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Show TLe County Eegisterj A Vrklr Nrr.ii .;. to, t'ie lit?re.;ti an J .lfi.vrli of ? m Feur, The Caoci! i.f O rphraitu, Utah, - June :(", iSo. ' notice. In the iiioiiiitiir, l;e t tmd thr j x.ile cUiSod. but noine walt-- l was il .'win' ihfouKh He opened l!ie tiie lo its full c;)HCiiy biit it mad; n t.tiue in llie ' il iw. He at (Hu e t"k sti-p- to hud the cause of this, ai.d as soon i.s he cou'J reach Guioiivm. it.f- lined Mr l.iten tint iraotitiivg wjj wion,; Mr L.ns;-- hi c mii;i:.y ith mis others nt oi.ce out to see hat was tne m itlei; but the d.'.y vi.is so In spmit that noihhi Ai hii i.xxl.itk j in lite ;vc:iitijj itH li ;'? of s; ,,. .i..; ths le,.k was .ib.ind 'l t d, nod the -- ..;i!e I.v-- . in.; i lose lo i he of' is waii.rd t : rpiiie tor the ii "d tii.it w.iitld so u he a;.. them. Tttc bimibt v.i'iit t' a pi ffe ol sniety and saw i. t tils stoc't: was l.j y i:ii tile leach i Ah tit titter ' o'i I 'k t:ie !l joil ie icliid die town, and in tweU'e Ii airs a st;,- - m ol a 111, la w,.!e ';!h an aveiae ol :t lii lie I pa-it- ; the w ater th .M be' in t .wer, and tile p"o,i!e Went one; uire to- - t he :r Iv Mites. .Vi'.i.u ;Ii well aware oi ir.e imp-rtanr-ol the reservoir, ii is doiibdul if any, even of Ih se w h" w uk. d 011 ihe Jam, leal 1 J tin- - vast amount l na'ct si.nt.1 a'wv: Six M.le Creek, it is laimed thai to; ' SeV er Kiver was i i -- e el three aboe its fuiner height and was held there sixteen liouis Tiie damage was hut slight. 'Ihe breach in tiie dam wav found t) be oi.li 5 feet wale at lie and a'AHit jo led on top, liie sides rising aim it c'ilar. '1 he Coun-ty load was cut 11,1 la places and liitee lo dges a out, S mi lei., a :; was earried away, dailies tilled no wall sand and a le v aei ot ram an I hay, ilearoved. 1 iie v.inle ain ilutol the' ilaul io-Wi'-l If.u'il s I11..U t o bi.laeeu. l,?o 01 52,000. T'ne diy foll.iwiu.j tlu d s ister, f.M..y 2V01), a cotnmitt'-- went t Silt Lake City 10 consult Mi. Stevens n 111 re; id to lep.il in,; I lie dim and pieve Ha:; a ic icuieneeof siieli .111 cc dent. It was represented ;l:at ihepe pie v.a.; detriimu e l t a in ika the reseivoir s.,!: te;.udle.-- of I.. 'St, Mi. Stevenson and Mr. M.J. Mack of tiie "H.'pcit w.i'i-- r cmi.11 si u" 0IS.1I1 City, held a c. usultaltor. Willi the of Hie comm. Uee. 'and a plan was . Ttie Siockiio Ideis ot tiie iiikjaiioii company have voied the V an. I s 1 m tiui niaieii.il can be lioi.;;at oa tne i;ioUtiU. lie.; woik will ai l.isi pi i.t.c-ahh- T.nee or four trench s will ! d:.,' to d loitad.iuoi:. io il liinl.ei it, i'. et 'll; and six iin nes v. id w II e limit up to ; llie sun n e, III liiL--- '.' Wtil be (e'klcd nt wiie;.t will y: ai ule -- I 5( it iv.-s- , each slave to be 3 Ha lies n, sate and UK ilt--i oills.vt , s.x lie ,e--l til it. Lie, w ill be led pine, fo e lo 111 knols, and a- - o,l 1 in!). its Can le pi.iciiiea. aiil w ill be j uia d 111 tli-- same manner as III ad 101. lll'i .! a II be 16 teet 4 si a joiai uiil coin' eeiy 3 le I. liie c..ai la; will ills In: ill lie piece li iei t I ,r. iuc d.a ue!et Ins lie v.i.l be j tcct, 1,1111 iter 3 l l iver tin ei-- feet will be tt. 111 h ji;5, in i ' it liu' 11 ei, in tvvo SeC!H)!iS,cl.'uiipi:'l I' ;;cihei vuii b ,11s IvxletidiiiS a!..v anil itom side in I llhi eiuth voik w.li be tlnee or uioie collais, leaciiiu.e; to feel above' a.i.l 5 te;t on ',13 si.I is. The dim w.ll' oe pi' 'teeted by a bieaitwotk of 1. inner. l"ne conduit will lie surround-:.