Show when dahy wu sick we go hr Cu torte when abo fis a child sir she cried fo for catoria CM toriA ah hi gwm bec ama HIM she clung chuo to Cai torii when ha she hai had C children dren she gla TO them thea calitre there ia a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune bale ol 01 city lota lots at city jots at city hall ogden joly july pee flee ad in this paper a hint to the wise ISO etc lumbago in men or beast cured by aydn D N 9 liniment put up by D N X stephens F U B hurlbut general agent to all it stay 31 ay Coll concern eeli I 1 wish the publio to know that I 1 am not and have not been a partner ot of B U paliner taw since the lit let of 0 Jant iary mo J warnta t set al of I 1 1 I 1 V finer 1 I I 1 jre aier lafe 11 it wu was lust just an ordinate ordin ordinary wrap of 0 wrapping paper but it saved her atT itte I 1 fe he was I 1 u the lust last stage of consumption told tr physicians aff that khe she wai was incurable and cou commonly only live a short time ibe weighed only seventy pounds on a piece ol 01 wrapping paper fhe she read of or dr kings new discovery and stia KOI got a sample bottle it helge helped d her fh site boughe a large bottle it helped her ber more inore bought another and grew better lust last iu its ue use and is i now strong hith healthy rosy plump plum P weighing one hun hundred ld red and ant forty pound pounds for iiller uller particular particulars end bend at tramp mp to NY 11 II cole d k rort fort smith trial bottle bottles of 0 thise thin won on rule dertl r I 1 u 1 discovery free at william driver soua drug store poultry roal try go to tol herrick lerrick bros for live and dressed chickens and docks ducks I 1 29 twenty fifth street a children cry for pitchers castoria Cast orlo A fortune ia in si sight glit attend the bale sole of city lota lots at city hall monday baly 29 ste ad I 1 it 91 I 1 L 1 i I 1 I 1 heart ile art academy UTAH conducted by the of 0 the holy croes cross thia this institution in ill looted devoted to the education of yount ladief in an I 1 little girls ita its beautiful lul and airy contributes much to the happiness of it its inmates aad and greatly enhances enhance la the advantages for health and comfort the sisters of the holy cross crose as in members embers ot of an order which makes the eda education cation of women ia its principal life work enjoy a wide experience which gives them unusual nuncess in training both the mind and ant heart of young gitl girls their aim being lo 10 pro pre tr e h her e r to t 0 become 0 not at only 0 ft A n s ul and pa d n r n a m e to imn member m be r aly ot f so society e ie ety but a moral force as an wll well the lei 19 arranged ft vt ith a view lew of 0 living giving ft a well v oil rounded aduca toa which shall fit ho the g of ahn institution for any here which a R woman can bo be expected eap exp t ted ti to fill it includes everything necessary to this end from domen domestic do meRtic tic ec economy 0 nom 1 steno graphy bookkeeping english in all a I 1 ill branches highet 11 ell aa as lowest up p through the lanza ages sciences and arts for further particulars catalogue and terms address i SISTER SU aden utah organize Orga nire your syndicates and find pur par chose the south half balf of union square and other valuable oita property pr cp auction bale sale july 11 a tit city ty fujil Fa familton millon not already an Bupp IVI 1 to lel I 1 should lore loge not fotima ma la in procuring pro caring a bottle of ifton ill Vs coic co lc cholera and remedy it li is th the only remedy that mn an al be dt de cendej I 1 or lr bowel C complaint 0 M la ln t III all its fettled fert inam in led ur 2 and d W rent ajl t b bollei le 1 for or sale by dri driver ter son and eli all leading druggists 0 ct chons ons Is 1 recommended br by for or children teething teeth lm it li is a pure purely T y teye vege lu its are ro pub puo lish 1 around each bottle it la Is p pleasnt auant to the and nd harmless it ro koeves constipation