Show the DANCE time lie alit log night was an occasion will be long le by the odd felloes of paik cita ind their friend it was ono ot choie forms a blight oasis in the minds ot capants when are in a place i hero such cuties arco deiy me to alt appon the utmost harmony nid good will pi enfiled during ahe entire evening and the on alic dinac act joi be was levei anc earned out than on monday ifcic the dance could proceed the instillation had to bo be done iway with ind according it a little itter fright the exercises commenced b thichon greeting gle tho choir consisting of arf and mia mrs bluser and 13 alto ind hunt and buser bass ill well and ably supported by airs the siny iny I 1 G M GPO u ibid b G V E D hoac SO P hueyn TW P M E 1 I 1 G mintie G if E R anen annd chaplin G culici ind annd con ducthi duc toi hoi rocks proceeded to install the hen installation cs pd the choir sing britting Dritt ing ith the ade which in fine lle ihen followed iddie sp and toi ts bv deput gi ind arbogast grind hucy annd warden ind P G pearce lh was with i duet b the mi dueer ind entitled mungui the minner in aich it was met with general at close of the speaking tho ens ind massi sing andle s empty bab s gone he mcd then in avei and at the conclusion evcic audly ihu ended the lodge to give wiy for tint all could take put in and thit dance ahe loom aia oon cleaned ind it did not require 1 second imitation to fairn on for i quadrille ahe pit a pat of it rolled aiom alc on stung band in dilated but too il alie and biti the into the spoil thia abc in crest M is kept up without antei mission with the eruption of supper until liter he in the rooming there seemed to bo considerable even it thi to from the hall but ahe musicians wei fi 1 figued and it was considered best not to bairy longer ahe and lid ies ti on S lit lake wei e highly gi the manner in which chev wre entwit lined heie an l feel as such occasions to be ot tener |