Show DEATH OF A PIONEER arden knights to attend armstrongs funeral T 0 armstrong who camo to utah rom england thirty seven years ago ind who for twenty years has been a rain merchant in salt lake city died it his residence west second south street in that city at 11 thursday morning the deceased was well known throughout the territory and was a prominent knight of pythias having beep one of the first to identify himself with eliat order in utah lie has been for the tour years previous to his a sufferer from that terrible affliction brights disease only a month or two ago he was brought homo from los angeles whither lie had gone some time before with a view to recovering his health but he together with his family was disappointed in ilia aspirations and it was known on li is return that his case was hopeless care and medical skill prolonged his life for a time but the disease of which he was the hopeless victim camo off ns it always victorious in the end the funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon and many members of thea ogden lodges of pythias will attend the local i of the order have issued the following orders SIP attention I 1 you are commanded to be present at castle hall sunday morning at a in in full uniform for the purpose of attending the funeral of past grand chancellor T 0 armstrong at salt lake city train will leave depot at a ni fare will be for the round trip every member of the division la commanded to attend by order of jons S contic bir knight captain L bir knight lle corder the members of the three lodges of K will meet at castle ball sunday morning ai to prepare to attend ane brother T 0 armstrong krand chancellor of ball lake train will leave for bait lake at am by order of auno 2 G V no 7 31 I 1 no 9 |