Show slashing hinc rates already CHICAGO april 28 the demer denver and ahto 1 grande kiive gave the tile western passenger rates another cat cut today toda announcing round trip rates between denver and chicago at 10 denver and st louisa Den verto point on oil the missouri river west of st louis ta 20 tills is a surprise to railroad men nien as noth ing hasy has et been done by them to meet the c cut ut made bv by the kio grande a few days IRO ago the liew new reduction will bo be good over the kock rock island and burlington lines it is the atchason Atch lson will not be long me 12 coming coul 11 g back and a hot fight will ill be beluan inthe gu rated the atchison will take art so part in lit the colorado fight tomorrow I 1 making the rate froia front denver to pueblo and all intermediate points one dollar |