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Show 1 TRUTH OETHS 1UBLS. 1 Vi'iitten by a girl fourteen yeara old. 1 In this a ;e of iiitidclitv, it is necessary I , tut we should have at our command ' " poof to substantiate the divinity of the ' Bible. It is acknowledged to be the oldest b k in the warld.and we behove that God is tha author. The discovery ot ancient records and the inscriptions upon m liniments, temples, obelisks and other ancient structures, confirm 'he principal facts contained in the bible. Assynan an i B iiiylonian historic records hive alTjrded innumerable points of ' Tne ruins of Nineveh and the Valley of the Nile, the slabs and bas reliefs of Sennacherib, the catacombs with their i,iO) Christian inscriptions, the monuments monu-ments of Phara h, all authenticate the the truths of the liible. It contains more true sublimity, more exquisite beauty, purer morality, more imporant history and finer strains M both poetry and eloquence, that can be collected col-lected within the same compass from all other books written in any age by the spirit of man. It is remarkably simple and plain, vet wonderfully grand and sublime. Through out al ii t every chapter the higher and noiiier thoughts and feelings aie express In Matthew, 5 chapter and Exodus, 2u chapter it indicates the highest, and it contains the most excellent precepts, exhortations, ex-hortations, and precious promises. It gives a record ot the creation of the world, and the origin of man. Also an account of the flood and other stacking incidents such as the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchad-nezzar. It has been a blessing to every country into w dch it has been Introduced, and it has produced the most happv efhrts on multitudes ol men. . . Regarding the different ages of the world, the fictions of the poets coincide with the Scr pture lacts. ist. The first or Golden Age, is described des-cribed as a parad steal state, tepreseut-ing tepreseut-ing the joy, peace and happiness of the hist pair in Eden, 2nd Tne Iron Age. or the age that fol.uw-'d afier the h mishmeol liom the presence t G d. ivts re!;reiice to tile ' pirn smnent f .1 1 lii-iir diso'iedie ce - I osieid ol peipetual joy, and everlast-1 ing lile which, was tueir original iuheii-tince, iuheii-tince, i ley were di me - to pain and s ,ii , a .d mat nun siiould therealier I he loi -.. 1 to eai.i a s n ,-ad oy laeswea. i of his bi iw, fue sim.litud .i existing be- I tw-eu the hswrv ot doses and the 1 Hole .it iiaac iih is shown by the writings of t ie -killlul VoSSIUll -J T.i- f.e y ! itie a..cient Ph renic an if reg lid iil-i science ,! tile I uu latiou s 1 ,.f.v .lids is sin Inr to the account "f !l me ere io. m given b M ses. |