- oy aj layer ol I'oi daii.l .lit. I iie 0 ti e;ii s ' think tl'.al with liuse s.ile.ii.iiils it v. ill be jiilDil i.lipaJS Ida fir an accale- -t to happen. In le -- nd to wood .01 c indiiits the fob iu: 111 iv b2 iiiteiesiin;;. Li Man- - clieler, N il. fs a wood 11 c ind'iit 60 Ii j ion.,', inter. er ibainetei 6 teet. The stavus me made of pinion p.ue 4 iocaes tloci;, j ,??aL,oH'ifwi'fir!1'j; tiV'nU hoops, 1:1 ido-- in t.V J Sections, held to- - .ijotlier by ctdiiipiiiii Ii dts. I'lie upper i part of litis ciiiiduit is under 1 J ft. water from centre of pipe, ami 'he loner end! is under 38 feet. Tiie debveiy is s.xty l.ve million gallons in i h ans It was ' made in 1.S74, and has been iu successful j petatiou ever since, with-m- t j icpaus 01'anv kind. I'.iej city of T iout'. in Oi u Iv, .a ;s '.v.ver fro 11 ,n island i in a wooden pipe 1 inciivs in d .meter and 6 inches thick. Tne city of ihlawu lit 111 s water m a pipe exactly likelh.it pioposed 1 ,r Cinnisoii. ttoiii Michi.j-- I ills; the tipper p ut ol tiie pipe belli;; 35 feet below ine pieciptce. Tlie-t-are m my cases ol the use ol wood-- ; 11 conduits in neatly every civili.ed co inuy, and it is found Ulev give univeisal sate - faction and last a Ion; time. The steel p pe. brought from Cal.l'ortiia at a cost of hi has been weight U in the balance a a 1 I mud ivaitii,.; as far as oar Uses are concerned. Cast iron pipe would be worse siill.and to get a conduit that size ihtee-loa- i tiis ofan inch thick, would Cotil two thousand dollars; while the present limber pipecompleleci would cost about $750, and will be entiiely h ana tn mill ictute, the 111 niev instead oitetii); used for bnilduie; up some o'.'iei place, will T.e paid oar own mechanics,! and uni-- h ni ne woil; for 0111 laboieis. Tne w'nolo c st of lepaiiliii the dam iccurdiiij; to plan will be a' lit $1,000; and il is proposed to complete the work this (ail. The only effect that that accident has h id on the proiuoteis ol the eut opiise is to make them m ne deteiuntie J lar suc-cess; and we d ntbt not the same pluck tli.it c inijueu-- the wilderness and made it hlossoiii the lose will not beexh.vas led iu such a small thiiij as building a reservoir ihat will cost only about ten thousand dollars, it is to be hoped dial other suHeie-r- in ''scarce-it- y of ivatei" will take p ittetn.ttnt'l every tarnitr will have enough iiud to spa 10, and waste land h water wiil be biotijjht bJ their least pass.ble qa.itl.itv. THE GUNNISON RESFRYOIR. BV WARD STKVENSEN. Concluded,) (or the On the night ol the 27th of M.iy tire guard was awakened by the sound of 14 aier rushing through the ?!i;btit tliiak- - iii'i tail perhaps the Water Master h id tallied Some down, he took but little COVERXMKXF ()".Vi: ROME- - THINGTO Till: ?:X)i'LM Som? people are always reasoning .o:n a falsi basis, and in cmiis.