Show OP IM 00 dally one year ta 4 W Dally elx Mon ht dally three montu 6 dally o io 3 oo 00 one year 2 M 1 2 ami the weekly standard one sw all relton relt ln bredl mutter should bo to EDITOR 81 all end 1 leitem bould bo addressed to tin odon will confer favor by orward to thie whan their paper not promptly received they will ald ui to where the fault one to another aad desiring piper chaapel cha ael coall alway gire lormer ai well a present oddred od drea i will not returned will not be noticed the to append the ame of the to any aaa no with a pledge to the from aay peron TUB I 1 oa 1 at the principal sund and on all nin leaveat leAv lat alen ardem ordem tor city delivery to either residence or place ot b left at the buit nc office CO dont forget the canton ball at union opera house on wednesday evening february tickets gentleman and ladies 75 cents we will present a lead pencil slate pencil pen and holder and ruler all in a nice case to all school children who purchase 26 cents worth of at stones closing out sale of books and stationery twenty nath street our silver champion caffar strictly high grade tobacco an excellent seller try them fred J kiesel co the rio ghando western railway co still extend to the public the following reduced rates for ono way continuous passage tickets from ogden and all main imo points including park city and spanish fork to leadville pueblo colorado springs denver and other colorado common points 1800 to missouri river 2500 to st louis to chicado Chic aeo A new cooking school lias been started which recognizing the importance 0 having plenty of milk on hand for coo kirie purposes baa found its requirements fully met by bordine Bord cne peerless brand evaporated cream prepared by new york condensed milk oo 00 it highly endorses it lump coal ton at yard john sons co union coal yard has rock springs and black butte coal also mine slack telephone great remnant and out sale somo lines of shoes for less than cost ladles 4 shoe for and 3 hisses 3 shoo for ladles rubbers for massachusetts shoe store ladies parlors in utah loan trust building room insurance if you want the best the safest cheapest insurance on earth take a policy in alie Forr apply to vm studer room utah loan trust building hotbed hot bed sash ballantyne bros lumber co legislative ball at salt lako february for tho above occasion the union paride lias made a rate of one and one fifth fare for the round trip from ogden to salt lake this rate however is canted only to holders or purchasers of ball tickets tickets good on any train and good for return till february will buy all kinds ot good script at market price HORACE we have it and carefully selected stock of whiskeys Wines etc fred J klesel co we stamp our bread for the reason its quality and quantity are unsurpassed aesa star bakery twenty fifth estreet we will sell a wrapper like the above cut in indigoes and all standard prints 1 call early if in need and washington arc I 1 III I 1 lias moved to UTAH LOAN TRUST rooms and ask the elevator boy for my office my facilities for doing the best of work have never been better and it will be to your interest to call upon me when in need of dental eer vicea AMERICAN CATARRH CORE the american catanh anro i the ol 01 28 maidy and treatment 0 the disease une bettio the most jt I 1 alway ready or use needing neither douche atomizer it restores abe hearl nir cures the hawking ad a d expectorating expect orating remove the and u 11 la the appetite produces sleep invigorates the and the only by W B jone M 1 no 42 north eleventh philadelphia or mailed anywhere for 1 for eale by II 11 A walker ash F B NO TWENTY FIFTH AT 6 TO 10 MONTH 1 25 benta ticketed Tic kete twenty one meala tor a dealer W ar douglace at a reduced price or ay he ha them without name camped tamped on bottom put him down aa a fraud OSS BEST IN THE WORLD W I 1 shoes anre easy fit tine and alve better satisfaction faction t the price advertised verti sed than other make try one pair and be convinced the of W L nime price on the bottom wind their value cave of bollara annually to beaten who push the sale of W I 1 douglas shoes gain helpa to 1 the sales on their full line of good they can to sell 1 a less profit and we believe you can rave money by buying au your footwear of the dealer nd below free upon application adaire Adi ire