Show i WOODLAND PERSO PERSONALS I I Visiting at Camp am Kil Kul Kare with Mrs Leota D Dunham a last week I were Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs' Carl Bump and j their three three children children cl of Orem Mr Mrs Cyril Fowls bf f Butlerville Butlerville Butler Butler- j ville and Sherall Olsen and two children I I Mr Mrs Clark Bronson and I family have bought Frank Turn- Turn bows bow's home in Woodland and will move into it in the near future T The h e Woodland homemakers Club met last Thursday at the i home of Hazel Knight with Marba I Bushell as co A plate I lunch with lemon pie for desert I was served to the 10 members I present Naomi Jensen showed a a. film and gave a talk on the latest lat est eat in fabrics fabric how to buy fabrics and how to read labels Elsworth Gines returned home Saturday after spending a week In the St. St Marks Hospital where he underwent surgery to have bone grafted into his arm |