re clates tei ho the bowel bowe quiet quiets pain cures barr wit and nt wind colic colt bual feverishness destroys wo womb aind n pro v vonta 0 n U ca 11 v u I 1 I 1 tons soothes the child a and d afe elre s it lt and nat natural 1 iloco cantori Car ato tori li a tho children cht 1 dren a pan athe a the tha mothe rii friend Thirty nto livo donee thirty five dases thirty five cent eats to mothers lr birs Wlm low booten lill lymp thoum al 1 war ways bo be med tor for children chu ren hinr it I 1 t soothes tho the child folten goft enit the guia gums ablit T I 1 doln cure wind colic otille and la Is the best remade for or dia ahma ave cents bottle IV V ho bowans want a hundred lots tint that will pay per cent ou he the invest meat we wo hare have cot got them and AUST BEIL sall 11 CO 00 room 2 cottas block e alfay wn was si wo we gre 1 lir me sh lio WM a abild she cratl for ois torsa abe tien she became lill ab abbe 0 dune 1 lic lo 10 Cf torla ahn when she he bad ad em lj ora le tan tc ii grand grani j excursion to 0 O the ille yellowstone yellow low stone the union pacific will mn run an ott to the yellowstone ilar bark it leaving ogden july solli both ISO 1800 fir fare from bild aylen oylen el I 1 through ake park and return 13 00 this part party will le be bosl to people F for or cfall on C A henry or C E Y ingalls at ogden union I 1 IL 8 W E 1680 C M 0 r P A try a bottle of 0 D N X 8 liniment price 50 cents F ji is hurlbut general agent children cry lait last jane june afar the areal flood I 1 received a bottle of 0 Chamberlai nm i colic ch lor and diarrhoea remedy from rum rny my pastor at a t time line when I 1 wai was very i ery enuch run down with d ar arr boea ad faal had tried two doctor doctors with out fl ruling finding any relief this reme renie ly relieved me at once and cured me entirely in a hort short time I 1 got several bottle battles and gae gave it 11 aroun bouril ro uril 1 among my acquaintance acquaintances who were in the some way I 1 think hink I 1 gave it to a dozen keople people and it relieved rell relieved eved and cured red so far tar a I 1 know now in all circa coxes it Is to he the beat best medicine for or the disease I 1 ha known knowd mrs E L johnstown John town pa lears for ble sale by driver bon and all leading ing druggists 0 there li is a large quantity tir of keys at it this han led ID in and advertised wit not claim claimed having baying lost atys k in the pait pilot might find them by calling here selling out at cost our larea large and co complete in stock of shoes and 11 p pe rs aoudy BROS A 11 citi cure citie e for sick jen r fie this complaint in is due to an a in etive or with constipated bowels deranges the achand dis curbs the causes alx I 1 knets and an dull pain in the bead often so 0 o severe a BI to prevent rest reitor or sleep ino one of oar dr improved liver pill n will r aeto you ol 01 all till the pain anil and duerr and a it lw more will correct the I 1 ger an and d tomail and regulate thu the bowels while three pill are small calill taken ami mild and in their betron action there thura Is I 1 no medicine eln made that will BO effectually 1 tilt 11 cure euro ick sick headache 20 26 cents a it W box X tim d by win n m driver son sons cassorla Ca storla U M good lof lots one block from motor tor for taw ech for or 10 ilar days A Nap napthali liniment put up by D N Ste reng alca l ba M cem bedl U 17 H n hurlbut general agent dr king will be at our store until tho the first of A august u gust those needing glasses should not misi this chance of being fitted J 9 lewill A co jewelers some year years ago we were very much fuh ab eject to revero bovero spells pell of cholera borbus and now when we so feel any ol 01 the that usually predo that ailment st such as sic kliest at the stomach diarrhoea etc CLO we become atry wa we babe have jound found chamber chaa er lain a no remedy thereby ther the i ery gli thing ing to straighten one u e out in ouch ruch cae cases ind d alwa 9 