Show I I r 3 4 1 t Vote for I for CONGRESS t f A p A. A Walter Stevenson Is Isa Isa a friend of this area area For Fory y years years ars he has visited our community In Tn church civic and business activities He HeI I knows our problems and andI I will fight for our needs In C Congress Having already made a distinguished career In busIness business bus bus- iness mess and public affairs Steve also will be a strong representative In Washington His personality person person- will make friends for Utah In the House of Rep Rep- re h S I Help elect A. A Walter STEVENSON to Congress void fald Ad by I David W. W her hr Clyde for Governor a I to If It l' l It SV it l late f I ate are su h things ag l I 1 Sun t Summit lt O oP lt as ra ot of April 1 l heft 60 W Was visa 5 Gt In r 1940 this thIe figure was In In 1958 1918 theta there were births in inthe inthe inthe the county Th The average size she farm In Sum Sumi mil mit County In 1880 Was acres 95 By ny 1954 1 this figure had grown to acres acrel Mineral production In the County In 1951 was valued vat vat- at 0 6 million in 1958 1953 it hadde had de decreased rens d to 4 million The forgoing are only a few tew bf of the hundreds of ot facts obtainable f front from the Bureaus Bureau's Statistical Review i iA A A Statistical Review of ot Utah's Economy i lj available tree free free ot of charge to public fri i I Urles fes b and other cither Institutions ci r make ot if t sit I from the tuu t Ec t i at I Business Uhf hf i ty ly- o et Utah 1 4 I IFOR FOR ALL YOUR YOUR h Fuel Oil Needs Stove Oil Diesel Fuel Furnace Oil OilCan Call Can Ward W Ward ard M Morby rby Utah Oil Refining Company I r- r I BJ I David W Loertscher I Republican Candidate for I 4 Year Summit County Commissioner You Yon an and I live Jive in iii a a free freo country and anil it is our responsibility to keep it so I It can remain free only so long as tho citizens take tako an interest in th their ir government and aud vote their convictions M My job if elected is to serve your needs in county government L I I'M MY QUALIFICATIONS ARE I I t 0 Six years as County Commissioner r r I i 0 Five ye year r as a a. member of the Pi Park rk City School School Board i ard r 0 Active Church worker 1 0 Active in Farm Fann Bureau and Summit County Cattlemen's I Your Vote Appreciated P m. m f f f fA A r u err wr g 1 t I Ir r YI YIE E M n t tr Pontiac announces the 7 Trophy ophy 1 V V 8 S B Engine NEW N NEW W PRECISION AND ECONOMY IN THE ENGINE ROOM OF OP THE 61 PONTIAC I A completely new fuel Induction system gives your needs There are ere 11 versions to choose this new free free breathing breathing V V 8 8 more air air to save ave from range from to for For you gas as Closer calibration of this big cubic uble best economy specify the Trophy Economy V VB I Inch engine gives you maximum thrust at et half half- Its lower compression lets you use regular gas ms throttle without over over carbureting If this so sounds d a bit technical al just lust try a new t J r I We made the engine lighter mounted It lower lowet Trophy engine soon Its It's In aU four Pontiac series serl TH C Dm IL Y TRACK WIH CARl CiRI for better balance An oil oU refill now t blk k only In one block It will become clear lear why weve we've Ut tk ai HI 4 quarts Tailor your Pontiac power plant to Gated hd this 61 61 all w. w Body to l M rids lid tide Mot More all we w t bat til- load d b tw M U tilt bs for lor l su 4 stet d 14 YOUR w t LOCAL w w r A AUTHORIZED i w W PONTIAC nw w DEALER DEALER- T i w PEALER fc i fc ii M t ft J l' l MOTOR CO UL J BULLOCK t v ad d First N North Coalville Utah 1 as R i 8 J r |