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Show Eishraim's Dau'olc Caucin. On M.iiid.iy evening a double caucus was he d in toe Ceu ral School House, Ephrami for tlie purpose of choosu.g deUalesto t!ie County Seat convention to be held at .Mt. Pl.ies int on the lo:h, and also tiie Peoples paitv convention to be held at Mai ti on SaiurJay. Mr. iieriy lieal, haiimau of the j IV-ople's Paity committee of Ephraim called tiie house to Older and explained i the reason fn ihe call and that il it was a;tee .b!e the People, s Paitv would hold liieir caucus fust so that those who could not take part in the other meeting miUt tetiie. Air. Rasmus Clawson gave the same leason for holding the County Seal Caucus hist but it being shown that the People's Caucus would be the shortest he wilhdiew his objections and Ihe meeting progressed. On motion Heniv Heal was chosen Chairman, and ). C Peteison secietaiy. The Cbaiimau explained that the following olliceis weie to be named at ihe. conveniioi:: Selectman, Clerk, Re-coider, Re-coider, Slietiil, Assessor, Collector, Prosecuting Attorney. The delegate; named were Peter Gi eaves, C. W. Peterson, J. P. Jensen. On motion of J. P. Unison Jr., Parian McFatlatie was named as- Pi.eciuct Jus- Pehrson, wj naiusJ ns Constable, canie t. C)n motion of C. W. Peterson the caucus adjourned. COONTV SEAT CAUCUS. ' As soon as the People's Iarty csncus adjourned ad-journed the CoiimvSeaiCancus convened 1 and oil motion of Rasmus Clawsuii, H. P. Hanson, Jr., was elected Chairman, and on m ifonjof H,P. Larson. John E Darius, Jr. was selected as secretary. The chauman explained ihe object ol the caucus and by Peter Peterson, C. W. Peterson was named as one of the delegates! dele-gates! the Ml. Pleasant convention. Before the motion went the house, J. P. Meilstrup suggested that a coniiuitee of three on nomination lie appointed by the Chair. This question was discussed by J. r. Meilstrup. Rasmus Clawson, C. V. Peterson and Parian McFailaiie for, and J. C. Peterson and Peter I'eleisoi, against. Finally Mr. Peteison wilhdiew his motion and r. Meilstrup put his suggestion in the lorin ofsa motion which canied without a dissenting vote. On moiion of Win. Rowden ihe Hum- On molmn ol u rn. liovvaen tne number num-ber was raised to five and the Chairman oppointed C. M. Peterson, Rasmus Clawson, Claw-son, . P. Meilstrup, Peter Peteison and II. P. Lai son. The committee then retired to make selection and Judge McEailane was called for a speech to which he responded respond-ed in a shoit bt veiy J oil. ted niMu.et. The committee returned and presented the following names Peter Greaves, Rasmus Clawson, . P, Meilstiup. Peter Schwalbe, C. W. Peterson and . P. Jenson All butj. P. Jensen were selected select-ed and Ne Is O. Andeison was named in his place, J. C. Peteison moved that six alternates be selected so that in case ol any accident Ephiaim could be represented by the lull number. This canied and and the alternates alter-nates chosen, the delegation then stood: Detegalei: Allen ilea; Peter Greaves, John. Dorms. Jr, A'asmus Clawson, Peier Peterson, J 1'. Meilstiup, H P. Laison' Peter Schawaibe, Joseph Madson, C. IV. Peterson, J.H. Hanson, Neils O. Anderson, C. R. Doritts. On motion of J. C Peteison the meeting meet-ing adjoined, Siic die. |