keep it about it to lome somewhat what similar to 0 hie 0 usual cholera cures but seems to eon contain anti that render it more pleasant plea ant t take and that do their work more quickly bli 11 lff Devereux tells us bat ho 2 su joet to cholera corbu and recently elt felt a e it coming on when he obtained a 1 I rf 0 C colic cholera and It emedy and arid two dobe mado him all right we M e are not writing this lor for a pr ten teg ti montal but to let our reader readers know pir 1 hat tilt Is a gool thing thin to keen bandy handy in ill the e house troy ann U j ch thief if for hale sale bl by driver ver son and all leading ug druggists for the elite restaurant and lease twenty fifth street between orant grant and lincoln inquire at T twenty W enty fourth street dont fall to call at ILL once ani felece borne some ol 01 those fine shoes and elip pi ra aln ailing at t oot at asalay 1 Z w ifa ir 3 1 ap 1120 roy PAW I 1 t 7 01 V g I 1 ir 15 I 1 0 P U u W E in H 40 absolutely puro A cran ol 01 tartar baking powder n iett ot of all a ll in li strength US U 3 government report aug 17 wl pei personal bonal ostrich plume cleansed colored 0 lorea and curled equal to now new nt at few new york yot k millinery y P third south st 8 C I 1 irr WANTED PORTION IN STORE OR on BY A J nhu his I 1 willing to work at a iv n X salary drug more store ered ad dress lre drug drugs P 0 boa box city GIRL I NIRL ron GENERAL HOUSEWORK AVIT apply at aia washington avenue aggee i age i per week HOUSE OE THE BENCH oy OF TURPE J A eliouse or four looms rooms by family ot of three N no 0 children adgre Ad lre cure car standard Q AN aj I 1 PL gi jmj b bill 1 t LD dental 8 moored n ben a e corn 0 in detent PO box city laly WITH referee ares DE ira As a itu tiu go ch or to do reneal housework addreal J it K I 1 STANDARD loftlee F alt HOUSE THREE OR FOUR YOUR rooms centrally located boitse B ox t tott oe HULSE A J V work call at mn MM A AJ J harts street A GOOD FOR GENER it hoube work good wage wages apply at street mr mrs H W d G young OR STOLEN BAY S horse branded tj ti on right hip 1 V bite hits favel and slid tour four white tt let 16 weight 1 i h 1 about ilat adoo coundi ands nine years old baturo 1 r to H W 9 8 and receive reward FOR T WO U rooue I 1 OR at eighth street A PLEASANT PLACE TO ROOM kehl 1 ing terrace ah twenty seventh treet street 1 two blot florki its south of broom hotel 1 oom 4 aw and pe r 11 HOUSES u 8 r g 1 IN N CENTRAL PARK ADDI 2 glnn n n ner e ar 0 grant rant avert vnus u 6 for I 1 Inlo ruia to ton enquire ulrea at tiM J M acs wv artl stables ELL pluri I 1 i 1 L 0 T F FRONT ft T IV t room 1 one I block f from p null able for man L and nd wife wire or two g ien R A ft orar I 1 ROOM FRAME HOUSE PANTRY aj eld cloft seto and bath room two cella bellani oel lani house recently built with adern modern imp lin rove mut ments the best location for resl denoe close to center of city furnished or unfurnished addly apply to N R parr il co in ill baft ement of 0 first no oua bank OUSE TO KENT I 1 QUIRE OP OF V W f C n T 1 dwren aaren itin it in 0 art ea ln m foa FOR SALE iliff collie college hill addition to oden etab ahls RESIDENCE al ali ails JL litzou in is between the ireat areat Metho JIt and slid the city it t Is only ony ton from rom the le the city aare AD occue eq a position from wh which 1 ch a magnificent view Is I 1 obtained ol 01 ogden its lt unrivaled surroundings and the great salt lake it 1 if laid off in small squares of 21 lonii nix aub and especially platte 4 alth A ith a lew to mak making it it a de residence real dence locality for or those alf I 1 ting near th university the completion 0 of ih the universia sit will see lota lots in III this most desirable locality fell sell for diw each I 1 taw low lots arc are 25 2 1 feet I 1 by feet to 16 toot foot alley alleys VW to ROO per lot acconci according ng to location teron one third cash biance 6 and 12 coombs general warranty deed deM and bat mt showing clealand cle arand title