Show IT IS said that there is a for everything in new york city yes even a school for janitors and fifty ot of them the other day received diplomas THE MONEY powers have not as yet consulted the record regarding the proposed billion dollar loan because of 0 the apparent slight is is doubtful if we will nill help make up the required amount THE MAN who used to work ten hours a day and thereby ae accumulated money enough to get I 1 in business has a son who wears a pickle dish hat a sport shirt and spends h his s evenings on the flat his daylight hours around some club or at tile the golf links he comes homo home every night with a bun and touches mama the next morning for enough money to go out and do the same thing over again labor day news butte mont IT IS a poor citizen be he merchant or working man who will allow his money to be sent away from his home town tor for wearing apparel food stuffs printing or any article that can be purchased from home people engaged in business those who does such things know it is wrong though some foolishly boast of so bo doing keep your money at home where it belongs and your conscience will be easier and and you will have a better town THE NEW YORK curb of august pai pays s its respects to one george graham rice an alleged in mining ining promoter who has been job ing its his patrons for the past year if half is true what is charged against rice by the editor of the curb then the ilie said rice is about as deep dyed scoundrel as there is in this country and his bookings boo and promises and predictions as to mining stocks should be studiously ignored and strenuous efforts made to prevent honest speculators or investors to avoid his trap to catch suckers NATURALLY all good utahna are interested in good governa government nt for salt lake city which will be enhanced considerably if tile the voters will make W mont ferry the next mayor of our constantly growing metropolis A capable cloan cut business roan man is mr air ferry and OL progressive business administration would follow his selection lection Be to that important position the record endorsed the gentleman for tile tho position ot of president ot of the last state senate and is proud of it and points with pride to his splendid record as presiding officer of 0 that body but far creuter will be his achievements and vastly greater will be the benefits derived it if he is made mayor of salt lake mr air ferry was a former resident of park city and we know something of his real worth and ability |