OCR Text |
Show . ...... f i The County Register OF SAN Vt.n: Cul-M-Kpliraim, Utah, Nov. 13, 1S90 Oil cloths in every stjle at 11: (J. Hanson's Jim's Boy's ami Childien's Ha s atpnc srs I , wet than ever at tbc Lx I W. B. J. Stacey j DENTIST. I AN otk warranted. I j t Eprtraion on Wednesday ami TbursJay tf each week. J ftnti, txd Epkratm Utah. 2 1 Utah Nursery Co. Over 50 Acres cf Fruit and Ornamental Trc:s, Hoses Cb . Iji ft!id Small Frpts. iirii )uc Villi-- Forest Tree Scodlin-i- . JiVjxL7 l.yr. t ; L round L- audin iYi;AK liotsfc. Uaku j r f''K- - 'W (,'l-- kAI ItlH k. Si t '(IM)S(H'TH StKKKT. TheBenchHouse 4 r.,(Us s. uih uf Uie Vii'k. U ml'4 mm Mtfrnrml lt 4. GCKiI) TABI.KSj. cs Ji n anJ perd,-y.-y- i O'. A. ti! .. V,. Special Rates bv ihe week. ril Comim icial Sample Rim. G iml liaili K ums. Fire Cs.iiveyaurc to the Tern pit-- . Tcaiiv will meet parties at Chester when s ilesned. f rV. H. Olsten ,M D. Ephraim. lV. W.Woodring.Irl- - B. j Mt. leasant, Physicians & Surgaiu. Ti'lt'jinuns will only Ih an frw eicti if niiitl or by IrtsjKiiisililo jiiirtics : Riverside Hei Over " -- too head) 7 - - of Part . , , ,; Uvuiital Mcits Short'Hot 11 Cat- - tA'V'Kv, ''" 'f Hi.'ji Xxtcl- - .,, fMfife,u4f;.: xs.il . Headed bv the !f . '4:'i f-5- '4' J I'K--- Fttntott, Airdric UtXiMiM- - , A,,,0U,f v joth & th Duke iFX 'Ati'dWk-iV- "n latlcrl,rtl.VA.i S ?' ) '' - ' heifers J. Alcxatu!,' off?:- 'J ,r Ss'-- ' Lexington, Ken-- . : .'"V:' - r:' -' r';r '. nuk l y-- ': ..;-- . ... ; Good hue& Vein svleter, Office, CcntralBlock. Salt Lake City. V ri ij. a Mary Knighton's New. House. (iothl Acconiodations, Sample Uoonis, VAc. Salina, - - Vath Ifa t MisEsPHtHJAuIlMia, UtDTAoHr,ius, tie I 1 Desires to call the attent on of the I Public to the fact that she is I I : the Agent for the I BI D! iINGTOn'i )RV.SSCU ITING .M A I CHINK. K. - CU 0T far I urli'T information, I MILLINERY SHOP. Mrs. A. C. Hansen. Dealer in all Cochs befogging lo a First Class Millinery Si"f. One block west and i noltll of Taber-sl- e comer, Kphrajin. j JOHN KNIGHTON, Dealer in GENEBAL MERCHANDISE T11 our (loods tiro Soldat tlw Lowest 1'ossililo IVtees icTpc'"FV,'' Vv" '4" 7 EPHRAIM HOUSE Mrs. Ellen Dorius, Prof. (!ood accommodations and Sample Room. Main Street - - F.phraim Opposite Post Ofiice. 3 1 r...',-- - . t,i..,ci ut ' , ARTIST. j e5AFree Hand Crayon Vork(a I Portails Enlarged f. And all work guaranteed. S. Johnson, Artist, J!J E()hraim, Utah. A Stitch in time saves nine, "And may be the means of Saving your Life limbs. See that your Harness is in good fix, which you can do by calling on ! Jas. V. Stevensen, HARNESS MAKER. One and hall blocks South of t'osl office Main Street, F.phraim. flatnesses of all kinds made t order, ! I woik watranted. charges moderate. I UU J U 1 UND DEALER IlsT All Kinds Of Furnitur, Window Blinds , Carpets and WallPauer The CtW.iafod Charter Oak and Monitor Stoves .i.i t a vri nrTRtl Fielding House, Josh. Fit'lditi";, rropriolor. JGood. Accomodations J For Traceleis and Temple Visums, All are made welcome,Good roonir FIELDING'S EXPRFSS