- - i i ;n?i are by. i cjnin'.j.i!iy lcd into error iti t'.it-i- conclusions. Mistaking effect for catt-f- and the r.ieans for the they ttti.icrtakc ?U kiti;!s of impractical plans to fit r.iankiiii! to their theories. We tf:en fniij these jH'iiiic advocating imav urci cf reform, which but for (he fart that someone is liable to be in-jure. by them, would b; laultablo. Aiaoni; these abstitd peotiic may be, classed tlic cranks who, led away by mistaken notions of patriotism, socl; to hutiilms their folloiv mortals into the belief that citictu cxid only for the good of the instead! cf what is actually the fact, flint governments- should exist only for1 the benefit of the citizens; and that: to secure the rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, gov- - emmeuts are instituted among men iVc. ;" and .further, "that whenever-an-form of govern merit becomes destructive of these ends, it is, the; riyhtof the people to alter or abolish it." These people scorn to imagine, that the only object in a man's life; is "to keep his house iti order and be an obedient servant of the! state;" that tube a good ritien means you are witling to throw, at your heels all belief if the govern ment officials demand it; that a man should turn tr;iitor t) his friends, his! family, himself, hi ; religion, and j his God, it the party bos bin!.-tha-t he wills s..; in short, that to be a loyal citizen it t tieres-a- i y to cease being' a man, atnl become merely a machine in the hands of; the political inatiiptilalor. Sin h people make loii; winded spivchc . about mati's'dirst allieg un e,' or draft bill-- i inaking religious belief a crime. as in Ihe case of the ('itllotii-Siublil- Hill; or support such incisures as the Ileiiuet law of H isconsin, which al-lows the state official to Usurp tiie rights of the parent, and makes the child a factor in the affairs of the fdate. It is evident that these mistaken Ktates-me- do not understand the first rudiments of government iu a free country. The true object of 'government lias never been better expressed than in the "Constitu-tion. 'Tt is there given as: "To estab-lish justice, insure domestic tran- - ituility, provide for the common de- - ... , T' , II and secure l.'ie blesn.u.gMs ulnamiicrr,"J Outside of these, governmeiit has no right to interfere. .While every citi-zen owes much to hit; country, there are certain ""rights which individuals, communities, and governments should respect, rights that are inalien able, because none have the right to take them away, livery man has a right to worship (Tod in his own way, or to get along without worship if he prefers it; and be has a further right to proclaim and maintain his belief as long as be does not intrude on the rights of others. Between a man ami his God, governments have no more right to interfere than the United States has to legislate for the Chinese Empire. A man in not re- - sponsible to his government for his convictions, and it is. no sign of dis-- j loyalty if he resents its interference in matters outsVie of its sphere, Parents owe it to their fellow citi-zens that their children be educated in such a way that when they reach majority they will not be likely to be-come dangerous to the community, and to the gnvernment they owe the duty of making the children loyal to the nation iti which they reside; and should the parents be so neglect-ful as to fail in these respects, it be-comes the duty of the "State" to see that this training is furnished the child; but when thecivil attorney un-dertakes to dictate what a man shall believe or disbelieve, or pass laws making his conscience a test of citi-zenship, they are treading on danger-ous ground; and when legislators be-gi- n to contemplate making laws that will take the control of the children by compelling attendance at a partic-ular school, and prohibit the study of