Show Park P ark City Schools to Open Term Monday and Tuesday Aug 30 29 PARK PAnt CITY cm- I The formal o opening of the Park I City Schools Schoola will commence with witha a business meeting of ot the principals principals prin prin- and teachers M Monday o 0 n a day doming August 29 In the tho library I of vf the l Park ark City High School hool Mr i I. I L. L C C. Miles Director of Utah Teachers Welfare will be the I guest speaker Marsac students grades one to six Inclusive will report for lor registration re and class work Tuesday Tues Tues- I Iday j day morning August 30 at 9 am am nm High school grades ton ten eleven eleve and twelve will wUl register re register re- re gister Tuesday morning August 30 from tram 9 o'clock 9 to twelve noon I Grades seven eight and nine will register from one o o'clock to 3 o'clock pm School Fees Fen I The tot following high school chool fees will be payable al at the time of at re- re f Student Body flody 00 Class Fees Book nook Deposit f All An students are required to pay paya a 1300 book deposit upon entering high school for lor the first time This deposit covers the loan of books locks and laboratory equipment equip equip- mont ment and Is returnable after atter graduation or upon leaving the school system m provided all aU loaned loaned loaned loan loan- ed books booke and equipment are are returned returned re turned to the school und undamaged Fines for loss of books and anti damages dam dam dam- v ages agell to desks and equipment mont shoUld be paid ald when loss oos or orage damage dam dam- age Is Incurred or such fines will be added to lees fees collectable at atthe at the time of registration I No charge will wUl be made for tor students students stu stu- dents registering for Industrial Arts Th The payment for materials to be used will wUl be handled after t classes have started through the purchase of tickets et worth The school lunch will Wednesday Y Se-l Se September 7 7 With the following school personnel personnel per per- Bonnel employed the prospect are very good for tor an enjoyable lAnd successful u u school re year ri I l Park ark City High Scho School hool 1 Charles Woodbury principal I C. C Raymond Childs Betty Detty Farnsworth Farnsworth Farns Farns- worth Rella Helm Johnson Allan B. B Jordan Darrel Milliner Victor Peterson Lincoln A A. A Joyce Wiltbank J. J Weston W Woodbury Wood Wood- d bury and Grant Peel J 1 Marsac l School I Leland Leand Wilde principal Mildred Mil Mil- mj j dred Baxter Daxter Irene T. T Car Carlson Carison on Kathryn athryn Hansen Iansen Hendrickson lIen lIen- Male and VIncent Via Via- cent M. M Rice Ico Custodians Loon Leon Farrell Wheel Wheel- v flue Bus Driver 1 RobertA Robert RobertA A. A Johnson t Ht Lunch Personnel j j r Lillian Anderson Anderson An An- derson and Vera Tree j- j |