WAGONS. Passengers & Fre'gll Carried bclwee Chester, Ephraim and Manli uuickly and with salety F. Y. JENSEN. T I E" IT E R.: Munilfartrer nf Till audCopper Ware. R.x fmg and G mtter woik. 3id s juth street, Fast 3 blocks. Ephraim, Utah. r to-- J J. H. Otter strom, fj Wm. Bawden. W 1e .If t 111 V" A" kinds of Y Uns. lcine!s, L'mUays ij feaus and Mail's , Mess-- o Is. Wilole f.d- - fit A'uol C is. not lelosed H I ICM.n.ani.c. ryuiui. :i l Kpliral in, San Pete Counts . i hoG. E. ruSio:, DL"AL'-- H IN l1 , GENERAL KSRC2ANDISE. J Dry Good and (Jroceiies, Roots and Shoes. Ltiwrenct;, Eniery county, Utali 2 '2 1 t liKAt.ri: Fggs, Grain and all kinds of Gene'.--i Produce. Ei'hkaim, Utah. 3J2 H. P. LARSEN , M DE0GGIST. St i E. M. NELSON'S BAR8ER SH0P.SS Hair cutting;. 2t's Shaving, I5ls One Door west uf City Hall, Fphrj'm, Utah EOBEET EODEN. Dettler in, and manuiacturt-- r of, Monuments, Headstones, TonsrjriiU Artist. Tablets and Vaults. 5. JOHNSON Has opened a First-Clas- s Barber j Shop at Lnnd's FumitureStore, MainSlreet, - - - Ephraim. Stone Trimmings for Build-ng- s a Speciality. Iron Fence, 15uilding Stone j - W. T. REID. ICtc. 4-- 24 Depot Street, Neplii Probate & Zand Attorney, Mam'", Utah, i Has had longer practice in Land matters f th in aiiV Attoniev in the coin's Ephraim City, Utah. DEALER IN Pure Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Drugs ltiuts,()is,Kt.:, G S S S SI E 33 S s 5; ; nye Stuffs and Piue Spices. Jgt I)ru;;ists, Sundnes, and all Goods usually kept in a IC.ist -- Class Iltug Store, also Spices, Teas, Collees, Coal Oil and full Line of Grocc-- s' Carefully Compounded J)rv Ni;'Jil. Agvnt for the Wliitc Sowing Medline, Kins of all. 2 8 t4-- Sheep taken on Shares! Big Interest Paid For full particulars Address or call on Ole Chrislensen, j blocks east of Co-op Store, Ollerstrom's Bhukmith shop, Ephraim. a J i 17 j V. K. REID. ATTORNEY AT LAW. MASTl UTAH. Practice in all the courts ol tlieTerritory. j Wm. ZABRISKIE. FRO BATE ATTNOREY. Mt. Pleasant Utah. I Business promptly attended to. ii.o Go Green, I1K.VI.KUS I Pure Bred Percheron HORSES. Handling Horses a Spe-cialty. MT. PLEASANT, UTAH. ! T. C. BAILEY, ; LAND ATTORNEY. Office next door to U.S.Land Office, I Salt Lake City. Obtains patterns for I Agricultural, Desert and Mineral Lands, j Correspondence solicited and inlor J, illation given. f- - Henry N. Larter, Sub-Agen- t, at Mt Pleasant. L ' C. S. WILKES, OFF1CB IS U. 8. LAND O F10E BUILDING. ft LAND AGENT AND ATTORNEY ' Obtain Patents for Agricultural and Mineral Lands. ' " UEor Ladiend ents ' Hats and a Few choice Suits of Clothing and a Large Assortment of A' W f. f2 O K tSi 'i B0 ES&3 W Z2? VZ3& a Oeo. V. Parks, : B. D. R. Thompson 1 1 Late Receiver O.S.Land Office, Attorney, 1 1 PARKS & THOMPSON, 1 1 Land and Mining Attorneys. Office in I V. S. Land Office Building. General V practice in all Courts. 