Show conference AT CEDAR CITY sessions Se ion well attended apos apo fles tle lyman and ivans give aadree Ad dree 1 special a I 1 correspondence the quarterly conference of the parowan carowan stake convened in the cedar city tabernacle saturday in morning at 10 with pres L N marsden in charge after the opening evier exercises elmS pres free marsden made some very cry interesting remarks after which A W ivans athe othe quorum um of the twelve apos ties gave some timely and excellent instructions on the general duties of the rn emberg ont of the church especially in observing the sacred name of the deity he also gave some reminiscences of his travels and ex penen Perie cpa during his life which were certainly interesting to those ha nho listened alter after apostle ivans talk the audience composed principally of the priesthood was requested to remain until apostle lyman liman could arrive he be being expected every moment at 12 30 apostle laman out in his appearance pe arance and immediately informed those assembled that the object of the he visit of himself and apostle lyans ivans wai wag principally to release pres L N meriden marsden who had re quested that his resignation as president of the parowan carowan stake be accepted he feeling that he be could no longer to justice to the position because of a chronic aliment ailment which gave him considerable trouble pres liman U man asked those of the priesthood present to each hand in three names of men whom they felt would do to act as a new stake presidency and a choice would be made from the names submitted and be presented sunday morning for the approval ap proal of the members of the stake SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 2 p ra in the conference was again called to order prayer being offered by rees reea J williams pres lyman then spoke re fering to his former visits to this part of utah and albo spoke of the hard times that he with the rest of the people had to endure in the early das dais of cedar parowan carowan Pa rowan beaver and fillmore in alt all of which places he resided he spoke of how faithful ly the first presidency the quorum of the twelve apostles the prest dency of the seventies and other ledding leading authorities of the church are always found doing their duty to the best beat of their ability and said it was their aim and desire for foi all the members of the church to tc do the same mine bro ly li man occupied the entire time of tale toia session div ing good vill teaching and ad bonishing moni shing the people to emulate the example set by the leading authorities ties of the church after singing and benediction the conference was again a adjourned jure to meet sunday morning at 10 a 0 clock SUNDAY MORNING after the opening exercises pres pree lyman spoke on the sacrament and said we do not allow anyone outside of our church to partake of it with us at this P point toll P arcs lyman asked the congregation if they were willing to rele release am pros pres mars marg den and con cons elloita A vote ws was taken giving the retiring br ethern a vote of thanks for the excellent to the parin paro service they had given i wan stake and also releasing the them from the positions they have held for several years after the re leasing of president marsden and counsellors coun pres lyman then pro pre dented for approval to for stake presidency inc loncy wilford de day Y win H lyman and hugh L ad adams pro pres lyman made some timely remarks on the duties of officers and said all must bear their share of the responsibility spoke sooke on the pie of tithing and other command ments he said that the he people should alwa 3 be in attendance ahen lien the apostles visit the them as aa it weso waa said seldom that they could visit the them because of having so ao much to attend to to keep up their duties a aa ties the lord is willing to rist ri st all those who labor diligently and cheerfully in any office pres lyman tere here referred to economy of living and said that the money spent for tea coffee and tobacco as well as other unnecessary articles if saved would mean much to the saints he urged that all practice the strictest economy after benediction by robert gard nor ner this session of the bonfe conference was adjourned to convene gain again at 2 ap p in sunday afternoon immediately upon the conclusion of the opening exercises pres lyman presented for the approval of those assembled H W lunt as aa bi all shop opt of the east word ward with frank B wood first counselor and calvin pendleton as second counselor bu bp S J and coun eio lors rs hav ing been released apostle ivan was as then called to address the congregation and spoke of his visit Sto canada he said that prosperity had not diverted the people from their church duties he also spoke of the college in our midst and said it was a great blessing and bould continually be a blessing to the people if they would patronize it liberally he spoke of the good rules made by the different colleges for the improvement of the students morally and physically lawrence adams rendered in a most pleasing way the solo ill il be what he wants m to be elder ford day spoke a short time and said that he appreciated the honor and responsibility which had been placed dpn up m him and he be would do all he could to build up the stake elder wm win 11 LN alman man was then called and spoke interestingly for a short time as did also elder L N aarsten Aars den who said that he was pleased to have the privilege to tell of how much he had enjoyed his labors as aa president of the parowan carowan stake for the past seven years said the more he be mingled with the pepie people the more he loved them he thanked the people for their hospitality and faithfulness faith funess apostle lyman then arose and gave some advice to the new presidency and wid said the harder the they worked the better they would feel said if the saints support them and love them they would fail the choir then sang like as a father Protect eth his children after which benediction was pro bounced and conference wm was ad journea to convene again in three months |