furnished free of charge 17 11 harve harvey owner room 4 ka y stair stairs corner wash bitton aven avenue n and d estreet OR oft FOR A I 1 couo I 1 buo ouo stock of drugs aleo a 1000 stock 1 aruga drug all new now and clean it 1 F I 1 steacy A co twenty fifth treet street T THE ANI AND akai 11 Is renau rant in oslea ogden an almost new now squire piano for ule sale heap will M sell 11 on installments B F steacy co twenty fifth street ABA BARGAIN IF T karn TODAY A w will ill buy the new now furniture and lease of a 10 roomed rooming room ln honeo houto worth of fine furniture centrally ten trally located B F steacy 22 twenty fifth street AYR UIT CON k ELTi ONERY cliant AND lubacko b 0 0 allt store 0 r e ua twenty fifth street m Mua t ie leac 0 on n a account e c 0 u nt 0 of I 1 oth other or bus into A hl g bargain for UW W B F aco avi twenty enty fifth threet F FURNITURE AND FIXTURES OF SIX room hou boue B e emy U t rm mis secure 1 I aie in oat desirable ren rented ted reil resl dence deice la in th he cily it sl A SIX ROOM HOUSE AN AND LOT furnished or without it ad tire F B V P 0 mt alft Illo USAND POU mounib NIb OP OF RYE JL chopped or whole enquire of PO P 0 corinne etab C CHOKE RESIDE PT 0 ON N Jef lOrsOn ave arenus nuu lk t A fiell wh hand and 1 either or corner in quantity t to 0 suit alt purel Hr r bast tr trout ill aloo also treet street near jemerson front W 11 harvey owner room 4 kay block AT T A ln 0 OP P abasto JUANf aft papers out ault t ablo for or wrapping or potting putting under carpe carpen X j kail witia baula ill lu IU I l u catl t in ill box eld elder 1 county utah for particulate culan enquire of T M douglasb I 1 olden P 0 A L FEW DRIVING AND work borm all young apply at office of olli U while white corner burg ill treed near na mall all avenue TH ephe STOCK FIXTURES AND LEARE OP JL t the he depot saloon orner and find lincoln if ell I 1 on oil account of bad health I 1 professional N maw 1 akl F G I 1 1 A M EtOl AMt require pupil pupils for the plano torte organ and sing lull thorough abil id flat hing guar tarm in rate crat next door to dalton nyo nye 16 Call I 1 anoon store T I 1 L WAO aRNIt AUSTIN RON ROW CIVI CIVIL ENGINEERS ANI AND general 1 1 practice ce Onn nullA I 1 ton office 3 kay agen coplen CUT utah A at civil X I 1 PLANO clanin AND SpECIFIC A vater water works an and I 1 irrigation wor orlia 94 h ft a V P 0 bo ito BIG 16 10 TW twenty e enty fifth I 1 at ee ogden utah WILL 0 YOUNG OFFICIAL will oten opan a general bit and 4 T type w bureau urcal in n the new liew bank but I 1 gg on or about april ut awo and slid will have ex glanced writers conot constantly Antl Y in the office alio I 1 will receive dictations take depo depool ti along ono an and d do all kandi of copying will also conduct a c class lass in n hor thaud and typo tym writing terms reasonable dmd it OGDEN TOEy AT at LAW pecry feery annei anne next licit door to chimber chamber of 0 Com commorice morce M U anah R w farl faris TOSH TUSH FARIS cini CEVIL afi plan ans specifications and catl mateie pre re pared on nl work r I 1 I 1 maan op plat tracing III aill prints etc ete eio executed on short bocce noti obice zia 2118 washingto avenue KIMBALL A ALLISON ArTOR A KT AT LAW officio over utah national bank avenue and two twenty U aj fourth t d r if H MEDICAL DIA CARD 8 T A cottingham COTTI COTT NaHAM INGRAM M D rig A AKO offer offers his hl lonal services to the citi fens not of and SPec specific ifil attention given to bargery Bur Suri gery gry Dis discasey casel of bomea diseases ot of the Kc ciuro diseases of the genito urinary orva I 1 1 I 1 ot of the E ear ar NOB throat and cheat chest allica aucelli aa L 21 promptly attended either in general or kopoc I 1 practice consultation lre free office OMOO 11 twenty fourth artt I 1 I 1 W R 0 r 0 a E EKLY zb Y OF or I 1 D DB 01 glenwood aa b 1 i V c colorado borow 1 T amfilo fo 10 twenty teny t 3 1 t ir 0 ogden eal 1 U uton 1 1 1 dr pr W ame ai neron ron hai as ado 4 1 1 ft ty of 01 cl |