Show FLOAT school 1 in at mr i evidence ML his just re ceilea dirgo lot of UCK around on with his left foot done up in a aliu 81 list night look some of the bos to eliat little bag bmg froia auk cit will be held in the catholic chuich to morrow at 10 kiel au of hobbie bums buth will be at mrs jame sons residence in binyon on the we to incorporate ahn win lei 01 hall we let tho matter drops answer no let us IT looks quite now for the melt sic mill 1 ho outlook at present fur the anai have been idlest conj first head sono avei to our amp airn cd during tin week it is for the anve of mrs and was cut b m of silt lake mi A 13 his nov stork of ciup when they arball in his store will present a vei diff frint apper bance complied with alb famine in paik city be imminent ainone it it was not foi the snow the main piat ne not froan lie a ul tuSin to ank cit in ci beof ft re T bouso to bonow evening at 7 flock the rev chailee W fiill 11 hold sei vice sunday chool in alie at 2 clock promptly incited to attend aces au week aiom Thu isda lieu 21 the buegin u nias ball ill come oft in union hill ahe tickets aie froin ind the lica blut oleson u band faill alio makes the demand still lor ti ciket ket WM his opened his in ahne style dining loom has been ie and art frt and supplied with nen tuini tuie lie keeps open night and d ind lias t arthin er thin in aon and of the best gie hima cill ill be at the office of judge baken on evening net loi the pipe put up la tem aoi the beacht ot the natholie tA tholie church those who boucht chance ch ince will present then 1 aday of tho congregational society ot birk alt held a Rin ii oelno on wednesday eve ind elected mi gunn lie ill collert up atie balance to mr hills sal in on list e 11 in 1 daab u V nin bit pis od the utah council and his been handed down to the house toi c empt iny fifty pei cent of a annin ironi execution hie object of is to protect hie merc lunt from blat aci movement on the paiton tho 1 oui issue of last week we stated thata G AT S itson coal ind dented ofhie it should hae acid they had the ot alicc unit edl J jr vaton to attend to the acil busine iid b dt onto alio atie business orders b ti loi wilt pi attention NOT 0 o I 1 outdone b anabo ly the masons aie nid kint for a lill li ll to come oil on tho of feb ruais which u to calp e in lh atline ee benoir held in icik cit and this will b any A 1 lit danec iut it n a subject the loers ot the light of 1101 about ie of itin he id aiom ballot mr wilson who is in alio shop it the enill wa a conf but wai re licked ot a and to lib 0 o a dan Pious obstruction and ie edmed hu aboia on thead agag niina children sr abound the t that art old li io hool I 1 11 ants bulit to tint then attend and not demote then time to the street A street education is much more ci sih thin a school education A bood school hero lip the necks sar chinnel to a bood the douht to bo to attend school WF are atiat our catholic Cit holic opening a school here it ro distant dibi we an ct i we at aej it will put in i he handi ot eichers ahert no complAin fc aliat we hue ht ird aur public chool aia mr U andon ind damir all in thoi pow i to macli their pupil of then atud e and thain them up in the way ot usefulness of thi place alfr to maet in the school n u ai in rue I 1 lick city elu be noi pomped or not is 1 thit th it tax la interested te in ind at it should le decided all bo in in cit TI not if in faai of it oto for it if it RO and dont egav in ay be clute of ti 11 ill but 0 o so tint a full acice of abe be wi of the finn of K lly of thi itty died at at auf abik take on tle 21 ot a went to azle agle would scovel boonin li nonig ait oit of the monn tiiu air not ati fa of the beef he bieu i K yant of pak oita fornic tom uny idue ing tint tune hid roi ro i v 0 ll 11 aptel who sy f needed his lip on our sheet be missed foi man iday S g board ing bonse on his claims at the held of dutch canion 13 of and coin lort and contains many the table is supplied with silver forke spoons and apkin annys and fine linen napkins while ohp cooking and bill ot faro lie always first cliss aho bleed bleep ing aio supplied with vo en aue and bin math esses sheets feat liei pillow sand pillow cases good reiding rn annd 1 he only unpleasant is the complete isolation irom on this account the alico his been called camp but with the present location and conveniences it would make i splendid report evening the infant babe of mr and mrs I 1 A waddill was badly burned about the fie hinds and leg little helen was holding the bib and sho with tho rest of the famila apie seated around the stevo to for the night and the belby icing cloe clo e to the stove made i udden lunaro towards it and its foie heid atlida lans little burn seemed to and terrify the little uch a hit it made i sudden fr tho stove leforc it could bo it iacued cued bum gnp it in the above mentioned and leavins cicat pieces of it tender skin upon the stove burns are biot dep but they 11 e nevertheless quite painful to the little F vas in the air lat evening we were in the ot the input when tho twinkled in the blue aluie avei head all nature wis in deep sl umbel and the little snow buds ind pone to boost in the top of lono pine on park avenue and adoni had aiken hi anceline An peline in to the oid man s lunt th it tho coil avi gettine ut huk the ind the siveret notes of a violin aie heard aie e not mistaken 9 no certainly not tune is knon ohp ahe 1 ho sound pi 0 from oui sanctum alic pla er stai toil up deain and vv e en with a view to ascertain who was the welcome intruder and imagine oui at boins at hamidi 0 bi dpn e enio ed alie sei eidt and P relished leli shed giving us ATAsh levs fork on alie jed ind a man aimed blizzard had a little difficult which ill alic latter being shot in a lettel to his mi G G snyder of thia cit gives about tho following vereion of the difficulty he and blia barj beio going ho no and got within about two ild of houie when stopped to talk with a fiend and went on homo aftel finishing tho condei bation bridei rode on 0 o houba was call d by a wonna who was stopp iii and asked h quiet Bliz iru who wis flourishing i pistol among the upon asking whit he meant b such work he replied by placing the devol ver i few inches of snyders fice lumped be bind him ind caught him by the inn but blizard struck him over the held it him ind deung the scuttle the pistol and wounded himself slightly then got it ind to use his own language emptied it into bliz zaid |