certain branches of education; they are becoming dangerous to the liberties of the people, and should b : retired to private life, where they will be unable to do much harm. In regard to a man.s "just there is no Christian who docs not believe that "There is a just God who presides over the . destiny of nations;" and the fact is no stronger argument against his patriotism than a man's love for his v.ife is evidence of treason. Reli-gion is as far removed from civil government as heaven is from earth; mi it is a foolish presumption that tries to place Deity in the scales chains! anything human. The fact that a man is loyal to his religion r,nd true to his family, instead of be-ing a proof of treason is one of the best proofs that he wilt be loyal to Lis country. 0 '"rt 'oL CO-OPERATI-VE MERANTILE : INSTITUTION gg & North and South. . Dry Goods of all descriptions. Hats and .caps boots and shoes, both home made and imported. Clothing a specality. Groceries, including Dixie Molasses, and Dried Fruits; Crack-er- a and Our Hardware Department contains an immense stock of Tools for Mechanics; also tools for Fanners such as Shovels, Spades Picks, I Iocs, Forks and Rakes. Glassware, Qneensware, "Wooden ware; Medicines; Drugs; Paints unl Oil.-.-; Well Piping and Shingles. Yonr patronage is always appreciated, no matter how small your purchase. You may rest assured it will be our constant aim to give our Customers the best goods that can be obtained IuiUJAfiB3xui(2ui: Cliild will be treated as courteously as y on j self. ... J. A. ANDERSON, Siipt. 1 " , . ' . - -- t ti ' LaatA..f ja.&ifwa.at .a j - 1 Sindeftaker Bros. Manf'g Co. Carriige Repositor, 33 and 35 Main Street, and Branch House corner State Road and Second South Street. The Finest Carriage Display in the Territories, Light and Heavy Wagons in Every Style that is Made. Vehicles for Public and Private Use in All Varieties and Trices ALSO AUENTS FOR The Whiteley, Champion and Piano Harvesting Mechines and Extras, J. C. I. Case Threshers Horse-Power- , Enirines and Mills. Weil, Morrison, Metkel and South Bend Plows, Hay Rakes Frazier Road Carts and Harness of All Kind. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Prices. 12 6 J. P. Meilstrup, Ephraim, Agent. Hi. IF. SeaseLeI Has Just Received a Large Assortment of the Latest Novelties iu LAWNS, PERCALES, SEERSUCKERS, DRESS, GINGHAMS AND SATTEENS, AND ALL THE LEADING FABRICS FOR THE SEASON. A Full Line of B CHOICF HOSIERY Is Now on Hand. II llibbons, Laces and Notions g IN GREAT VARIETY. CALL AND EXAMINE QUALITY AND PRICES. A Complete Assortment of Merchandise Always on Hand. Teasdel's Stores, Main Street,Salt Lake City . 12 7 C.Andrews &Co. NEl'lil & EPHRAIM. Highest Prices Paid IN CASH For Grain, "Wool, Ilidns ami We arc also Agents for the Tit ivc Best Wagons in the Mar-ket. THE BMW, THE MITCKEL, THECOOPEH All At Salt Lake Prices. 20 C Andrews & Co. 9 Ciliotis c f the school iaw, or the nner-- j pretit:oii theret, t hat lie or the! teacheis liii.k i f t piescnt text bCKks, j or j other text biw-- S Hut Bow used, j ANo whi tl'.ti ..ny irconimeiidauoiis ie-- 1 Carditis the f im, e, or character of scliia.l r jjibtus l?o the opinii ti ut leichcis s u, c,irpui.il punishment. I sli u!d ) Ilk? to knew whether there iinv 1 tliei'lty in the cliitdren Ik. 114 Lii;p! rd .vuii school boiks and; stjtiuii.it'v; .it. d litther theie be any plan f.ii iii..ici. iaptcveniei;ts in thi te.'ai'l; .d . to school f.icilnies and arciii.iixl.iikiii. at)d whether the stiis! in.ii.iSJ so s.tuaied as to be Siicii p ; it s lou'd show whether the peism.s i: tve attended the Normal !)cp.u inci.'