a 1 am not bung hungry but send fiend the girl to the table at bouce 0 on their next trip into the house fairy stopped the twins get connie and eat your supper it a just a eat cold it lunch and is already on the kitchen told table xou og must at help id 10 yourselves 1011 11 I 1 eon can t owe come now the twins did not speak and ad fairy went want hurriedly up the stairs once more 1 I do sot at think I 1 can ent eat said aid carol wed wall better take may away beat about halt half of this tood food and hide bide it then she mile will think we have already eaten 1 this novel plan was acted upon with p promptitude and the twins went want back t to the hay haymow inow when it grew dark they hey slipped into the kitchen and huddled together on the woodbri beside the stove and down to them present ly come came fairy soul smiling ding her eyes tear brightened s sho he Is better 1 cried allied carol springing to her feet feel YS sea said old eirv dropping on a her I knees ise se and ad burying her far face I 1 la larks lark lap as she still set sat on the ashes s better she Is ill better bet frer lark patted the heaving shoulders in a motherly way and ad who when fairy lifted her bar face gain again it wall waa all serene though her ber lashes were wet she Is cons conscious cims said fairy still on her bar knees but with her h head end thrown back and d smiling inn she regained gazil rion c consciousness s US ss a little while ago age there la Is real really I 1 y nothing serious the matter it 0 BBS as a hard knock but it missed the temple when the bemine became con conscious she looked up at father and ad dinall d father looked por per factly awful tina talus BO a palo pale and ill hla lips were trembling and prudence said now new mulct father on a tord your word of do honor hear did you knock me down with that b ball all on purpose kaoe spoke verv low law suit and weak but just like P prudence once I 1 father c say my a word da ill ho lust just nodded aided and ad gulped she be has a little fever and ad the doctors say v Q may need to work with her hep part pact of the malat father said aid to aste if you a would go to bed now new so you can get up early in the morning so and 4 help us I 1 am to stay with prudene prudence e tonight ill but you yen may have to take t turns me in th ehg rooming morning and you yen 11 have aagat to get bor breakfast 1 to too so father thinks think you would mauld better go to bed vi III you do that TO SO BD co |