Show 0 FOREIGN sensations I 1 hilan desirus to difed an american baily of treat malik I 1 A 11 SOUTH AMERICA 1 the feats of europe again 4 as the ta I 1 emperor of germany a to checkmate A R 1110 driben bj by hij fla creditors is t a wealthy ti albi 1111 haimi ased f chronicle derric Sery lec 1 PARIS joly july ag A special dispatch die patch from belgrade to this mornings morn loRe tempa the moat most conservative and re liable paper pager in in france announces that ex cx king milan feeling that be he Is 13 legally tree free to marry again mil shortly take to bl blissell Insell a 3 a w wife a young american lady of great wealth who whom bo be met laet last winter ft inter in paris the name ia is not riven given but the troth truth 0 the story ie Is vouched couched for theeb the ex kings affairs are however in ina a badly complicated condition in parie paris and only a little while ago hie his creditors were clamorous to a point that threatened to develop into a scandal andal ec 2411 ans personal debits in in parie paris are said to exceed three million franca which the wealthy young american lady is ia expected to pay it is certain cartain that some soothing influence has been at work to pacify these creditors for where here a few weeks beeks ago they ready to be noisy and defensive they now have hare nothing to say beyond that everything I 1 n being arranged to their satisfaction inquiries at the washington club to tonight night tended to verity the temps dispatch german state flatten joly july 26 in the reported re potted emperor williams ill iame visit in Bis Dis marcks published pu blishel interview the emperor must haio have been stung by the ex chancellors pore inal mal sarcasms and the question of how lio v to silence him probably ocen pies the emperors mind aa as much as the critical al development in in the east ul all ideas of adopting legal measures to suppress utterances have however been abaid onel anal the I 1 emperor will return from rom england angust ansi ft eth andrasa and pass a week at before starting for russia lie ile will saturn from russia on oa the and within a month it will be known whether german austrian relations rela la leous w with I 1 tleta R russia u s a ia will be b m more ro friendly rf ly 0 or r strained ai n e d to wilba the e p point bain too ot f rupture the Grash danin ot of st petersburg which is credited with an occasional inspiration by the the rua rus eian islan policy in the balkans the basis of the expected arrangement appears to be the azars ac acceptance ot of the me era williams cand candi idita dito for the bulger an throne events in bulgaria may however precipitate a revolution and nullify this in view ol 01 a possible rupture with ith russia emperor W william daring during bis his recent visit it copenhagen and christian reviewed the proposal for a scandinavian coa litou including the absorption re of I 1 inland finland by sweden the czars azars ukases tending toward the complete of rin finland land create a feeling of intense discontent which is ripening to revolt the E emperor offered king oacar oscar as prince m ot ors reden s an entry in the tile dreiband Drel bond band of a prospective restoration of finland prince bismarck giving a corr correspondent e spon dent a second interview deplored d the menacing aspect of affairs and said he felt it BOW more than ever bis his chief doty duty to try to assure the peace of europe why he lie asked should germany germa ny continue to regard russia as au an i inevitable I 1 enemy at the present moment he be said absolutely no reason existed for a german war with ras sia sia and an attack on russia by the germans was inconceivable on any good grounds germanys germanas Germ anys energies ought to be concentrated in dealing with tho the dangers of socialism the longer tho the state gave way to the anarchists demand the bloodier bloodser blo odier would be the issue the e whole tenor of the interview suggests that bismarck ia is to the laisers kaisers kai Kal sers will and will become a formidable opponent in in any line of foreign policy involving I 1 nv a quarrel with russia lord Chur chills PoU poetical flop LONDON july 26 lord randolph churchill who once in a while does a something om ething to draw special attention to himself made a speech amilie conservative serva tive club on wednesday night landing tho the salisbury government the speech was a remarkable effort in in its way and baa has once more centered political interest on this remarkable little statesman T ie meeting was literally the welcome of the prodigal sou son and the prodigal played the part of reconciliation with the con etive party partain in a dexterous manner this conspicuous love feast is the result of united efforts on the part of joseph chamberlain and sir henry jamea james it was striven for by the dignified unified and courtly schemers because of repeated to pin join the conservative cabinet there was no mistaking the tono tone of at church ills speech for it was clearly a abid bid tor for office and is followed in the popular op u lar in mind ind with the natural ion ion t that hat he w will ill probably be seen again on an the treasury bench beach when the next cession session opens all of winch which is intensely amusing to the great public that enjoys tho the hop flop of tho the politicians and tho tile uncertainly uncertainty of their convictions convict ione V I 1 A 1 sooth south dve BUENOS aos aines july 20 des desperate rate fighting Is now going on in ire the argentine republic lauy have been killed on both tides sides the insurgents are advancing toward placate la victoria where the presidents palace la is located the president has bas escaped to rosano rosario A revolutionary government is announced with benor senor arom atom as its president and benor senor romero aa as minister of finance the authorities still hold oat out but the revolutionary movements 6 are extending hourly I 1 A to T forfeit the bends bonds july axi 2 after hearing I 1 lengthy len athy arguments to day judge colline jill set not asido othe he forfeiture ol 01 the bond given by john arabam I 1 who was charged with leing being implicated 0 in the attempt to bribe members of the cronia cronin jury the judge held that araham had been taken from the custody of ill his a bondsmen bondsman alter after a few days da a he be was rearrested on the becony indictment on the same charge judge collins postponed decle fou on forfeiting the bond of ui 0 bouju given give by araham after his hi second secona arrest 15 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 il 1 0 1 1 |