11 j Salt Lake City, Utah. C.Andrews&Co. NEPHI & EPHRAIM. Highest Trices Paid IN CASH For Grain, Wool, Ilids and Pelts. We are also Agents for the Three Best Wagons in the Mar ket. THE BAIN. THE MITCHEL. THE COOPER All At Salt Lake Prices. j 20 C Andrws & Co. William H. Bird. JanR's Lowo- - ?X BIRD & LOWE, If Land Aguts & Attornys, t 1 Offiice next door do U.S,Land Office, I Salt LAirr Citt, UtAh. 1 Will promote c amrs In contPsted and suspend- - I d eases in hp La d office at Hat talc 'it v. I Utah a Oneral land office at W D. 1 C olitaln pauntH on HOnesietwI. Desnrt ft d Timber culture Eul tes, nd upou , coal and Mineral lands. Otneral Intom ation rtlaing to lauds furnished wltrmaps rtntHjanrt Ill Not ire for i uUU ;ki. j No. .V. I.jpJ fti r at s.,h .alt l .iv, ,'uh. is. j N 11 C tliVffl Hit- 11. mil. i; HiUirJ rutins n.i.u:i..ii V, m.ikr tit .115 ir ., .u,.j rul said j.-- J .U i i;:- i f ri ..:i.i. I t..n Irriifa.r. r jh t ; t it. ',1, K Ti. ti .i: c ,.. 'MI.c ti 4, ,4. iLMa ft K j rt.,i,, f w t nu.v? h, ,.. t'iu , i ii jkjii, ,i,U ,;,ti i j(,,ti ul. S.Oi.l. Ki hjT.! (', h!! i. u.hrw Jort;.- IVl. ( .vrV i:,t ilU- Mi'- -, l..t":tv I .!( r..;t,jrv Un I J. K i ::.lrr A CHOICE (jF lU'lJi'.v Oh. clve us tli imported itiini;, W itli true run:, he far to ruoV; 'I tiv. s ol (iebmti.tr Whuh niaiki the pertc-- t 1'mle. Y"t. if can't ctiHii. t il have lt i.t I'.r qu.ialum siili, A naitve two; Or to ii ma wtrd -- AI:hUi;n miH i; ve'll .it'Uld A A ;itt.-- IhuU'ii d.. Tlie barber's p jliiics vary usually in accordance wilh his complexion, the colored hein' Republican, the pan moie or leis Dem icr.iic;there at! a feu Indepen.'.ii.ls, ai.d I have lieaitl f oi.e or two W&i umps; but the la'ler never e t into ur in 01 ; .1 ti a:m s;!u te, oi il tllV d d.ttley slirivelled up and di sap- - ea e l at tn-- irl c :ract with the lie c mdit'oii, like the late suiplus ii: tile j treasury. In re i.;i n he is inclined !o lit liberal, cos iii'p .lnan. unie:sal. He is l much taken uo w.th snapins; through j tiiis he (I es n. t have as nvich time as some other pe ple who ale alrealv "tixeii" r , bestow up ai the mvlfiioii sujirl,-iiilv- ; a!be t he is not Sabbath bre kei; especia ly wh olh is ot bis cal ii. stand in w.'n li ni ill not b eakun it 1 sjuieiimes won ler whether tile a lluttnt f salvati. n tnri uh t.'is po c ss eiua!s in ex (tent Hie coiid jinn it on visited upon otlitis wao tau'l rt shaved and theie-- j lore can't 40 u c lutcn 011 Sun av, ami Hose v nces 'ii c n.sf( are ufi-- ! t.lllcs fled up in palil c pi at es, lul not ill the lauaae ot p .ai i: I h pe ii liaibeis aie Sometimes I ke carpeuten in ui.e cl and 11 t I ke them 111 an otnci. iiulli use d.d txols, but you couldn't Man a tile w..h atiaibei 's.Miav-ihi;- s any more iliao vou co.nd harness a sice of .iimosuliere and ill ke It obey Van will. AiSo Siimenliat like unto aniieis, 111 (lie iletlness With which they handle the biush. Likewise, icsemblint; latlii is I .t ubviotis teasons. Jiesules, .decdedly an 11 eailv seiilers 111 on t they iinpiiAe ihe face of natiiie. Tiiere is s me quest, un as to tiie otiyai at the bather's pole. One account (I have read inauy),s to the e fleet that it grew out of a c rcuuistance wli.c.i occur-e-tn a noble Venetian l.imily Count Micsy