Show CARD CAlm OF THANKS Tho family of ot the late Fire Chief William J J. J Berry Derry wish to ext extend nd their heartfelt thanks and appreciation n to the countless friends and relatives who helped us through this trying time Ume Their acts acts of of kindness and generosity generosity generosity gen gen- and their words of ot sympathy sympathy sym pathy will wUl never be f We especially wish to thank the members of the Fire Department Father I I. I J J. J and the I DS Relief Society also Bill ney and Frank for their I very fast tast I r response with with the am ambulance am and the staff at the Min Min- I firs firs' rs' rs Hospital Again aln our d deepest appreciation tion l to everyone Mrs W W. J J. J D Berry rry Mr and Mrs Airs Te Ted 1 e Mr and Mrs James Santy Edward S S. S Berry Derry Ethel 1 Mae Berry Derry Mr and Mrs Lawrence Lawren e Berry Derry I I i Theres There's a n very good very very i important reason why you'll ou 11 like our MADE HOME ICE CREAM i J Better BOtter thou than any other Ve We feature in our manufacture manufacture ture tore QUALITY Not Quantity ASK FOIL FOB Strawberry Vanilla Chocolate Green Pineapple Maple l Nut Banana Nut POP JENKS S Confectionery Confectioner Livestock Livestock 1 Auction Starting Friday Sept 2 Z c We will hold two sales a week Ti at t the N North Salt Sal Lake Yards I One ne at 10 am a.m. on Wednesday i 1 and one at 1 pm p.m. on Friday M I a x PRODUCERS I Marketing Livestock i k 4 Phone EL 9 I i i A i f 1 Drink th the MILK l that is produced In Our Area A satisfied customer is our greatest asset Not ONE dissatisfied customer tomer in more than seven sevell years We offer a it choice of two i L ij t rn 2 great sautes names in iu milk CR CREAM AM 0 WEBER WEDER i VITAMIN D and I M I LK I MEADOW GOLD We VYe sincerely aIt Ii i inte te your i CALL Dearden Dairy For Immediate Home Delivery Popular Prices PrieN Ph Ph At your or a at at your jour store Satre store y f Cla Classified i jed Ads ds i. i SAVE fr ME f I locker rat meat eat t to your I Ve Ws db dt cUt custom nt Bring ering In a Hams Ham's ed and an inspected plant plant Kamas Valley Meat rack Pack I ers era r Phone Kamas 2872 2874 of or 2206 I I Housewives Ladles Ladies Girls Interested Inter ste ested In part time part time work selling S Sarah rah Coventry Jewelry No money Invested good pay few tew hours Phone 2821 or j write for fat to Karen Isak Isak- f I eon RFD No 1 33 I j I I FOR FOR S SALE Modern Mod m Modern 5 6 room roomI house garage upper tippet Norfolk Avenue Phone Park City I 1 33 FOR SAL SALE 4 4 room modern house Woodside Avenue 33 HOUSE E FOIl on RENT RENT-n KENT In Hoyte vine Call coalville 2316 or Mrs Juluson at IN 6 Salt Lake City 33 ltD CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all aU my friends and I neighbors for their kindness and tho during my recent illness Your visits and your cards I were much appreciated WILBUR POWELL LUCILLE POWELL I I ICARD CARD OF T ANUS We wish to express our most sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those who assisted us In any anyway anyway anyway way and In so very many ways waa during the fire at our place last week I Mr and Mrs Med Crouch FOR SALE A A good geed tame L One b att b Contact r r IO n 3 3 Ui I It t hm SA t I n 1 e k e 18 Call Coalville 2389 33 LOST LOST barge barge rge Blud glass airplane air rr plane luggage ge Contains Hamilton Hamil ton Watch and young girls girl's clothes Reward c Call u flee Dee office I FOUND FOUND Brown leather th tk key Y case s two keys key City Park Call Cott Bee nee Office 34 WANTED i WANTED ANTED Small cement mixer Call Call Coalville 41 46 31 NOR FOR SALE Two SALE Two lots In Kamas I Contact Mrs Charles Gibbons phone 2617 2611 34 FOR SALE SALE Fat Fat mutton Call 2765 2165 Merrill Orgill 34 FOR SALE SALE 7 grain fed fed yearling Suffolk Rams Hams reasonable 1955 hev 16 O ome e bo boot t ama m J e Phon FOn Fon sAu i phi j a t Rea- Rea suit ault ju jn new beW o I. I condition See Sea Elaine Wright ht Peoa Paoa Phone as all 31 26 n- n HELP WANTED Unit Managers and TOY PARTY lARTY DEMONSTRATORS tarn Earn 1000 to by Xmas showing AmerIcas Americas America's Amer ica's prestige toys TV advertised Inexpensive high comm camm Cooper Toy roy Co Bountiful Ph AX 5 write W W. Center 34 20 SPINET ORGAN ORGAN For For sale lIale to reliable reliable reliable re- re liable party Assume low monthly month month- ly 17 p payments Write Credit Manager Manager Mana ger gel DOlt Box Id Idaho ho Falls Fall Idaho 34 lc 34 lc FOR tOR SALE SALE 1 1 registered Hampshire Ramp Hamp shire Ram 3 yrs old 2 registered Hampshire ewes 2 registered Hampshire ewe lambs all show quality and 9 grade Hampshire ewes Edw R. R Oakley phone 34 S I TO THE PEOPLE OF KAMAS Io the benefit of of those thos who dont don't kno know garbage will willbe willbe be picked pie up on t Friday after i I and All Day Satu Saturday day Please have have garbage in hi front of your house hon Friday at MIKE ARCHULETA SCHOOL DAYS 1 SCHOOL DA DAYS YS 1 v Hv i i r. r s rv a z xyr ay Q Nr No doubt this South Summit farm home has sent senta a large number of children from froin its doors to school Can you tell from up here whose hose home it is i 0 And can you tell ten from here whether YOUR children will be able to attend an institution of higher l learning when the time comes It costs money you know Wheres Where's the money coming from I The answer is simple Start now TODAY putting away to a certain amount each payday for that specific purpose e. e Save and save and save After it gets to be a habit its it's fun to vat watch h it grow I Whether youre you're saving for a a college education a new pew home new v furniture doctor bills that rainy dayt day Or for old your age open age open a savings account here NOW Remember we ve pay I I t I n 1 q I t t j I I 7 I Jb j 11 1 1 j j i d I e. e U f i. i f h I INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCO ACCOUNTS 1 Kamas State Bank Kamas arons Utah J I 0 ro J t JI I |