Show WIlY Why Newspapers Ne' a et Are Belter Better Television the miracle medium medium medium med med- ium now in most American homes is with radio unquestionably unquestionably unquestionably the best instrument for instant coverage of sensational sensational sensational sensa sensa- events YET IT IS CLEAR that newspapers newspapers newspapers news news- papers will vill remain supreme in inthe inthe inthe the general coverage of news One reason is because television television television tele tele- vision and radio news programs force the viewer or listener to listen to their commercials With a newspaper if he seeks information about sports sports- one can turn to the appropriate section and read exactly what he wishes If he wants to find out about the market or the weather on television he mus must sit and listen to half an hours hour's chatter and 15 commercials in inthe inthe inthe the process Because people are interested in the weather television stations stations stations sta sta- sta- sta almost invariably devote too much time to their daily they reports can sell the time and get in a few interruptions for commercials The announcer er selected to do the weather bit often knows little about it it often spends much time talking about weather n miles les away surely of limited interest TIME BEING so limited and expensive only selected news items are included even in relatively lengthy newscasts Thus important news developments developments developments develop develop- ments are arc often left out In the newspaper one can not only turn to what he wants to read about but he can also find more news in larger papers especially For bein being able to read about what one is interested in to get complete coverage and avoid sales pitches the newspaper remains supreme I. I |