Show Dr Calderwood Is Dead at of 94 t tE Dr WUl U. U Calderwood d who was wat born bom and raised milled tit Coat COal vine died deed at t hit his home ft N N. I Main Salt Sale Lake City at 4 am aIO at the age of ot 94 j jA I IA A pioneer Salt Lake physician ian i he had only seven years year ea ago at the tho age of 87 as m I 1 director of Lite In Inv I lurance Co lt L niter r 48 43 years yean in in I that position Civic Worker lIe He was an nn organizer and president of the Utah Mental Hygiene now the Utah Utan Association for Cor forMental Mental Health I He lie also had been president of both the Salt Lake County Med hied Medical ical Society and Utah h State Medical Med Med- teal ical Asen and was a It post past presIdent president pres pres- ident of f the of ot Utah I Emeritus Club In 1958 1053 Dr Calderwood was wai chosen to receive one of ot the Distinguished Alumni Award Plaques from U. U of at U. U I Ilie lie He received his two year two ar normal norm a al certificate from the U Of bf U. U In 1802 1892 and his If t D D. D degree fron Rush Hush Medical College in n Chicago in 1902 1002 During his early carly practice in Salt Lake City he taught physical phys teal ical diagnosis in the old U. U Medical Med I ical School as s early as 1911 I Dr Calderwood was born April Apri 12 1866 in Coalville a son of Alexander and Margaret Salmon Calderwood fie Ke married Emily Dean in November 1885 In the Salt Lake Temple She died in 1949 1049 Survivors 1 He Ie is survived by two daughters daughters daugh daugh- I daugh-I I Mrs l Robert W. W Dr Edna Thayer Greensboro N. N C. C and I 1 Mrs David L L. Mildred McKay f I Salt Lake City nine grandchildren I dren and 14 great grandchildren six six- brothers and sisters I I Funeral services s' s were heal heid heidI I I Thursday noon at nt E. E South Temple i I Burial in In Inthe th the Salt Lake City I I I Cemetery 1 |