Show RANDOM references alio lotus club will bauce at the union opera house next friday night february the officers of alie rico creek irrigation company file their bonds with the county clerk yesterday the officers and directors of the plymouth rock building loan association filed their bonds with alie county s clerk yesterday will meet tuesday february at the homo of mrs D curry adams avenue at 3 p in A full attendance is requested alie bon ton restaurant on twenty fifth was closed yesterday under chattel mortgage held by II 11 II 11 on alie eatock and fixtures tho county jail has just been fixed oat with an equipment of new iron bedstead mattresses and new blankets from the provo woolen mills the alcohol club met in regular session yesterday the club leave quai which are convenient to water but are not noted for their elegance A traveling man had a pair of pants and 25 stolen from bis berth on the southern pacific train friday night just on the other side of carlin nev on birthday there will be a ward reunion and picnic in the fifth ward educational institute to which all the members of alie ward are invited th eiolf eIO OF canton oden no 2 will give a ball in the union opera aliouse on wednesday evening february slat fords full orchestra will be in attendance type writers are becoming rapidly indispensable in the past few weeks two banks of this city have purchased them besides many business houses despite the bard times the members of tho dorcas society will hold an important meeting monday evening february at 7 abara at the residence of mrs I 1 marks all members are earnestly requested to be present the dramatic entertainment which the pupils of the sacred heart academy are preparing for Washing tors birthday to bo a realistic representation of one of the moat thrilling periods of modern times w at the meeting of the territorial bar association in salt lake yesterday J N kimball moved a recommendation to the legislature to amend section to the law to govern the appointment of 1 receivers the motion was adopted A very quiet but exceedingly pleasant wedding took last evening at the methodist parsonage the kev dr jeffrey officiating the contracting parties were mr fred S winslow of oakland cala and miss margaret F boyd lake city mr and mrs winslow left for their home in oakland on the evening train A borso attached to a cutter ran away on madison avenue yesterday and tried to cut through lestar park the animal ran into a barb wire fence and cut and mangled its legs badly before it i could be extricated the cutter was a complete wreck but no one was hurt will snyder of salt lake has gone cast to perfect arrangements for alie establishment of a beet augar factory in the only consideration asked by the promoters is a guarantee from the carmera in this vicinity to raise acres of beets A meeting was held at hooper last thursday night at which acres were guaranteed |