O'Dowd, He was a confeclioi.ei Barbers & Barbering A Ph astini Subject Plea antly Discussed. The haiber Imsiuess is very old and C irieNOondiiiiilv lespect ible one I for-get whether or not l'liny"Fiieside Tales," and am in si me little doubt as to what if anv reference to the sin ject under cmi sidetatioii is made m the iks ot Holace (surname ii"t stveii) but eel am it is that it i.' Veiv aiitiuue, and Some oi its devotees ate quite aulic also. One conspicuous instance ol baiberii g in anc ent tunes yve liud duly lecoided in Holy vV'r.t. It als serves as a wau.-i- n to tnose wli i i.ccast naliv indulge in homemade j, shaving Ac , when there ar men in the community who make a living by such means and Sometimes pay license lot the pnvile.e The instance lefeiied lo was in the case of a man proud ol Ins Iconic locks by trade, als chief po s met to the Ooe and U. gess; whenever thev suspected any one ol designs against the state.such peitoti leceived, w till Compliments of O'l'owd, a package of choice candy, Which Soon lestoied seieuitv to the gov-ernment. O'Doud kept a huge stick of candy suspended in front ol his stole as a s gn, Due day by 111 siake he 'asted a piice of candy designed lor the Dodge's suspects, and suddenly darted thiongli the opaque veil which seperates us fiont the shadowy hence, llis son, who was a barber, succeeded hitu.and discontinued the confectionery business but lett the sign standing; so that in tune a big sink of candy got to be the emblem of the barbe, 's crafl. I have closed this article without once resonii g to the cjstotnaiy aliliction of making a p'ay oil the work "batbarous." This fact alone should entitle tne chap-ter to thou,; htful and respectful considei abort. F.ssav Caioh and exultant 111 h.s exubetant stienglh. His family name was Sams. m but il lie ffiiks ever gave him another, it has not decended to us. le was the champion heavy weight ptigil st of his day. It is said of him that on one oc-casion he dispersed a whole brigade ol fi'ht .lg'pet pie called Philistines w ith 110 other weapon than the jawbone of an ass. The same weapon is still used ex-tensively in Congress. but with lesseiiect. Hut let me not distress. Samson got in to an entangling alliance with the Maria Halpin of that epoch, and whose full name was Deliah O'l'oolti (the latter of it being apochrvphal J Under the influence tf her blandish-ments he consented to have a cheap domestic hair-cu- t, and feaiing he might back out, she reached fur her scissors and went for his locks 011 the spot. The result was that Samson's head soon looked like a patch ol grass in which a mule with thiee front teeth out had been grazing. And when the tresses culled up in a huge muss 011 the il ior, the ath-eist's strength departed from him also, and so he unto M.ss O'l'oole to live him back his prowess, but she only answered "Ha, ha!" So much for home cuied tonsorialism. It has ntvei been popular since. Tne childiencf Isiael once realized the benefits of a barber's procedure. They were getting hence with consider-ablecaler.iy- . King Ptiaroah