Show RANDOM references morse has views grand ball at boyle ball tonight ex general wanamaker and party are alue ie ogden from the northwest this morning senator lefand stanford will arrive in ogden from the east on his return to the coast early in the week utah views scenery and mormon dubu pubu catinna at fast mail depot broom hotel block twenty fifth street the southern pacific last broucht in passengers eastbound most of whom went out over the ilio grande western officer davenport hag been appointed sergeant to fill the vacancy caused by the absence in chicago of officer sleeth superintendent knapp of the southern pacific left for the west yesterday morning ife will be gone until wednesday the funeral services ove ibe remains of elizabeth powell will beheld this afternoon in the marriotti Marri otts meeting house at 1 all the leading daily papers in the trans country at rast mail news depot first door cast broom hotel twenty fifth street miss emig superintendent knapps private secretary and stenographer left for the coat this morning to be gone several weeks seventeen cars of oranges for the eastern markets were transferred yesterday inor nine by the southern pacific to the union pacific on monday eugene borel the slayer of ceorge Ue orge lewie will be brought up from the pen to consult with his attorneys maginnis loar and khoder carload of government pound cans for the benecia arsenal went west yesterday athe cans arc a new invention and will be used on board the new battle ships six of japanese exhibit for the worlds fair and seven cars of bonded merchandise for various eastern points went east yesterday yester dry afternoon over the union pacific the christensen bros will give a brand ball at boyle hall tonight and a good many of the visiting strangers are expect ed to aalto part best music and best dancing floor in the city on account of the delay in the arrival of earue important papers the hearing in the george lewis estate contest has again been continued without date it will probably up the middle of next week col harvey lias received many letters during the last two days 1 as the subscription price of bis new dilver publication the subscription price is 2 per year and the announcement otherwise was erroneous the union pacific special train which left oliden for salt lake yesterday morning having on board ippi congress delegates dele eates made the run of thirty seven billea in the remarkably short time of forty four minutes V J cheyney one of the trans miamia sippi congress delegates appointed by the governor of arizona leuora for hornc this morning mr cheany is a wealthy mining man of tombstone ilia wonc daring the congress was greatly felt the fire department was called outlast night just before 12 by an alarm rung in from the box at the corner of washington ana twenty seventh street it was either some person or the elements with the esthere was no fire undersigned will pay twenty five dollars reward for the apprehension and conviction of the party or parties who aldon the night of april breal and carry away from the east entrance ot the city halt four plant john chapp superintendent public buildings and grounds f deputy will this morning brine charles 8 kidd from the penitentiary to plead in the district court to an indictment charging him with grand larceny and embezzlement judge miner on wednesday overruled the demurrer to the complaint and ordered that kidd plead today in about two col W II 11 harvey and family will move to chicaro where the colonel the publication at an early date of his new silver publication mrs harvey and family will remain there during the summer ool harvey will be greatly missed from among live enterprising business men and ogdan social circles will deeply regret the absence of mrs harvey and miss marie |