Show I Mrs Mattson 80 0 Died in L. L LA A. A Mrs Blanch Allison Mattson SO 80 formerly of ot Ogden died Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day at her home in Los Angeles Calif Mrs Mra Mattson was born Jan 5 1880 in Coalville a daughter of ot Edward M M. and Eliza Elba Brunn Allison She was married to David Mattson Utah secretary of Si State te under Governor William Spry on Sept 23 1903 in Salt SaIt W t s Sty tag tf Frey y- y dl tit m most st of ot tile life in t Mi Mr proceeded fief t in death I I She moved mo to Ls Angeles 25 Ii years ago She was a member of the Lt S Church She Shi was wag president pres- pres res ident of the Weber County Count Daughters of 01 Utah Pioneers from 1928 to 1930 was a former Cormer mem memo member ber her of 01 Central Company DUP of ot Salt Lake City and former county coun ty president of ot DUP in Los Ang Angeles les She was a board mem mom ber bee of ot Central Centra Company DUP of ot California She was WL a Gold Star Mother She helped d organize the committee for lor maintaining the Goodyear Cabin in 1 Ogden ani also helped establish the Pioneer Museum in Ogden and Salt Lake City She was a member of ot the tM Utah Women's Club of ot Los An An- geles Surviving are two sons and a daughter one sister Burial was WL In Inglewood Cemetery tery terr nn |