Show what is u N new nelsan the late william R nelson of the kansas city star used to say that what happened in kansas city was of f more importance to kansas city people than a scandal along alone broadway if such a thing were possible the ci meal would tell fr friends i ends that a volcanic catastrophe destroying thousands in south america I 1 was ban of f le less a interest to the readers of the paris pans figaro than the pr gover over of a prima donnas i dog on the boulevard dea do It 11 aliona goth bot gentlemen gen gentle tiemen m en enunciated the hea local idea in news ne Is publications pu one that the publishers of papers in the small mail cities and towns have followed religiously since the days when the first pr printers I 1 I 1 literal devil pied the he type wh what t is news newsy depends completely upon the point of view of the in local I 1 man and woman reader or of ima th the times es news new involving the things you know the stories scenes you are familiar wit with h th the people you are acquainted anew with or know by sight is the kind of news newa that is considered red hot by almost every reader just joel now there is trouble on the mexican a border men and women have been killed by bandits for a year or more 0 re let one of the persons kited killed be from parowan carowan and watch this paper publish more mom about it than of any killed from elsewhere our idea of news because it team coincide idea a exactly with the idea des a of 0 the average reader and it accounts for the fact that there here is just as aa much local news published now when the world is full of big stuff as ever before |