Show W water t A we was costly catry on ona dollar nod d a halt half too for water tor tor for a oil fliner is pretty expensive N but then the 0 owner r said aid I 1 ft t was a good little flor aln fl act or abd deserted ded the lie best beat ot 2 maars that la is shot a guest at at a I 1 aen york hotel paid toe for vater C tor for his auto give me a pail of it water ater 1 la a harrr A v a as the th I 1 request ct 0 the its man maa at the bar the barkeep rot out a big glass of charged otto nate 1 I baat art a poll pall or pitcher or something if old the tha 19 guest a cot it Is tw for my auto the ra adi star ator Is warm end and I 1 believe it ads needs a drink dk d k call a boy to pet get it said old the b bartender M it da it will take too CIA long said raid the guest bat lye sot got to cioth th a train give me a few quart bottles batth of buy any ednd of miter four quarts nera seat bint out it and ad emptied the guest I 1 paid aid for then them love the bolor a tip tipped the bartender and ad th thio off it ha be jol |