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Show WE H HfE DOHE IT! THE THE tteT LAUGKST 52: LOWEST niuuiv -Si xru-us. A Onnnnil Making Stock At lBliUrii Breaking Prices We ask uotltinij; -lutttr than an Honest Tost of Our Cluims and arsi willing to Stand or Fall by Facts - and Figures. v PLANING MILL WORK In All Its Branches at MADSON Bros.&Co Ephraim, Utah. A site of -Money at OUR STORE WILL YOU? i.M: Frcmuii,SI.D. A.W. urraw,M I Freeman A; Burrow Eye, Ear, Nose &T roat. Spectacles tilted properiv. Agents for the best Glass or Artilicial E)e. JLfJ .f n.larA filiJilms', Myrtt HotlliM F. A.ItuMi'll Enterprise House MYRA HOLMES CO. loi, Commercial Street, Salt Lak City Most convenient to Electnc Cais, Restaurants, Res-taurants, leading Retail Suites, Theatles and all places of amusements. Tins Hotel and Us equ'pments are entirely en-tirely new. It hits 64 will fin uisheil rooms and is located in the heart ol the citv. I Tin Shop. F. Y. JENSEN, TINNER. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Tin-: I P. MEILSTBUP, Ephraim, Utah ware, Roofing, and Gutter Gut-ter Work, Etc. REGISTER BLOCK, EPHRAIM. as. Frost S. Johnson THE PETERSON OPERA HOUSE: Ephraim, Utah. ! Is now open to the public. There t is the neatest and best SET OF SCENERY in San Pete. And the hall itself is the neatest in the county. Agents of Traveling Companies are inviteied to take a look at theHall A Grand Hall every Friday F.vening to wnich all are invited. Frost ifc JolmtoD, Lessees CALL AT THE FARMERS EXCHANGE FOI YOUR SUPPLIES. Therefore call at J. P. Meilstrups, Farmers Exchange and find a full stock of mens' and boys' clothing, hats and caps, boots and shoes. A full line of ladies misses antl children's chil-dren's underware. Family grocer' ies of every description etc. etc. Both stores brim fulof new goods, and both having the " ame ltw prices, pri-ces, at second north and Centre streets. |