was after them in hot haste anil had gained sev-eral laps when the "ch Idieu" who rang-ed in age onn 25 to ioo yeais ran tight upng.ni s: the Red (bended) sea. Tins looked bail, and II d d s' til as lliotigh the puisiiei.s wi-i- desta.ed to calch on, but just ,11 this jiinctute the water p. ut ud . nthe left s de and the fugitives .vei lhioilg:i sately; but It yv as a cl..se il'.ave. liatbers ei j y a raie distinction, theii pr feSMnii lien.g Hie .:atlii'g point ol alloiiigie.it in i.'s caieeis; tntse weie ill once luile sliavets. A tiatiiei 111 ikes a good witness 1 renieinin r a c is-- j in tlie I'IhkI D.stiict Coin 1. in w h ii h one of the ha-te- l 11 IV wno v as tnipeifi-cl.- ltlt a'bed, was in lue cil air. IJ :cs!i nol .- 1- lo h:s exoeiience Kenerallv, ie deflated that he had shaved s tine ol ,,iiat:iie,s noble men"in this netgiiboiho md. (Ju be being asked to tell a few of them, he leeled off a lot of names with the gteatest celerity, among them Doc Spragne, P H. Lau nan, Captain Stover and Peler Jackson! The average Salt Lake barber, like his brethren elsewhere I expect is disposed to ariab lity strongly tinctured Willi loqua-city, llis range of discussion tuns all the way Irtm excusable expletives legarding Hies and dast, to expositions ol and dis-- s rtalions upon the problems of Euclid. It is not so 'bad when he tins the ma-chine himself; but when he engages in a r,i inniK s at tments of such a nature that you have to answer null now ana tlien or check the verbal tluod abruptly and rudely, it is atiothei nuttier entirely. This invariably happens when the polished blade is llyiiij" around your chin and lo move it the least bit is lo court disaster if not death. This is about Ihe way it goes with such a custouiei: "oood in oruiii, sir, good morion;;. Your turn next. Sit njjlit down, sir, and read the p.ipcr lor just one minute Veiy iiitetestioy paper this morniiii;, sir, There you are sir." And you lead and re.id till that one minute lakes seed and giows into mat y Alter a half-hou- r ol your tune lias gone to join the silent and int cl.iiniadie meas-ure of the past, the volume of lantia.je is diverted from the latest victim to you "Ah! your turn now, sir. Hair cut, sit? No? Shampoo? No? Only a shave, veiv well, very well, beitililtil day, isn't il? Much nicer then yesterday. (Juile a run-away that, yesterday." "Fraid somebody would he hurt, p'raps killed, and it was mightv fottunate nobody wasn't, sure's you're botn. Know the lady that was in the girl, tine girl. Acquainted with her, sit?" (He is just getting down to Setting down to the broadest part of your jaw now, and you make haste lo say "uo" before the danger becomes more pronounced.) "No? Well, well. Do you know the O'Looneys?" (you give a negative grunt, and the Iuq iisttori.il in two senses perforniance.uroceeus to a finish. It is fifteen minutes of subdued quivering anguish.and when it is all over and you descend from the rack, it is with a budding determination to let your beaid grow. I would here, however, give notice that there aie a good many excellent