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Show Comity Locals. Manti is to celebrate. Bring out yoor bimtinj and let cannons boom to-morrow. t To-morrow is the Glorious Fourth. Work is still progressing on the Kphraira streets. County Superintendant Greaves of Ephraim is in our midst, intro-'ducing intro-'ducing school furniture and fixtures. Parties in Ephraim have had new potatoes for two weeks past. "We goMantione better," says Ephraim-lte. Ephraim-lte. Losx. A. book of capons on the Ephraim Tithing Office. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. Mr. Aaron Hardy, of Moroni, was brought before Commissioner Zabriskie yesterday. We have not learned the result. It is said a young man of Ephraim Eph-raim drew a revolver on a party, at the summit north of Fairview, the 'other day. No one was shot, however. how-ever. c Grasshoppers are very plentiful ' between Ephraim anil Chester. In places they are doin;; much damage to the grass on the hay-meadows. hay-meadows. In our last it was stated that Mr. John Whitlock accompanied Mr. Crawford and a Rfgistkr reporter to seethe artesion wells. It should have been John W'itbetk. A CtSL V.NTrtr. Mrs. Jacob Johnson, of Spring City, wishes to engage a good girl to work in the house. Good wage will be given to the right kind of a girh Call at once. Our enterprising friend, Rolph, of Mount Pleasant, is doing an excellent ex-cellent business in ice-cream and summer drinks, in connection with his well stocked store of general merchandise. La t week Mr. Chris. Carlson's shop at Ephraim took fire. It was ' discovered and extinguished, how-'tvir, how-'tvir, befo -e much da n.ije was done. 'The only seriotti loss i about four ICCI aiiuic xji iu;w iit-'i. 4-( In an artesian well bored near STj 11 tThyTiTrrajrrtTH7r-,-Vlack substanc was found which had the appearancee of oil. It (lowed up through the pipe along with th i watjr-:Mr. watjr-:Mr. Kjar has decided to make further investigation. Y. M. M. I. A. CONFERENCE. Th .' Y. m. m. I. A. Conference of the San Pete Stake, will be held at Manti, Saturday and Sunday, July r9 and 20, 1890. All are cordially invited. John F. Allred, Supt. A. C. Olsen wishes to announce to the public of Ephraim that he has now got his famous stallion "Rous-1 Ian," at Bp. Bonis' stables, and will be there during the month of July. Rates $10 and S15 for the month of July only. Those interested inter-ested will please apply at once. Mr. J. M. f jodahl, of Manti, has returned from his mission to Palestine. Pales-tine. He delivered a very interest- ing lecture in the Manti Tabernacle last Sunday evening, which was listened to by a large congregation. Mr. Henry Winch also lectured at the same place on Sunday evening. The latter has just returned from a mission to Switzerland. The Liberals of Ephraim will join th k Liberals of Mount Pleasant in a Joint celebration. They will leave -ior that place at 6:30 on the morning morn-ing of the "Fourth," from in front of Mr. Clawson's residence. All the Liberals of Ephraim are invited to rKipliinqlo Ttirt f riti tv o n, r Hill J ave in a body from the place named. BoRN.-June 13, 1890, at Fountain Green, to the wife of E. P. Anderson1 a girl. Thus read a notice handed in the other day, "and it explains the reason why Prof. A. C. Smyth (Graapa) has been in such excellent spirits since that day. We congratulate congrat-ulate all interested and hope to see the little miss become as great a benefit to the county as her talented Grandpa. Mr. A. C. Olsen has his famous horse 1 Rouston" at Ephraim. This horse is French Percheran, and is better known than any other horse that has been in the county. San-Pete San-Pete is already well known for her grade of horses, and with sich stork as Mr. Olsen's horse, that credit will continue to exist, and San Pete be known as the county of fine horse3 as well as the "Granary of Utah." '-The Sentinel in speaking of the committee who decorated the Tabernacle Tab-ernacle for the Jubilee.did very well, but failed, it is thought by some, to give full justice to some of the com-' com-' mittee. Among the most energetic were J. P. Meilstrup, A. C. Lund, T. N. Johnson and Soren Johnson; these gentlemen certainly carried the heft of the burden and deserve eipecial mention, though too much has not been said about the rest of the committee, for all worked well. - |