. ..tdte 1'i.iversity ot Utsettt, have t. m;l a I with ihe reiiJtrviuents of the law ly!i'tK themselves as teach-eis, and ;; i.e: tlly give the cpintou of the S.ipcu. 1. 1. lei l is to the tereli's of tiie M.im..i eoatse to those who have peii-a- it ..la! mete.ifter followed ttarh-ing- , uitliin ti e Superintendent's luns-pictio-ot tinder his observation. A repoit t tne i liatactet sns.'K-':t-for eacii would be very gratnyins to tli Commissioiift, and not onlv l,e a j.M at aid in his niakinu his An-nual and liientiial Kepotts, but also a means id fun her iinprovin the system and advai ci; g the cause of education jjeneiaHy llii.aijjluait the Teriitoty. 1 he Law re.piires that the Commisioiit er fmnih inl'.ainlioil regatd:ng othe-- 1 listtict Is. It is nece-sai- theie-fore.tii.- it the Saperintendelits do their lo hui.t uat every School other than I). strict Si ho-- is within his Supeitiitand-e- i cy, and lepmt the same to the n.vii g the name and the pest-olhc- e addles . t the principal, and also whethei stn h Schools be deii' minational or not. 1 sent out blanks for this pur-pose this spi.i and the County s i.erally, and at once, sup-plied tiie nciissaiy inloimatu n. litre and there, l.ov.ever, one would be found who d,d la t 'win to compielieud the impottatice ol die subject of education, ami made n.'y imperfect reports. 'I here ate Schools in various cities and towns and in the which aie not con-nected with any chinch. These should h-- also. It is a very dilitcult ta-- tor the Commissioner to obtain the neces-at- y ml" umatioti ftotn cluin h i iiic-ki-or nii:i.s:e!s, some of tin tit ate very willing, others seeut caieless and u.dui i e'..t, The last I'.ie nn al Ke-pi- t i t the C- niui.ssiDiier will show how mi; ciii ( t eiv the data as lo denomi-nation d S !i As, and it showed Ihe gieat i.ei d ot llie Conimiss.oiier not ho n.fotination eut rely upon ciitiicli oi!ic.i!s or miuisteis. I hope, Ih.oiefoK-- , ttiai tveiy Super ml endent w ill make: it his business dtitirj theyear to leaintho i.i facts in "leatd j evety ptiva;e .Sc hool, whedar tl.c same be deiioiuu.aiioual or m t. h is iji suable that each of you ack-nowledge llie receipt ol all blanks and i iliel d ciiineuls that you may icceive i'k.iii tiie CouiiiinssHiner. Oilretwise lie he is in the daik as to whether yott llie. in or not. lu some instances, wlieie the number is veiy lai;j;e, tiie all-otment is d.viueel Into two or uioie pack-ages. It tlia iiuiiiber,ai-.- kind of blanks received be the Commissioner will know whether what was tent was leceived or u ,t. Inundate! upon thi j scoveiy ot l. cii of blanks, il will be a !,.voi to me if you iimn di.ile'v n,,fly nit, .ior.ii.iiii ;j tie rimiiLvr and k nil l ia U:t iiLidvd. This s'lou',1 uevei b as I am somelaues si, oil ol V'.o.'k;, and a is lo g( t f. me oioo; P' iote.l, and tii s reinme--. mm- - 1 a at i ji al pi.'sei.t well supplied wit': H mks I' f County Supetui'iiahm Ann-'J.,'- a f .'i'J .'.rTAltHtlJii ;;,'lfr; j.o m., i be 5. ,'.!(:.. ha: il.(i.:reut, it is not a hisablj t.- to I'.yj expense ol print-a-- - at y ni..ie i.i these :vo kinds unless it lie aUi.,!u:ety ni tessaiy. If, theiefore, eith.