exceptions to the foregoing. One is located in the place 1 came from in Missouri, and he is quite wealthy, his patronage being a Continuous and con-tented throng. In early youth he had the misfortune to have a cancer on his tongue, and before the work of the loath some destroyer could be checked, so much of the member w.is eaten away that the boy was entirely deprived of the power ol speech; this made it neces-sary for him to lollow a calling in which talking could be dispensed with, and. as previously suggested, he became pop.1l.1r and wealthy. Another exception is Ihe barber I patronize in Salt l,ake, a "rat-tling good lellow." who either does not say much or coiks up when I am arouud And I wish it distinctly understood thai nothing herein contained has the remot-est reference to James ti Watts, their agents, heirs, executors or assigns Those who are best acquainted wilh me, will say, on reading these lines, something about glass houses.stones.eic , and I plead guilty lo the habit of talking a great deal and saytug tolerably little on occasion; bu' in a please verbal contest, with some knight jot the blade, I would not be in il from start to finish. j N ttlev tor rulilteutlaii. So G : I.jdJ Oil,., ,,t Sjh I..1.CI I't.ih Sr.t j;tl t'.V. ' .In c i,rn v ru 11,.,! tlir l .li... t: ti.it, l .rtl.et.. Ii., ,i .ii, .11, f ,,! tlc,, ttitrtili.Hi I i iii.,t,i Hi'.,, .t.., t ;i. .ii, .,t .,: thr.r rrsi-e- live , t. n, ;it,d nit; ,e Iti.i'!r i.c'.-t- lilt l't...;..ile mir ,,ti C te , nunly, t i,,;,, ,tr in tn .!.;. c :ute he , .i.iiitv , ..,,,1 .iim-.a-t Mjnti. I. i.tl., ' 1.11 tin- !'J II it ty ,.t V.vrim,,:!. 1.SIKI. vu: ( huili . II i ,lrit.ttli. HLinevtiail tittv. No Shi -r Oi' .s ',, s W s ' K i4 i and X K N W I, ,i,kI N W K , 1. UN., i 4 . .it,1 ti.iittcs the t .ll.iv,!!! ittirsri, u prnve ii:. O'ntiiiii-i- n trstiiittie UJi i'i, anii , alu .ili-- it -- I, ..-- 1 t.tt,,t. vu. ( trrui ( tat K, rt.,.r,i t'rc.i hi, s.it,uel t lest,. it, ,.,r(.h I'ctersctt, ail -- t Ml. I'ie.i.i a. ,n.,u IVw,-uil- I tail. A.v, .ltii K t!tJ. I I.n.i!.)iy N- -. tui4 l, t the V i S I 14 .Vi- and ' S N an, t. 14 N N.... ), s, K I t. ana itatitrs the .itite..-- , lo ,t,,ve i 'tii i,ilit;tt i,i. ttp-- n, .ltd tuiti j!,',n aid i.ntl. u: WOO mi il. liiiiititi.ni. L i'itsM ,liit.li..,i.,it. .lid .Nti'tlirn L. Ililitiici, at! ,1 Sirinc City. Nan I'elc otintty. I latt. liird I. -- AC, 1' KANlC II. it -- Kits, Altorn?y' Ke;tstnr. N'onci--; foii I'iniLic.vrioN. No. 67 . Laud O.li.-- s it Silt Like City, Ttah. Oct tst, tSt.i. Niticets hereby given that the settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup-port of his cia in, and that said pioof will be m ide belore the County Cleil; ef Emeiv Cu., Utah, at C.i'iiJe Dale, Utah, on Nov. 2'jth, isijo, v,z: Hiiatn A. 1) S No 10S76 t .r tlie N J N K J Sec 7, I p 14 S, R to K. He natnvs tlu following wiluesses lo ipr-iv- his continuous lesidence upon,! ami cultivation of, said laud, viz: er J. Stoicll, Flank M. Lwell, llauv Thompson, Waltei (iriines. allot Silling Clen, Kmeiy Co., Utah. Fkank II. I It