Show As our dinst week remarked that utah m all lioba banty ira called upon to settle the delegate question so it appears now to the people of utah let u suppose for a moment that does give us the or settling tho controversy how will we go about ita will it be settled by re electing george Q cannon or socio other member of the church atho is in polygamy no this cannot be done it is now eident to all that no polygamist nor any one that believes in it can be admitted to a scat in congress and consequents the moi mons and gentiles must put up new men lor their in congress bah must be i ably and faithfully her rapid growth n mining matters demands it tho wonderful progress in agricultural and anif ch anicil pursuits ask for a seat in tho halls of the national and the immense 01 population to geaber ast herds of cattle and sheep grazing in the valleys and on foot bills require a voice in the affers of the nation does not require a roan to forsake bis religious principles so long as hey conform to the laws of the land no one has any objection to the mormon religion any more than any other denomination if they bould baniah heir polygamous practices all that 19 required ihen of utah is to send a man to washington who is not a ho does not believe in it nor advise others to so into it question of or rights to a scat in the congress of the united states will not be doubted at all ind such a man is hon A hatch of Heber City mr hatch is identified with all the industries we have anum er cited above and is not so egotistical in hisie licious beliefs as to overlook and oveide the interests ot his neighbor it is true he is a mormon lut e arc very much mistaken if his recoil tor square dealing and honesty is not as bood as that of adv man in utah in the matter of religious creeds ha is as conscientiously devoted 0 o the doctrines of bi with the exceptions of as an member of any other As regards his chtive ability no one will question as ho has been for arais and is now a member of the utah president hatch 13 0 o well and known in park cit that ato are would receive more here than any gentile candidate that could be nom mated if utah this vexed question ft e hope hat both factions will settle nand elect an unbiased ur biased and unprejudiced man and a man too wense are identical the gentiles as well as the stormon SI ormon and e enow of no belter man a man that is moie kopul n than hatch of hiber |