Show CRATES FOR COWS if animal comes edh within 1 1 pound d limit make device strong and nd light a as possible in answer oneader to a query as to the brat best way vay of crating ties B row low tor far shipment by express PI 3 great grant morse jn rural new yorker makes the following rep reply if 11 one 1 IB thinking flanking of I 1 sh shipping filling ft cow by express pm the first find thing necessary is 1 to weigh the cow the exkles com p danlea nies have made a ruling that no ax express pricking including live stock fork will Is be accepted pill that thal 1 weighs gh over III 1000 pounds but it your cow cornea comes within the tha the I 1 I 1 it ts Is necessary to me make ke your crate as light as possible and insure its it holding her measure atal your cow as to length from the middle a of f her neck ivel back to her all allow a I 1 little 1 Is 80 a that she enn cin move a little then get the width of her through the anicat part next ret get the file height bright cut three piece of 1 2 by 11 4 11 other ili lumber tor for the sills the width of the c cow 1 then the cut at the ile ile floor board boar tu cow shipping ct crate from inch hard pine nine or spruce the length of the law cow nd kill these to the race bills and then tuan your floor 01 er so that the sills ft be a on the 1 in side aide this gives a smooth bottom to the crate crado and Is verv ver essential 1 in amov ing it with alth the cow inside I 1 next kt cut two 2 by 48 4 a the height 1 of I t the he cow for the hind bind 0 of f the gra crate t a ond and t two 0 more mom six lactic inches 1 long er for the fore posts the for tore pota posts are longer to tor r the cross pieces of the stanchion to be nailed to nall nail the corner ED posts is to the bottom now edeo place a stanchion 1 in fr front at w hah should be of frood good strong material as this alano keeps cep the cow do aiom esce ese es cp pl the back bach end div be b board d it up after the cow 1 Is 1 tn paiit ion if the law cow Is in going far tend bend long along a food supply which uld ch in may S Y be chopp chopped e d hay bay and grain mixed d d also send a P pall 11 to water her aad a I 1 the I 1 pail vs can be used to teed feed her from also |