Show GREAT NATIONS ACT TO HOLD GOLD AND silt ER THERE ARE ABE indications that there Is greater prop prosperity erity ahead for the metal mines president roosevelt Roos eielt lias has told the nation of the ilie importance of protecting our of gold and asther ile he acted promptly alth fill tile banking holiday to prevent the withdrawal of tills fills health and the lie transfer of much of it to foreign shores the president did not be act t for gold alone ills proclamation specified both gold and asther the two tile money metals the greathart Grea thant law tell tells us that good money disappears when villen bad money gets into circulation gold lias has been out of circulation for many months past and ne me may now expect to free bee fewer aher fc dollars bilth goern government ment certificates lit in circulation allier advanced in price tills this meek fleck now that the chances chance are arc good that bimetallism lias has a chance of becoming a reality it may not come I 1 but sonic some important use of silver will be made to relieve the on oil gold the advance lit in the price of sliver silver mill help the entire mining industry slid and make better prices for copper lead and zinc zinc vent ment higher lost last fleck and this week meek both sliver silver and lead advanced the large stocks of copper in the united states keep the red metal from advancing tile the opportunity may come to dispose of this metal lit in the world market and it if this transpires we me may expect to see a better level of prices for copper in the united states president roosevelt has started ills administration off with a bang ills acts have helped national sentiment better metal prices are a reflection of this improvement pro the new man mail in the white house no doubt has a constructive plan to be completed step by step the first moves are construct li c and western tern sentiment Is favorable capital will stay at home for some 5 ears to come and the mines and the farms of the united states will mitt be more aggressively developed so that unemployed mill find more employ employment in these industries denver mining record |