Show THAT BALLY RALLY we think our liberal liber friends will agree after the experiment of last evening that to try to pump enthusiasm into a spiritless following by means of a few torches ia is very dis die con raging business bu ainess no more satisfactory ia Is the atter attempt opt to arouse pirty party interest by bald and empty platitudes uttered from the platform or through the press what the rank and file of the liberal party needs more than anything eke else jast just now is some kind of a showing compactly presented and clearly established as to why the county will be eater safer and better in the hands of the men nominated at the recent convention than they are la the hands bands of the present officials or will be la in the hands of BOC anc censors belonging to the same party and this unfortunately for that ex pedant rank and file has not been and furnished them the organs of the party havo have been skirmishing around two weeks now without having presented a single argument of the kind suggested tin tax has givel them every invitation in the beginning it stated very broadly its it opinion of the record made by the party in control of the city this gare gave the chief and lesser organs the blind staggers while the first named was facetious enough to call our remarks generalities it has bad the prudence to leave them to macs organ demanded ed details and has been promising a few facts itself but up to date it has neither touched the details given nor fill famished any new ones onea athas it has not even STAN DAnns earnest desire for information as to the source through which it promulgated acer a certain tala indefinite question which it has treasured with much care the commercial and the democrat both act as though they were very tired and the same feeling extends generally to their readers As to 0 o the information that is to come from the party orators if last evenings sample was the best in stock there is little to hope for kentucky smith as chief ringer cannot possibly poo sibly t tell oll ethl anything ng fresh if be tries yet w with i th an assurance that is positively sublime he gets up at every opportunity and reels off a long list of venerable sentences whose age lone prevents them from being laughed at kentucky is the kind of people who if he be lived in a state would still be voting regularly arly every four years for andrew jackson he ile is 18 a used up number from away back we are aware that there are a great many sensible independent and progressive gres sive men in the liberal party we would give a penny to know what they think of the past week of 0 campaigning pai gning of the fusillades of their newspaper organs of their first torchlight rail rall and ratification and parade and of the undying gift and genius of kentucky smith Is A VOTE at the peoples primary in this campaign Is to almost as valuable to the party and good government as a vote at the polls in the coming election neither will be deflected neglected by a peoples party member who comprehends the duties of a good citizen |