Show MINING in up ditc itc on new pump lias ben put in alicc in the utah mine to the marc ise ot water shipments of coil continue to go up to the mine dail and mi a says the expense in it to the mine it is cheaper thin wood in the te no 2 tunnel it a distance ot coolest aiom the enhance on the chine claim has bt en made ahe vein shows about icet in width ith tin apet of solid fice bulling oie on the foot wall which iff ivf bapes 0 er ounces col in M is the owner for e bial airs he has ben atwook develop ing jhb mine and dunoff that time therein his been traced through the no 2 and chine claims bv sinking shafts alone the un it until the water dhove the fineis out final down to the edae of the lake he commenced the pie sent tunnel and has pushed it stead alv foroud meeting and overcoming in hard lock anil immense volumes ot till now he is ie by finding an bic boda which ethcie 14 chuy leason to believe is in extensive and pe manent one bone of the assa biow over wink noaie of them aie acsa than 90 ih ice ot the woi kings iro onla abolt left below the but otlien alie aie extended to a point un der the discoe ii hatt tl e still li ie i depth ot deot ihu should the ori body con tin no he will hie abundant lor dittli for i long tune to come and will avoid expensive as wall the icek men leave been in clear in out cro cuts near the mouzli ot the main tunnel to lie used for storing ore to shipments to the alar achill alio llio mill will probably stait up agun early in the A li been made in tho hidden treasure inanc on the auth end of djono hill ot 1 li hill it i depth ot SKI fatt which twenty ave millin oie four tone ot jhb oie die now on the dump tho on the south d of hill his a fet fe t ind a dilt fim the bottom to the vein about in t ctet A i ein five f ct thick is bholi cirgin ciri in oro tint a avs ounces ho and murpha S chumard has a blok of claims at the fehd of dutch in on of the vulcan alne bell lake view gleit eistein and It in has been developing the plat sctt months with a force of eight to twelve raon in tho thero is tunnel lort ft et between qun tite ind lime wall in c onic fi bonite oie oi claim he lias built a laige lohrding loir ding house blacksmith shop in 1 tool houie on the blue bell claim he hi a tunnel feet in quartz u a apin fie kit wide ot A shaft lua also b n sunk to clift depth it seventy leet un the hill showing he s mb chnat cr of bic hen aul doplh u itt aued as the 1 rood p n nio mar be ex aln lake ha i doin forty foft and a fatt 1 it ib developed to enable us to a much about it at lie rainbow tunnel is in a distance of feet on a vein loui fiet in inches ol 01 ide n lit bic bolh i ills distinct ind mr ibid this as deiv all ot lie above ire well tun blied and ai intended for permanent pei manent outlets to ina be bound ahe all th thee aluma 0 o fir as known is to that on rebellion hill mr din mulphy lus an t with mi chuin iu a lii ii iced |