Show f I j j I Former Forme Summit I Girl Gir 1 Is Killed I COALVILLE Sharon 11 17 daughter o ot of Mr and Mrs Mr L L. T 1178 Sherman Ave Salt take Self Lake City was killed d In a Q bae tone one car r accident in tug Big Cottonwood Canyon last Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day night She way was the daughter of ot a former woman I Mr Mu Staley Billeter and a granddaughter of ot Mr and Mrs Mn Jeme Jesse Staley also former Coat coal residents Into Solid Rock nock The victim was pronounced pronounce dead Mad on arrival at nt Sat Salt Lake General Hospital about 1035 pm p.m. The mishap occurred before 10 when a sport car ear driven by Douglas Barlow Darlow 19 10 a University of ot Utah Ufa student wen went out of 11 control and smashed I against a solid rock mountain I face tace officials said laId Witnesses told police that Barlow Bar flare low was attempting to pass pMS a string of ot cars cars- and suddenly met another car coming up the can can- yon The car went out of control ol trying to get back Into Its Us lane of ot traffic Salt Lake County Couney deputy sheriffs said the Barlow auto uto left feet of skId marks The car smashed against a vertical rock face tace on oh the north side atthe of at the canyon road Under Car After striking g the mountain the car spun around throwing the girl out of at the car Carr car officials said She was pinned beneath beneath- the auto The driver drivel and other passing I motorists o lifted the vehicle off oft the victim I The couple had been at nt the Spruces a picnicking area for tor dinner with the Barlow Darlow family just prior to the accident Sharon Billeter was Iwas was born January January Jan Jan- uary 5 1943 1043 In Salt Lake City a daughter o of oe LUcas T and Falmetta Falmetta Falm- Falm etta Staley Billeter D She would I have been n senior at East high School this falL She Is Js survived by her parents a a sister Shirley three brother Lary Lee and Lynn grandparents Mr and Mrs Mr Jesse Staley and and Mr and s. s Ferdinand Billeter Billeter Bill DUl- eter all aU of Salt Lake City I J I |