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Show CHILI) MURDERERS. Translated tor the Kkgistkh Whole stle c.iild-.n.irler in C ipen-haeu. ipen-haeu. The principal murderers commits com-mits suicide aod two other women, her accomplices are under aries:. Tuesday, Sept. J.rd, brought to light a series of the m ist heinous murdeis. vei heard oil', besides whidi the h irniile deed. 1 I tck the Ripper in London are out nt.tj. si hi iiiMirnilicance. A woman, by ihe name, M iria R ism issen, w ho had been perm lied to t ike children to nil is? and occupied a seemingly respectable respect-able suite ol to 01111 iii Elbaaile No.cj.was suti;h a:ier by me puiice.oiia cotnp aim by .1 K 11 ho had place. 1 her infant ch.Kl in huh woman' charge, bat lately could 11 it net to see it or obtain any satisfact-oiy satisfact-oiy explain inn about it. This caused her to ieel alarmed a iou; the l ite of her ch hi and she consequently sought assistance assist-ance from the pol.ee, who sent a detective detect-ive to investigate. On arriving at the residence of Mrs, Rasmusseii, he only found her sister at home, but by t;in cross-guestiontd shs involved herself in such a mess of contradictions, that tie at once declared her arrested and took her to ihe police station, where she was put upon a preliminary pre-liminary trial. This revealed sufficient to cause a search oi the premises and caused the arrest tl a seventeen year old leivant girl. Two infant corpses were discovered bidden away one in the cellar cel-lar and anotlier in a privy, tut the main criminal, His. Kasmitssen could not' be discovered. She had left the house as loon as she heard ol the first visit of the police-othcer. The next day however, she was (uuild dead, h.inplni in a ttrs funvv uiiin.1 . ne nr. At ja j nuncici, she was (omul dead, ha using in a tree in one of the patks. The full extent ol chiU-murders com muted in this honible butchei Inmse.has not vet reached us, hut sufficient has been br ughi to light tocoutu ihe mnrdei by ihe d;zuii,as ihy extend over a space ol several 5 ears and many children have disappeared without being accounted (or by ihtse fiend--. |