Show UTAH STATE NEWS an A learn increase of 60 50 cents a ton in the price to be paid lor for sugar beets will mean 62 LOTT for cache valley farmers new classe classrooms conas are being built for the public schools of at utah outside of cities of the brat farat and a necona it IT classes salt lake B holiday we week it of chaut chau taufua roque given give it under the auspices form of IT salt la lake k lodge idge no 85 B mp V P 0 E opened 31 monday ady ad y australians aciz residing in hi salt lake laka cd hev hava organized r 9 ft a society tor for fraternal end and social jet purposes nes end and last week weak held their first fint outing A total of if 83 75 has been P paid I 1 d into the office of the secretary a aty ot of state into tor for motor vehicle able juat licenses 1 in the halt year ending june 30 1016 1916 the total valuation or of 0 of the oregon short LI line to railroad me in altah 1 la 5 52 1940 acer according dmit to a statement issued last VUK pr prosperity 0 berridy 1 in utah Is i shown in the fa fact ct thit host business fail failures 1 I aduja during g the f first jr le six fi months the of 1916 tot totaled ld only Y 43 a decrease call of I 1 from last year baut E keeter ica gad aged 24 w waa fa fatally tally injured at ogdon tie w when hen ill hla te team am was frightened by the elephants in a circus parade and I 1 to ran away we tsa X keeter baing being D thrown from the wag wagon directors am of if the file ogda harvest fes fee cival and fashion show association have fixed Sepi emDer temoer 14 15 and 16 as the dates tor for the fifth wool annual celebia tie alon clyde ballinger Bat linger and william smith believed to be the men who baull leered several jewelry rou roDber beeles ies sot at suit salt lake have been base captured at burley idaho installation of the lighting system on the capitol grounds is under way th the system yet will include seventy four I 1 lamp D posts all of iu iron set act upon con creta mt posts foundations d ali ninety seven bank reports report have b been received by the state bank back corn coin missioner under tinder his recent call for a re report showing ig the tha condition of the several a institutions at LOU 1 in ad addition ill t to an elaborate job or at P pageant a g tnt that will show how the progress of at 1 utah j the pioneer day program at t ogden ill ua include I a baby buggy lati pared parade and a fireworks celebration tiie residence ot of bishop alma alm klyes 0 of ainah we was destroyed by fir fire with an r estimated loss iran of 3 sparks j from to in a uld union pacific fit locomotive are th thought ought to have caused the fire bra perin pacific island missionaries cal samarie will hold held reunion at spanish park fork bud and pay eon july 22 23 and 24 1 lenders islanders from late e samoa amoa tahiti and new zealand till aboa will be in attendance at the reunion there are tour four new flags in the state capitol they are of the stand ard rd b battleship p at size ta feet fact they cost they bem originally mall y pur par chased tor for the opening of 1 the state capitol anjou announcement cement was made last week thit that the retail merchants or of salt lake have decided to hold two ISO fashion shows each year beginning with a three do days in fall 11 I 1 fee fashion time show on september lamb 11 12 and ad 13 assessed valuation of property 1 in toasts county as an reported to the state late board of equall equalization equalisation ration is 14 of which real estate J is 3 gives at 2122 the amount assessed san by th the state board totals 6 sixty ute indians indiana have left IT th ute ats reservation and it are now mis is in the tha south all cm am part pan of the state belo belov montivel Mont Mori ioel tiel to lo at navajo springs L they will conduct the annual ute indian sun eun oneill dance the very near future the government crop report issued intend jet july 1 7 chows how the gretes greatest gain tor for utah in potatoes the july 1 forecast alast gives the state a crop of 0 i bushels BE as compared with alft list as years i noal no estimate of 2 bushels in me response pa to an to inquiry qa ry b by Y wire ire I 1 from men washington dr de T B B beatty tt secretary ra tary of state board of health we was abla I 1 to I 1 report part officially to head tom that there them ara am no existent coes cases of infantile paralysis in ulda it at the present pm dt time two tao well dressed rubber robbers held up the granger station of if the ormin orem inter urban railroad company taking 2121 from fr the till and ad minor maine valuables the holdup occurred at midnight wit wil aun llam finley station agina was felons alone in the building biben the robbers en are hirry harry bre brewer brer r convicted of frat first ibe da hire gree murder mulder tor for complicity with franly depretto depratto in the killing of eugene fl ugene AT al leu lan at the miners mercantile store star carr t bork ork bingham canyon yon april 15 1914 bas refused tow new trial in a de da almon handed down by ire ina supreme court increased Inre ased prosperity pm of salt lake city I 1 in reflected in the enlarged cuip output at of the utah gas gaa C campany pany reports report B of if the company show 1 1196 Inc iacre ralEa isea over last year salt lake bakels have base practically completed plans for t the he at national ional con bention ot at the matter bakers atit etorla ocla ama which meets meem at ailt lake A au ast it a 8 the total assessed amassed valuation al mation if at washington county is given give it at fl 1996 11 1 the items are r real al state estate 1848 it han v S faes g ties lira mock black personal property pro V any tima 80 90 aud and property assessed eased by the tha lot late board of at equalization 23 due to the frequent damage result tos from motorists 1 to ailts m no ho drive their me ma 11 oes 1 into to the safety zone markets in the business distri district Lt at ogden an ordinance an in to be egnati en ati providing min for ft to maximum icum penalty Penal til of a am faoa if at or twenty I 1 ty five file days day la 1 jail fur far such |