nuts. Register. Booth, Wilson & Wii.sun, Ally's. NOT1CF FOR PUIUJCATIOX. j No. 63S. Land Ollice at Salt Lake City, I'lali, Oct. 7th, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the fol- - lowing-uanie- d senlei has filed notice of his intention lo makj final proof in sup-po-ol his claim, and that said pioof yvill be made before the 1'iopate Judge, or in Ins abs uce. the c ninty-cleik- , ol Finely County, Utah, at Castle Dale, Finely County, Utah, on N tveuiber 2oth, 1S90, viz: Chailes C, Clausen, II F. No. 690S foi the N, V. J N. F. 1, F, 1 N. V. J,N Ii. 1 S. W i.Sec. 24, Tp 17 S, R. 9 F. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ofsaid land, viz: S iphus ( tlsoii, I lelbert ( Ivtait, Rasmus O. Rasinitssen, er Ovedsen all ol Cleveland, Fmery C unity, Ut h. Fkank .1.) i onus, Register. An immence stock of Clothin; c of Men's, Youth's. Hoy's an 1 Children's suits; also Gent's Overcoi s of all sizes. Ladles' Ulsters, Jeisn's, Hi ods, Facii aiors, Gloves, Wool h sj etc. Ephraim Co-o- We carry a complete line o( Gent's underwear, Over Shuts, Hats, and any and everything belonging 111 the Gsut' line Fphiaim Co-op- . The Ephtaim Co op, has a lot ot dress goo is in all the latest shades and Triin- - inings (ti match. NOTICE, It, the Probate C mrt of th'i Coin ty o :iait I'ele, I et riloiy o t 1.1I1. In tlie in uter uf the Estate of Robert iiiijgsdi'.-eis- 1. Notice ot Tune ap-- in led for proving Will. Notice is iieiehy given that Monday, the 19 day of N iVetiibei ,lS9.j.ai II o'clock m. it Bad iliv, m( ti . Gmrt House in Mi, 111 i City, County ef San Pete.Tei riloiy l Utah, lias been app uuted as the time mid pUce for ptoving the Will of said Robert lrig;s, deceas-- d; and for healing lite application of Samuel Dills tad j atn-- s Anderson for the issuance to them f Iei;eis test imeuiary theienii. loilN KlKO CoUNTV LLliKK. j I i i'.i 2:v;, ) 1 12,1 I ij . Notin f ir riihlu'.itloit. o ;(,. I.iikI Offi e at S;ilt L I'nie (.Ittv, I't.th. Oct. 24, lE jt. N'j'.icc hereby li'von th.it tUc f(t!l(j'.vi:i setiicr Iki" lil'.-i- n..iicp ot hii iiintitj.i to tin pnit iii stiji;Miri tit Ir- ct 111. itiul in it A i.T.inf w:l! be ni;i(.l: Eionn;f the ln,tti- (ml j.u, ur in Wi uiisi'ii' '. the Oi;:my of inu-r- o iiilv. la.ilt, at Ci- - Uc Jaii.-- . Uta!i, ";i S.ittird.iv, 1m. tnii.rr jitlh, 189a. John L. dasher, H. K. No. 6300. for ti.e ot N. L N. ij. it H. K. K ii. iv .f N. K. fee. 13, l'p. 17 S, K iitjiu li lu. it; umncs tlic witncvics to provi his dm- - timious rerfi Jvncc upm ami culiiv;Atiii m, u.iid la. id iz: Aibt-- W. liennm, (I : rge A. S!i;rnnn, c is e:lsini ;i'-- t C ja, all il 11 iii!il'-.i- I;.me. y cou:ity, Ut.ih. Nutire f.tr VulilU-atlon- N H 5. Land Ofiice it Salt Lake City, Utah. Oct. alst. i81. Notice hereby ven that the (olldwin named setller has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hit claim, and that said proof will be made before Probate Jurlsie of riait Pete county , Clah, sit M ami, Utah, on Dec. Sth. i8oo,viz: Chauncy V. Sicvens. 1, S. No. 11530 for the K, S. v.. S. W. S. K. K. S W. Sec. 35. 