Show here is a list of questions for the wide wid awake boys canyon can you a answer new r all of thoma you can any day see as a white horse why do you never see a white colt how many different kinds of trees grow in your neigh hothead bo and what are they good fora why does a horse eat gr grass backward and a cow for forward barill 7 why does a hop vine always wind one way and a bean vine another 7 where should the inside of a chim mey may be the bigger at the top or bottom and why can you tell why wh a horse when tethered with a rope always unravels it while a cow always twists it into kinky knots why do leaves turn upside down juit before a rain raina what is a the length of a horses hones head is a it as a jim long as a flour floor barrel what an animals ath have no upper teeth in front and aly it requires no committee or or for a man to sweep the sidewalk in front of his house keep the lawn house and garden peat neat to remove pots pans broken bottles and other rubbish from the back yard and alley way but it helps to make the town more braut beautiful ifil one trouble is that here and there is a man too indifferent or too indolent to do these things and one man can mar the beauty of a whole block with this thia mexican business ad tied ded to the burden of the world it is hard to tell if mother ea earth is get ting we w e or if she is merely back sliding |