-iilv-- need either Couuiv Atnaial l'ii.anciid or Annu-al Stansncd Re( oit blanks, let me know tM:n:.;iiiMj. Otiiejwisc it will be too late to itave them printed. And il any of the County Supiiiitendents have mote of ci-- her of these than he needs, he w.ll confer a favor by forwarding the same lo me. I would be pleased if each of yon would notify me at the earliest opportunity about the number of school teachers' Teifh Report blanks you will need for use to the tst ol January next; and, as near us possible, how many such reports you will need Irani the ist of January next to the rst ol July, iSgr. II there be any change in the number of schools of your county, let me know, and give me about the date that the schools of your county begin their fall team. I enclose herewith a circular issued by Commissioner Willaims, in 1887, showing the text books that were then adopted lor a peiiod ol five years, and also those lec mimeiuled. I desiie to call your especial attention to section 3, of an act of Congress, lound on )ae ii ol the Biennial Report of the Commissioner of Schools 18S8 9, copies of which repoit have been sent you No certificates should be issued to any per-son to leach, until he or she has passed the examination therein required. All recommendations of the County Examin-ers to the Commissioner, for fust grade certificates, must show that the party recommended has passed a satisfactory exam, nation in I'hysiology and Hyejjne, with specal reference to alcoholic drinks and oilier norcotics upon the human system. 1 desire also to call your attention to section a Some Trustees does not seem to notice it. This section Contains in force and validity all levies of taxes or assessments therefor made under the old law, piior to the enactment ol the new law, and all aid taxes can be col-lected just as it the new law had not been passed. Vi.ttrs Sc., Jacob S. Borema.v, Commissioner of Schools. Gommissioner's j Report to the Superinten;lcnt3 cfEhtiict Schools. The Ifew School Lav . j fruperinteiideut'J To Visit! Church choci3- j ily of Snpt iVIer d reave , ' wc I'u'.io'! tho fooouii-- ; for the con- - ver.KUK j of 1 rtistcc.i and al! interes- - j U-.- in tiie I'.strct Schools. I tJioeo of Comiaissloncr of Schools: Oile-n-, I tah 'lane 14, tSno. ; I . ...1. ., r 1..11..1 :l . 01 twoj Cop i s ,, the re S.h ml Law bound in with the Kep.ut .f the Coin-- j nnssioi.i r, tn ttie to lue la-- t i I have als seal yi 11 en; u.-;- copies of! Ihe S ' I bi.v to enable Voir to lurnisl ne c, py to each School I);s;rct. 'ihts Co. y sinaild e pieseived by clerk' and in on..; lit w uii las inui'ates ta tveiy ni etu e, ! liie 01 aid. I! was my desire : tobiii-s- ii eveiy '1 ill itte with a Copy, ' hill the iiiuniier aliowi- - i to printed ' will not jastily tins, liie iie'.V S :houl i Law iJ s .me what ii.il.iiuite anal con-- 1 in iis leipnienteiits and prov'sions. ' and it v. ,11 be very uecessaiy that ach of, you, and e h iiiistee, study it with care, s .is t" coiiiprihciid its ceuetal scope; an I its vaiious ittpiiu nirnts. In en- - ilea votai;; lo reach c niei't inletpreta- - l o:,, ol us dilleient sectioiij and pio- - v. !,.;. s, and t f vec-nc- ile and Iviini ,n.r.e t'.e w bole, it is i.cce-oai- that theiele kept ci in new the f id that the law was intended to given:. d lo establish 10 e sciio-il- tliioU,;ii'.'jt the Teititoiy. bins h the li:st solid lock 11,101! w'.iicii to build any iuierpictarioii of the various iar:s ol the law, and we must conclude tlieielne at the ouir,e-- t that under no j ciicumsiaiiies can tuition be required for liie a amission of any child of school u;:e iu the distiict or city wiiele he or siie li.es, and no childien can be leiutcd uiiiiissi 'ti to, or iliicriiiiiu ited ,i;;a:us!, ,a any d,..;i t school ot ihe T, itilosy. i l1.