W H V BIGHT SONS acu Nosi binl oi nl A I 1 14 aj ad all al lU ir wat 1 81 00 TUX fr BI Iral tl t tu CO arr lir ohio t i own brothers staple and fancy grocers breakfast cooil prices to suit ano times give us a call satisfaction guaranteed in connection with our grocery adoro atoro wo have opened a first class meat market mutton beef pork veal sausage poultry and game in season give us a call ven ue V Y Is TIIE OF OUR NEW JAPAN H fisl JL A x TEA imported by na expressly for our customers desiring a good package tea rca lizine that by importing a good quality of tea we will gain a large portion of the tea trade of ogden we were the first to introduce cream of coffee a hiigli grado of coffee and when once used it is found to be a necessity in every household huss hartog telephone 1 solicited pd iu every 2272 and 2274 washington ave part of the city capital united states depositor johne dooly prest cateon N shilling vice amt pmt 1 B adama PAYS DEPOSITS UTAH ogden state bank capital bortlik 1 HAS A SAVINGS department in which interest on la paid or eddee to the principal every three HC Ol galow john A boyle vice A P bigelow behler Ce jno howcroft So wcroft M N grave 0 A dannley Pan nley benl lombard jr jno A boyle T w jone A J barcer A P bigelow bicelow Bi selow commercial national Sat ional bauk capital undivided profits transact a general banking pays on time deposits aws the old and reliable finn of W FARR CO have just received now and completo stock of grass and garden SEED headquarters for flour grain baled hay and straw 3 16 twenty fourth st M PACIFIC 1 CARD no 25 aber 28 no 35 mm Q 1 no 2 fet mall for omaha kau afta ciar all batt ami park no 8 atlantic kopren for denver omaha council lilu city and au baet dlly p ARRIVE NO 1 past mall from council a a oinie denver city and kat dally logani lo oani no 7 froni oma iia council kaaiai city denver all at and park city dally idaho division UTAH A DEPART no fast mall for theand tte and portland dally a ai iso 9 cacho vallet p no 2 fatt mall from portland and butte dally 7 31 no 10 cache valley a S utah no atlantic rast all lake atty provo allford and dally no 3 portland Port lanH baite and cache val a m ley tor salt lake city dally boohm no 7 tor salt like city and intermediate 1 t ln 3 SP point no 2 atlantic 1 maufroy bait lake t ur tul teed late 4 NO 8 atlantia antio milford mediate polnar train south of juab run dally except bun ticket office union depot g 67 S general manager L alie scenic line of the world the only uno running two through fast trains dally to Lead vUIe aspen colorado springs and denver EFFECTIVE DEC 24 1893 train no 2 leaves ogden a m salt lake arelva at pueblo colorado a m denver 1000 a m train no 4 leave ogdan p ro bait lake pm arrive at pueblo 7 5 p m colorado springs p denver 1130 p m connection raade at pueblo colorado and denver with all linea emt kle gant day coaches chair cars aad pullman clepper nl epper on all take abe D R Q rod have comfortable trip and enjoy the finest benery on abe continent A 8 toffic mgr col S H HOOPER G P col B P general agent salt luke city rio grande western GUAGE current time table la effect july soth isea 2 chicago limited for salt lake and all points efat 4 foi bait lake nd grand junction and the east abaita no 1 from bait lake Provo and the cant ab no 3 prom salt lake junction and thy east local train from salt lake ae follows leave salt lake lor bindham 8 OS am returning He turning arrive 55 pm leave salt lake tor eureka parson stanlea Span lea fork and resuming 1 pm leave halt lake for balana and intermediate points pm returning arrive pm pullman palace sleepers on all trains safety peed and ticket offlie union depot D C A E WELBY J gen gon fiust W local agent TO C A HENRY abet union dhoot W P Hc MILLAN benl abent room dooly block salt lake city grando colorado midland atchison At topeka santa F HE only line which run pullman palace cre between ogden salt lake city and chicago without evange and pullman palace reclining chair car between ogden salt like city denver and chicago or salt lake city on the evening triau in order to aeo the most beau ellul scenery in america train leave union depot ogden p m beni dooly building salt lake city I 1 AH idsal bailly failly I 1 for ton ll taun alok arnth baj JI ol 01 U banules I 1 ct pw uy Ul ulan Jn ibar abny r by r 11 I 1 |