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Show The County Seat, AgainDiscu3S3d.This Time by j Other Partie3. I Mount-Plesant and Ephraim' Show their Claims Ephraim'H Donhle Caucus. People's Party -'aucu3C3- Mt. Pleasant. June .Vitii. Editor Rkcistkk. -I read the article from V. A. L. of Mauti, and also that wonderful document entitled "An Ad-dtess Ad-dtess to the People of San r'eie" issued by the Defense Comiiiitt e of Manti, Oh, shades ol old Hickory Jackson! how can mtn pit such arguments against the will of the people! Your conespi tident can, alone and single handed, show better leisoiis why Mtl'leasaut would be a better location forthe County Seat, tlnui Manti Mt Pleasant will, doubtless, statelier claims in a formal and public way; but trusting to your piomise to let all be heard, I have a wi.h to state my own md 'pendent views on this topic; audi think many others will eudoise them. You are, Mr Registkr, bound to titter the voic? of the whole county, and that is quite right; it is your business, duty ami pleasure; hut I, as a Mt Pleas, ant man, have a light to advocate my location in p articular, so I nig as I don't say anything unfair of other locations I will say to begin with, that the RiiGisri'.R seems to please all, 1 hear it well spoken ol on all sides, and I think it will receive hearty support in our town. Mt Pleasant has been called The Queen City of Sin 1'ele, 111 acc uut of its beaut'.lul iocati.ni. lis growing population, popu-lation, its public and piogu-ssne spun, and for oilier reasons; ai.d 1 think the ! name fits well. j The (Jueen City, altii' ii'h not (he j oldest in S in Pete, lanks liist in popu 1 lalion, wh le Mauti must stand lli.nl 111 rank. Tnis is one good leasoii that she should aspiie to the honor in question. She is tile most piogiessive town; in witness i f which I point w ith piide to her business houses, which are much larger and m ire numeioiu tiia.i those of Manti, and more business is tlieie transacted trans-acted by all odds. She is located is the center of popu-latioi popu-latioi ; and it cannot be denied that the place most convenient of access to the greatest ntimVr of business nnjii is most saitable for the County Seat. Within a ladms of ten miles from here, we have Moioni, Fauvieiv, Spring Cily, Chester and Mt. IVasant; and these live towns must include more than 7 750 inhabitants; which is more than one tii.rd of the population of the whole county. The legisteitd voters are esiim ited at iibout ;o percent of the whole population, an.J Hiking tins as a suiting point, wc may place the figures to represent the population of San Pete Co. at about 17,- . 000.. ' . Manti, a ac nturofa ten-mile radius .. WOnld l'urtA.M ii'V' 'II',.' ii)nu.in.ilM '" I tl2 Maim KpiiMMltl taxi titnimg.'v -'-"' , -Eveii Kpliranu could ..da . belter, ' than that, for a circle of equal size, ncluding Epllni'in, Manti, Sptii g City, Chester and Wales, would embiace a oopulation of neariy 7,000. Hut Mt Pleasant ranges higher than Ephraim and as a reason in such a case,' the nu-, nifrir;i! ooint is a urn d cue. Our natural resources-are epiite as good as those of Mauti , and in this line we will agree to match anything she can show. She claims the Temple, which belongs to us just as much as to her; but what it has to do willi politics is a query, liven liiarr.age licenses must, according t law be obtained in a man's own precinct, and if he goes there to get married without one just let him ti'ot back and get it. The lake can hav j no possible connect on w tn coart bus l ess, any 111 jre ill an if it were in any other spot than it isj.ind for the Cemetery, why 1 have never heard that any man cared to be bulled at the County Seat. I may be dense, bin since county courts never mete out capital punisnmeiits, I fail to see why a convenient cemetery should figure in c'a losing a County Seat, I think I have advanced tour good leasons why Mt Pleasant would be a good location, viz: (jjod naluial resources, resour-ces, A progressive people, Center of population, and Delightlnl location. There aie other arguments which might be adduced, but these seem sulli cient, and I would I ke to suggest that Manti is favored q lite enough in having our Teni;!e as an ornament, a glory and a bles-mg. in bti.igi.ig as it djes yearly thrones .if tile best psople ol Utah to s ijourn in her midst, and she c ui afford t ) lose so small matter as tne C unity Seat. Ephraim counts on v becoming a railroad town, as well as oiuselves, in tua near future, and has the bulge on us in getting up the livest piper w thin a hundred miles, and has the Siake Academy into the bargain S.ie would be unreasonable to grab for all the resr, so let. us hear no w hining liotnhei because we conclude to pull in the County Seal but we'll doit if she does bluboer so, iheu! Ik 1 ! tot. |