-.- f;ie,.t.r pait of liie .. u .. year ol it h.i-- i heen tmdt-- the old lav i ..i- - .l ( onsi'iiiei i v the staiiSti'id and oMi- -r tot u'liaii .11 has been yti'h, -d tin be r it. 1 tiave ibi refote lietnietl it pr.'p-e- i i im. the old I mm of statistical and financial I'-- its f.r this year, and; lue blanks theieloic have hen-tcfbi-been loi watjjtl to cacti of yotl. Section j ol lo - new law let lives t.i il the tiny 1- i i.il u-- snail be sw mu by llie lius-- i tees. I'i.H i:h c ti' l e end .iv.-.- on bie ;;,l. !: I Ihe top: It. The- f am t the it p.-- t a s - liie school " p. la: ion, (1. .in- - j 11 oil',' r i'le I se j A Sv'ii is, is in. ale f uieii hat d h'. i tnt from ibe o'd nam. 1 ins is done iu order lo comply H ilh lie: re pi'ienienls of tile new school law, v. h-- h piov.des tiiat tiie rep 01 Mm! I suo.v tie- - color of eveiy child of school ae;e, and w heiller the clnlj can read and wiiie. in die column n eliding me litter, in the S.iiool li lard's report, I have s i,;.:fs.ed mat the woidi "yes'' 01 "no," cull 1 be used 111 ;.ns,vc!i:; j; tbe e i..Soon,as t,ic word "a iol" c miiects toe '.Voids "lead" and "wri'e" 111 lite iiucsii .11. In your rio-oi- l t the Com m may g.v.-.- only lie ni.n bei w iio c.oi read a,,.', write. Ail 1. so t d w il Le it.iable to lead and wi iie. As to c , r . yo'l i.ii.j follow su.;;. siious f ti:. J at tu- -t ru oi ' Scil led 1. , ai d's ti p ,11 ( '1 SCilool p.M.a.I i 'ii' in u.o.,..: ,d :" ee-ii- is. tedious i ad;, bu it H a retjiiiii tuen: ol me S.e-i- -il ituie, and Should ne peifoitac I with Coo"C,cii!:oi!s c ae, ai.il t U . .1 lot b - j niadu bill, cotn.iic f and aceui 11c. li will be t" ,r the tiiuineia- - ; tor to visit eveiy it mst: and li.:!, 01: :cn t in hi s d.s, lict, and by peis niai imjiii vj and obsei vatioii, btaiu neces.,iy u,l..i- - j niati n. Tne census ;s by the ilea- law to be i.ik-- ii ininiedialtiy niter the 15th day ( July, nud be out, deled the last ol li.e m rnl'.i. It saonl I lei placed iu your ha. ids at tiie laiiiesl iii'.'tnmit, lo enable you to comply stiict-l- y with the iei!i.ierilents I die new law, which pioVides that y air lepoit be made to the Cotuat i ,i mer on tiie 1st cf Au;us. I lease iiottce tuts date. ihe. value ol any repoit depends en-tirely upon lis liiilctss and aciau.icv. Il" cituer ii these elements be wanting, tiie repoit its worlll. 1 iuld k theietore that each of you uij;e np-- ii the Trustees of each district, the nil.) and ne'iessi y of their havaij; these reports 111 nle full, cunplete and liccit-iait- ; and lli.u they be made promptly and forwarded to you. I'romplnei's is necessary to enable you to make up your repoils to tiie C omuii--sioi.t-r. j l'.ie l'riistees census repoit should be ma le hi dupl c a'.e one copy to be ie- - lamed by tiie i! urd, and by t pieseived ' loi ftrute . .iivii tivj oilier ! sh add be I u u aided to you. Your ie-- i ports i f the van ,113 kind, sh uiU a'.ta be j made in daplic ite, one copy to be i,y you lelau ed. mid tils other to be to the Comm. ssioner. I