Show constipation the father of many ills III of the numerous ills that effect humanity a targe large share start from constipation keep your cools bowels b re gular and they may be avoided when a laxative is needed take chamberlains told tablets they not only move the bowels bowe but improve the appetite and str strengthen ell agthen the III di obtainable a everywhere ery where adv the sadge NO of duality q 1111 wherever Wh eTever you see this emblem K you will find a car that is giving continuous motoring satisfaction or let it be your safety first sign starting and to investing Invest investigate ig ate the dort lighting bl rim am it rep repts represents ts 30 ye yeara rs of bonte experience 1 bence in Dt building vehicles an and d automobiles complete read bead these brief bf specifications and write equipment catalog 1 or better still see a the dort y for c icv 9 connecticut C ANN show rooms muce at vor our limb ignition goodyear grady LEIGH LUND UT all 11 ton wh weather W h tread td T d nil 1 N J ra 0 telephone power WE E CAN GIVE YOU POWER power which your ancestors knew not this r is TELEPHONE power aich enable siou to buy or sell prop erty in this thia town or the next IRON COUNTY TELEPHONE CO A bargain barbai n acres of good land hugh matheson place in parowan carowan valley 40 acres cleared small house and small artesian well for particulars see R L WRIGLEY cedar city utah ady aug so 30 tr tf night operator wanted apply to manager iron county telephone company the times 1 50 a year M J macfarlane M D phy ten surgeon CEDAR CITY UTAH offices in knell block over cedar city drug store MAKE YOUR FINAL PROOFS and do your land business with W WARNER MI gr cleric of the isi is I court titan and yet the benefit of hift four year ence r W I 1 h him for fae any 1 E M decker 0 D E I 1 PIS makes regular visits to paro wn wan glasses fitted and guaranteed repairing and lenses duplicated get in tolton block beaver II r utah U DR F J BURTON physician surgeon hufh offit in new G gurr building Build mii hourt S to 12 m oleon bouti 1 to S p in I L ECKLES instructor in vo voice tee an and d violin victim studio at residence tel A PLEASANT EVENING FOR LITTLE MONEY three nights each week the rex gives give the beat in film filmdom doin sp special features every saturday night our films come from the world and mutual colip companies es noted the world over for producing the best I 1 in silent intent dra dharas 8 comedies etc bring the fa family mily and let them ny enjoy the themselves ad admission colit only 10 cents centa lawrence adams adam proprietor j yi 11 LUND TO SAN DIEGO I 1 HO 1140 i AND RETURN I 1 1 l zoo e t tl e exposition open all year i tickets on sale daily beginning I 1 MAY I 1 long Limit 6 ta routings via san francisco portland and seattle at slightly 1 I fill ingaber rates two trains daily from lund to los angilea tit Leavi leaving tig 10 02 a m and 8 22 it ot ni vt D E WILCOX agent lund utah J H manderfield A G P A Is salt lake city utah fi WANTED you to come and get fresh beef and I 1 ai s mutton at the a CITY MEAT MARKET 59 the best alva alfeda s on oil sale and cut to rill tuition t 3 on sanitary shop and cour teolla treatment at all times fa g john A davenport prop utah vi biln i i BRING YOUR i I 1 HIDES PELTS j H to the parowan carowan tannery you yon can get tj fill the highest cash price for them fil and remember that you can buy the best in fi chrome and vegetable leather n J patronize home industry wm W in ri chard parowan carowan Pa rowan utah 6 s sa I 1 JOHN S BROWN E re liston listen contractor 0 on tractor and builder er harness and shoe parowan carowan Pa rowan utah maker high class work at all times timea harness oiled and repaired shoe repairing a satisfaction given civen specialty S alty if contemplate the erection eret of 1 you carry in stock harness ha H a saddles saddle cottave C itice b be sure sura end nd get my Eti euite mate collars bridles etc I 1 CAN SAVE YOU DOLLARS peru utah IF YOU WANT LOOK HERE strictly first class 1 watch clock or jewelry repairing done by L 0 0 K an expert of 30 years experience cost makes the hair feel eel glad A real hair doctor it docs what and nil guaranteed send to everybody wants it to do it E M DECKER clea cleana nathe the hair als also the scalp calp and d leaves it feeling glad formerly with the boyd park meal made ay only iy by A W DRILL t new nee jewelry house of salt lake barber 11 be sh shop per carowan parowan Pa rowan utah uh leave your work with dave CLEANING PRESSING utah dirty suit md made clou clean nd d I 1 lo 10 look barton paro carowan parowan Pa rowan an ata lik k new MRS A W DRILL IF YOU HAVE will you be ordering a A job ob of clinent work that you new suit of want done properly and at a clothes price you can reach see sec we ire I 1 an overcoat or raincoat am prepared to do any kind of this fall or winter cement work fr from building a let me show you M BORN fit bridge to a house ahouse clement pavement COS CO S line before you do a specialty W WARNER MITCHELL LAWRENCE UTAH parowan carowan Pa rowan utah RANDALL L L JONES T G ECKLES ARCHITECT Par painter riter paper hanger and decorator tv vv w member of uth A mum of Ea timatea t fuir furnished hd on n all architect kinds of work CEDAR CITY UTAH PAROWAN UTAH LITAH |