Show IE iI m f in a awhile while one one of us makes the dally lIr paper ap or or an JUt exchange weekly weedy or 01 even unc once Ina In a a lifetime lifetime the Readers headers B t H it isn't sni tha that of often n that i naC i- i sq square in matte make k the Utah Symphony program program a 36 puke slick print Job toy for longhairs long pw one of us has done it It- It i and in ft cl characteristic ar style If it f its it's truly his and Ill I'll bet my my mortgage mortgage mort mort- gage li tt Is Hereafter Is all reprinted ra re- re printed from the current program of the Utah Sym Symphony phony This article was wal recently distributed to all Representatives tives and commented upon by several from the floor It is II I IIi isi i i rumored that the author was wal j Representative Glen Thurston I I pf of Morgan l Time did not permit I this article to be proof read j i jAs i As I was going to go see and andr cigar r my first Symphony Orchestra Orches tra I t though I better look up Symphony In the dictionary so soI I w wouldn't ul t be so dumb on what to look tor for It said eald Symphony Symphony- hony- hony j was was elaborate rate Instrumental com corn P position In three or more movements move- move mente ments i fu Well after watching them play Y Im Im I'm sure that leader got In iri mare more re than 3 movements W We arrived early and I felt feU real setting In that large Auditorium with so eo many folks Soon the orchestra fellers tellers started to come come In all sll dr dressed in 10 black with white ties and ind coats coats' that hung down the tack Lack like the undertaker used to wear wear when I was a kid They looked real important The ladles in 10 black too When they started tuning up they sounded like our high school band As Asfor s for me i always liked the harmonica cau a cauta you didn't have to tune it up jU just t start to topIa pIa play I 1 never saw so 60 many fiddles tome some some regular size some middle size she ones and some big ones Some fellers had borne boms drums and other kinda instruments Never dreamed so many women Played fiddle I 1 know if it I 1 have harmony In our home its it's j ine me that has hae to play second fid rid die dle i iNow 1 I Now It was time to start andin and j In walked the leader fellow l I with bushy buhy hair hall all around his I head and everybody clapped j He Ire bowed and bowed then mb cl climbed d on a stand turned j i around and held up his arms t at the players Every Everyone one was wal j I 1 I. I quiet as al prayer time In church i iThen i iThen Then he started to wave by-by by j a at the and they started to play soW soft and low tow like then like then he pointed a stick at the big fiddle players and they started and then he heaved waved aved at the horn players and they started and then he waved beth arms arms arros got In the act The drummers drummer beat the drums and ami the feller with those two new shiny bread pan an lids clashed them hent together till little feelings run r up and end down your backI back I lt guely ue 1 they tl y yot sot ot ot to showing off ott too touch much taus cause au that leader feller waved ved for tor t r t th the e eta t to hush it U HP up a tL alit t fit lit then i fn i they played so s soft tt and Vw kW and d easy sy li like e. e All of ot a y 1 sudden u den D must m mue of f gone wrong wrong- rong- rong the ne' ne tI l leader ader fe ff a acted te lilts like some some- W bait t dropS dropped rop 11 l an art Icicle drawn down rho t we i back ban of o of hlf bA meek neek t. c IThe I The Tho capers caper pere he put on Sot ot tha than tha I whole or orchestra In a fr frenzy t I queen jues bat where these thue move move menu ment lent lu lin Symphony com cornet In n. n I 1 Everybody wa WI as playing I I never I taw saw aw fl fiddler fiddlers dIora taw Saw their fiddles l es like they did You know iome iome- me t tint They dont don't keep time Ume by I tapping their foot they foot they J JerK r awi nod their heads I 1 wa wu was 1 afraid some somo of them thom would pop I IU U their clr Decke I i II j I ly cw n t know whether the icicle lt or just t lI w what happened I I but uJ Ij at J leader der co CV them all calm alm 4 wl and everything wa was quiet li f sy IlY again fb Then en he pointed I th that stick tlc a at the with the tile big lg fiddles fiddles fiddles- then at the floor and they really played some som some deep bass bass a s sm m music tl that at caused ed you IOU to io quiver y- y inside I You You never never know when the he e tune is done but but I wa want to to te tell you fellers Who have never be been n there dont don't clap until tie the leader d r turps l PS aroun around and nd bo bow o or f at t J f ast at un un until n. n tI til tC a lot of others lare are clapping Dont Dont Don't do like I l' l did i if I t y yI had reached tI the e e end 4 and p f- f fed ed I to clap Well the way people looked around and scowled at ot me sure made me feel pretty awful 1 I acted sort of nonchalant and kept acting like I Was trying to sup a ally fly The leader feller was fair to all all he he would point that stick to some lome to play a while then he would point to some others and let them play while the others rested Sort of took turns Some of those tunes just kept getting softer and softer lofter until they just died out and that was wal the end I But with some Of those others I Boy Boyi I Everybody got in the act and tend about the time Ume y you U all hell had broke loose arid and the doe roof was going to fly off ort that leader feller would jerk his head throw up Ul his is' is arms to a stiff stop and everybody stopped t and nd I 1 mean everybody stopped right there in mid air They had a special planer player who had played planers all over the world I 1 guess he was for the one he liked Ib best st st. Anyway he sure could pound them keys keYA from one one end to tho the other Sometimes he got all the theother theother theother other fellows to play with him to tofee tee fee who could play the loudest Then the leader would quiet all his players down to rest while that piano feller would play soft and end low All of ot a sudden way up at athe atthe atthe the he east end of that planer he made it sound like a bunch of birds singing in my cherrie treed tree That made goose pimples come out on me All that music must of come from some lome furen country cause It was new to me me I can see leC seewhy seewhy why some lome of our educators think we wo ought to teach Russian so eo sove we ve could read the names of those tholO tunes tunel They sure suro had the alphabet mixed up Anyway I think It would be better If we taught the Russians English then we could all understand I each other I IAtter After Atter a few Cew tunes tunas that piano I player and the leader bowed and every everyone one clapped and then they went off ot stage stale to get a drink drink- came back cause calise the people were still clapping So clapping So they bowed rome come more and then hid in the curtain a few seconds and came back out with every everyone one clapping so So they bowed again and a lot lotof lotof of or the people In the t-he he audience stood Wod up and clapped so 60 i looked around cause aWe I t the e Governor Gov nit mus t be be coming cOl in but I 1 Iguess less g guess they hey just wanted to stretch h their l legs g Well Veil when it was was all all over I felt kinda rested e like Iii at h home homet me alt t t nig t when th the tho chores chore r I are ell all dong done a and d dIve Ive I've had n a good supper super II er and am ama a Bitten h by th the fire w warming my toy toe toed toe When we wo were about to leave li heard hu QI one and hi his hlf w g w e In I In an sq q argument Ib abut about u buying a a I se a on tl ticket rider e to U ell U the tho Symphonies e. e e clo d the h. h roo aro W t men Wb b by Iy 1 ills II IV lr J Just ke f u a circus lr us 1 If youve you've seen one ono youve you've teen seen em e all On his way home another representative re- re said be tie would like Uke Ito to join them if tt they would let him clank those new bread pah ah an lids Uda I Any Anyway way Id I'd say it if you have never seen and heard a S Sym Symphony phony phony ny Orchestra stay play y you q dont don't nt know what muen |