des. u: tint y,ai siiall iuiuied.iilely, if you have not aheudy dune s call the attention i f the Trustees of eicii tt.s 1 Itict to sections 32, 3;--, 34, 33, 3,'), and 37. j of ihe new school law. Then actiuti will be reipi red. It will be stetuhat by section 33, i f the new U A', notice of all meetings "for the election of Trustees, etc, "siiall be j pasted up in at least linee public and j conspicuous places within hie ihsttict, and that "all business tiaiisacted at such meeting, other than that specified iu j said norce, s.uil bs void." It is pes-- i Sible that the courts may interpret the wolds "all business" lo mean only all; business upon ihe t'uiee subjects spec;-- ; tied in tiie litst part ot ihe section, but in the absence of ja Jl i il i'n;ci-- I pietaiion, it would be advisable, in every instance, to ib-si-- nate in tne notice i eveiy subject upon winch il is contcin- - plated that action be taken l..y tile meettn,:. I have heieto a.vicuded a foim ol notice suitable tor the jnly ineet-iii- j. If any other biati s.ic.i as is named in the Knin, is lo be submitted t,, llt. meeiuu, it should be im hub din the notice. The question as t j voii'if upon the late per cent, ol taxes lo beiose-seil- , and of the issuing of ponds, u: -- ;u m r,! properly cot e 111 use in the f ill.'and, ot Coutse, wbeiiCVci it is ths toiii ,. 'cou. iSideiin.; eaher, it is aiisoiux iy nusssuy to speedy it in liie notice, or i::e action ol liie meeting w .ll be utili an , .J It w.ll be ohsentj th it t'n.. i ol the compensation of I'i , t, vm. j braced iu me f um if th,.t. K Li;,;,1 ,i-- d for ihe July meeting, lacia.i ,s"s:icnti as to men c. 11, lensuiion, and Ll ... ss Iv thetcloie devolves iipu ;,;0 v'i fix it. ieis 10 j I desire each County Supetin-eiideii- t and e.ici Luy Supetimeudei.t to m ke an annua! rep nt to tiie Coim-os- s or near ihe omu at tust of Sep.e:!it.n, ' KiV a Seneiai sjuimity of tuc coi.d.i:,.,:) 01 ihe ;Scb.ocd under his t,( :ei:inel d, cv with such inletmation as h- -" 'wy satl.cr f:..iii leaciiets.i cho, 4 ih,.,s 1H, others ihe fiul; el' the i,,,A. ?' win-- . em Clauses toe .: .i,J, aiui ej. jU.udim: scnool w,;rk t;ei.i tally. Such j muleondf.iii"oIiishl embody :i;eui toe,,,. he or any tra.-hc- m ,v have to n;,i.;e as t) am.ad nvn;s or m odm- - ANOTHER KViniilNilK Mr. John Walters Chitdebert in his "Golden Treasure'' in writing about the Norm American Indians says: There is evidence not only of a traditionary kind, but also monu-mental, to show that before the ad-vent of the red man the country ,had been inhabited by a race far rnnre civilized than they. They had worked the gold mines in the region of Take Superior, and through the Mississippi valley, especially ia Ohio; have left .traces of fortifica-tions and inclosures some of which are of such a size as to show that they reipiired a powerful detachment to occupy them. Some of t'ne mounds ae in the form of animals, such as alligators, serpants etc., and, perhaps were connected with religious rite.;. The fate of the mysterious people will undoubtedly forever remain a secret. Jinny Liiul is a renwrkacly (flfted Swedish vocalist who gained insl.tn-t.iueou- s success on nuking her debit in l.ontion, in Iu 1N50 site come to die United States undei an euji.i.jt r.i .'nt with P.T. Bartiuni. and met with the most iiutiecedeiitcd success. In niiny varieties of music she was without a rival. Born Oct. 6, |