Show you never have to speak twice to a knocker to set him going gets grand prize word has been received that the jury ofA of warda Awards acting for the parama panama california international expose expos at san diego california has given the grand prize for buildings build of its dais to the slit lake route union pacific building which has baa been operated by bi th two railroad sa systems stems since the beginning beR inning of the exposition in january 1915 this building haa bm been one of th the features of the exposition carrying with it a most interesting exhibit bearing upon the country tributary to the salt lake route and also maintaining an efficient information bureau covering every section of the great west thus forming a most mo at valuable adjunct to the expositions exposi tio many attractions iwo 1 wo of the special attractions in this DUt idine are the massive maps each occupying one end of the great reception hall one on 0 these the maps map covers coders in detail the entire country tributary to the I 1 inea of the sol salt lake route while u bile the other is equally e q no illustrative of th the e wonders of the yellowstone park each of thew thee maps were last sear awarded gold medals by the committee of awards and the building itself was given gi ven like recognition in 1915 to be fol closed poked this year 3 ear bv the award of the grand prize in addition to these exhibits fea anres the salt lake route union pacific building has been noted for its entertainment features its hos having been extended to all prominent visitors vii tors and its doors kept ept open for its entertainment of ven gathering of importance that has as made a tour of the fat fair r girls girl at the agricultural coile colle ees are lilt ing husbandry calling Catli riK your best girl honey is evidence of foresight be the busy bee providing for the honey butter wrappers printed here |