Show PER MAN NOT PER ACRE w vt hear maan ch about mem increased cd brodu production e tion and bonsen conserving ing idle lands much of utilizing back yards and vacant lots even madi matildes ldes and rail rai robi mai rights right of 1 way added to this will be the prize contests for the greatest yields per acre thy they are a 11 gd good excellent but let us ua not lose sight of the fact that if this thia country la is to meet ind and solve the food problem thi the burn m u g demand will be not for the max icum production per sc acre rebut but for the ma mount per man it I 1 t is imperative that every ever nork cn er jn the soil this year use every means pc possible sIble to make his big work count to the utmost in his big volume of production he should cultivate every acre possible and in order to increase his capacity he should em ploy every available implement for reducing man lab labor while increasing sing the work done this is no time lobe to be dabb dabbling lingin in a weeding hoe while bile a tractor and gang plow stand idle the garden and back yard are avail able for the aged and very young voting rod anil the to town n basio business eia man who has no field to but the husky young giant is vitally needed in driving the big implements of prodoc tion and making the broad acres bloom and fructify A full yield per acre is cort essential 1 but the salvation of this country will depend largely upon better yields and more acres per par num man last year millions of acres went uncultivated this thia ear ea aery acre should be made to produce to 10 the limit built of it its possibilities an idle held in 1917 will be a reproach to ta is owner and it is to be hoped there will be not one in this thia whole el community daily if the ow owner iter I 1 is without the means of men securing ring improved machinery ir IP order to in increase c ream hit his acreage and it ib yield then tha 1 moneyed moneyed men and the bankers should come promptly prompt to 10 his aid the financier is indebted to this thie country for his wealth and in the hour of national danger that wealth ith should be placed bunma unreserved d ly IY at he legitimate disposal of the farmers who must toil early and late that the people may not suffer for bread the big implement makers should also come to the front with a ruin ruh if cr editia needed then the credit shoud be extended in order that more a acres re may be tilled IN ethere here more or farm hands are needed they should be from the cities and the loans if they are unwilling to go and do their air share govern governmental mental authorities should compel action every able bodied man should either fight or work there is no room for slacker ackers sl and the public 1 is in no mood blood to condone the them the united states does not but lack for the means to produce the crops necessary to feed the people in this thie hour of peril part but those me means must be employed or we fall |