'i'p S. K. 4. Ka- -i He iitimes the following witnesses to prove his con-tinuous residence upon, and cultivation it, saul land ir: Jii". If irdliig Allred, Kred Htradc. N'ei! I).ht, Carl Hansen, uf .Spring City, Ut;ih. 1'KANK i. HtiDRS, Register. Notice tor I'tibltcatlon. vo nog. Land OiTice at Salt Lake City, Utah Oct. 97., 1890, Notice is hereby givn that the followiiiS'iiamed settler has filed noiice fif his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made iieiore the Probate Judne, or in his absence, the County t Irrk. of l.mrry County, Utah, at Castle ale, I lah, on Moudav, 'e ember and ,180., vi?: J.tseph l.lni NieU.n, H. I'.. No. f.,u, foi the N. W. Sec. 17, 1"ii. 17 S. K. 10 K, He name (he foil. it v liiv s to pm-- e his con-tinuous upon, uud ruluvation of, Miid l;uid, viz: John Alcer, l.irs P. Oveson, Charles C. Clausf.n and Kasmits . kasmiiicn alt of Cleveland. Kmery County, Utah. Frank I), Hob:is, Register. , Notice for ruMlcitlon. No 070. Land Office at Salt Lake, Utah, Oct., 31st, 18OO. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final pioof in support of her claim, and that said proof will lie made before the Judge, or in his absence the County clerk of Ktnery county, Utah, at Castle Dale, on Ilec.iHth, itiU viz: Christ ena Soreiisen, H. E. 8886. for the S. fi W. and W'A, S. K. Sec. 35, Tp.14. S, R. lo K. S.L M. She names ihe following itiies-i- to prove her residence u on, and cultivation of, said land, V'(l o. Kldrcdae. Peter T. Olson. Ocen W. Allred and Oe iriie Dttwnard, all of Price P. 0., Emery co., Utah. FrnkP Ho'Uti, Resi-iiti- Wilkes Chadwick Attorneys fjr claimant. CnnolMateil Notlee of Flint rroof. No, 070. band Offit'e at salt Lake. Utrtlt.Oi I., 28. Notice ih hereby Rtvctt that Ihe tillirtvinK turned setttrt-t- hat'c hk-- notice ol llteir intptilion tti tititkf ftn.it prtwil in support of their daim. tid that said proof wilt be tnatlf ttettire the Ketltlcr and kcteiyer at salt Lake City, t'talt.on I ei- toh, t8. viz: l'ctur C IVieison.it. K. 6105 lot ihe N. N, w. S. W. N. K. s 11, N. w. Sec. 3). l'p 16 S, R, 4 K He nattres the fid luyy intl tvitnesie'' v pntve his con-- j t'nitmoi retideiire upon and of, said land ci.- ti. Pjict-ion- 11 tyiit '.V. I hontptn. Henry T, !t ol ;..l m '. tt'tiMiii ll of r.iiir;ttnt,tJt;th. '. .ii ti lit. vix: Ilitvicl W 'I hrifiittson j ' t i'm ''. V k. Sc. . 'l'p to S. R. i m d , f N., -, S.-- to p. f 8. It 4 t'.. ft" it;,.-- - tic- f ill iHtii:: .yiitf.-,e-. to prove h s C'ltitittiinits ret,: t'.ce upon and tttltivatton of, said land, vi; IVter IVlerson. Peler (,', Peterson, John C. Jenwn. NeU all of r'.phrattn. I l.th. Also on I )e 7th. 1S1, vi?: N els Peterson, ti. E. 64H for Ihe S. K Sec, 17 Tp. 16 S. K. 4 E. He narties ihe fo!!..-in- witnessed to prove llis con timiotis residence iloiin, and cnltivattoii ot, said land. iz: lavid '.V t'liotnotiin. Peter Peterson, John C, tens, si,,) tieory t'. Ural, allot Kpltiatm, 'Utah. f'wANir U, ftoMts, H';t,,le. 0,F. Havis, Attorney. mn nwiwf tJt.'''ji;jM-- Jl. ll".liltil!.a.iillLlB-X'.'.ff!-- ' 'iiUJi1 fJ'ia |