Show THE LOUISIANA RIFLES e captain adams and bis his command Com manil return from the Ca carnival mival new orleans picayune A man when bo he cornea comes home from a trip la Is generally met by ili afa friends the louisiana hides rifles when they ime came c home yesterday morning from ogden utah found aeve several ral friends to each I 1 24 i m 19 member LH like le all who go to visit a new now and an 1 wonderful place they were delighted J and all the more eo ro because them they were so handsomely received b by the h utah tt h and colorado people alie thy I 1 I 1 rifles went westover wen tover over I 1 heimi valley route to Mem memphis and then on an to danier denver over the fort scott and slid other roads the trip t rl p was enjoyable and an d all the tile boys were more than gleamed with it on arriving at kansas city th the train laid over eight hen baars boars re thus thu 1 iriving givinn the rifles time tinie to see something of the place though not much the hilla bills in hansia city are BO so high that in in one block a building 9 i la sixteen etoria high on one aid side and d fourteen on the other one would imagine bat that it would be bard hard work climbing lim bing these hills bills continuously but the people dont acom to mind it that night the train pul led out for denver and the rifles r remained ma ned here for two days the 11 hoard 0 trad I 1 rade edid did everything in their poor to entertain tha the new orleans delegation they were shown the lite city and many coar cour deses tee es extended by everybody after v visiting is ling denver spring tigi the parly went on to the be carnival city of the wes amt t when the arrived ai as the escort to the king and queen they were met by the government guards guard and the procession formed very ety sann 1 lar to that at the southern carnival of last february and parade 1 through the principal onn orin cipal streets the travelers protective association took part in the parade and the new now orleans people could not have haye been more royally treated than they were by tha the Ogden ites the kings carriage was w As drawn by six horses and every everything ng was on a truly royal ecale scale that night the Loul louisiana siana rifles gave an exhibition drill and attended a riven given in their honor by the people ale of ogden in fact the time spent denn in ogden was one adries of lavish entertainments the city was very dusty all the the tile time but the tile weather kept lovely so there was no discomfort the town ia is progressive saive cabe cable and electric cars all and all 11 the in modern improvements the second night was by the rifles in attending the carnival bill I 1 the rifles were we to en given en every attention a and were accorded the bist the city cu could id ablord at this ball the kin king and the queen of the ogden carnival were crooned crowned the king was ft a new now orleans man mr harry rehan behan son of ilanor J henry behan oj on I 1 the third night the rifles attended a reception rece roce ce P tion given to them by the ogden club the most fashionable club of the city cit the queen a beautiful lady of ogden denallo also pave gave a ball to the new orleans people the rifles were present and were again hando handsomely hao diomely mely treated the rifle speak highly of the tile manner m annelin in which they were received beil ed at all timea lime they were tendered all poa iehle hospitality and 1 went to every puce place of interest the men are certainly glad to get home bat but they think tha the west delightful and the I 1 hv h v left behind most generous and 11 table the next day saturday the ralea R ties went to salt lake like city arriving there during tile day they were received by the flambeau Fl ambean clib cl ib which aced ai as a i host and took them in charge Y the he rifles that evening ovener gae gave an exhibition drill in the pul park of the city and lea captured the spectators w h poke very highly I 1 of the new orleans 0 eol diera diets A trip was t aken to garfield gaffield beach the bathing place of salt lake city and the soldiers eol diera breasted the wares of salt like lake the rifles are authority anth rity for the statement that it was impossible to siok sink in the water all the bather bad to do wag was to lie on his bick back and flat the water m atar wa was i so salty that it stung it vl was as painful to divo for the salt fill filled d the e es and as for staying under the water that was lippoi able aa as the tile bather came to the sur eurice lace in spite of 0 all bia his efforts to the contrary sunday sun jay nip night bt the delegation left salt 8 sit like lake city and proceeded den berward ver ward stopping at ogden two houra hours they only remained in denver long enough to get rady ready r ady to go to manitoba springs the scenery there was magnificent ma the soldiers stood fascinated by the grandeur grandel ir of the flight the garden of the gods was visited while others went upon I 1 akes reak peak those who ascended the mountain were fully repaid for their trouble the clouds were belo below them and while up there a severe snow storm overtook the travelers it took eight hours to go up and two to re return turn the party returned to denver and then went out on the denver and rio grande railroad rail rud to eee the famous loop it is unquestionably a great engineering feet and antl cost coat an itu immense amount of money after another short stop atop at danver the party embarked for home the rest of the trip was made without accident c althou gli two sleepers Ble epTa were seen lying alongside of the tile track where a freight engine bad had put them not twenty four hours before Tb the train etrain arrived in town yest yesterday erda Y morning orning fifteen minutes late and th the a louia louis ianna lanns rifles marched to their arm armory dry where some tome light refreshments bad had bean prepared captain adams who was in command of the company during the trip complimented the men upon their benumor and ordered break ranks |